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Truly Tragic

robomanroboman Member Posts: 6,436
edited February 2004 in General Discussion


"The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long..."


  • robomanroboman Member Posts: 6,436
    edited November -1
  • kuhlewulfkuhlewulf Member Posts: 591 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It is tragic. So many are slaughtered in Africa for no real reason. Often the people killed had no opinion or connection to the "reason" anyway. I have seen stories and pics of villages that were decimated by crazed attackers armed with hatchets and machetes. Very gruesome and sad. If the population were allowed to be armed imagine the difference? At least then both sides would have an equal footing and random massacres would not be a common thing.

    Makes you glad to be here, doesn't it?

    Do your troops train with live cobras? ROYAL THAI ARMY DOES!
  • robomanroboman Member Posts: 6,436
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by kuhlewulf
    It is tragic. So many are slaughtered in Africa for no real reason. Often the people killed had no opinion or connection to the "reason" anyway. I have seen stories and pics of villages that were decimated by crazed attackers armed with hatchets and machetes. Very gruesome and sad. If the population were allowed to be armed imagine the difference? At least then both sides would have an equal footing and random massacres would not be a common thing.

    Makes you glad to be here, doesn't it?

    Makes me wonder what kind of a world we live in...[V]


    "The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long..."
  • FrogdogFrogdog Member Posts: 2,912 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    This is very troubling to me -- my wife parents are in Uganda til the end of this week. Hopefully these attacks are isolated in the north. Very sad.
  • ndbillyndbilly Member Posts: 1,573 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sometimes you have to wonder if self-determination is always the answer.
  • mark christianmark christian Member Posts: 24,453 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It is a sad fact of life Rory that the world is filled with such tragidies, often on a daily basis and most never surface in the major media. My own travels through Yugoslavia showed me exactly what can happen when two groups who once lived side by side suddenly chose to begin an orgy of hate. For years two families may have lived side by side and then one morning someone in the first family simply decided that there was no room for his neighbor because he was now considered an outsider, even though that family had lived there for generations. I am speaking of the oppression of the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo but Croatia or Bosnia were indentical situations.

    What you are seeing roboman are problems which have long existed and will probably never be solved in my lifetime. These will soon become the problems that folks your own age are going to have to deal with and make foreign policy decissions on...and pay for with your tax dollars! I suggest to you and all the folks your age that you get out and see some of the world in order to understand what life is like beyond the peace, safety and security of the United States (9-11 excepted). I know quite a few people who are always the first to scream about this or that foreign policy and how wrong it is when in fact these guys think an overseas trip is going to Maui! I know you want ao buy a LOT of guns roboman but I suggest you do some traveling first because you'll always have money but will never have such amounts of free time again to trek around the world. I'll wager that lots of our well traveled GB members did the bulk of their explorations at Uncle Sam's expense while serving in the military in their youth. Most would like to go back to those same places today but just can't find the time; what with the job, the wife, and the kids. Get out there roboman!

    Mark T. Christian
  • robomanroboman Member Posts: 6,436
    edited November -1
    Mark, I've been fortunate enough to have a mother that enojys travel and loves to take me along. I visited Morocco in February of 2001 and it was a real eye-opener for me. I'm glad I visited when I did seeing that it could be a lot less safe and comforting to go these now (especially after the terrorist bombings in Casablanca). I went to Scotland in the summer of 2002 and that was a heck of a lot of fun. I enjoyed how the sun wouldn't set until 10PM [:)]. I plan to travel extensively when I have the money and time [^].


    "The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long..."
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