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More on terrorist attack...

Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
May 30, 2009

Suspects in Zahedan terror attack arrested
Tehran Times Political Desk

ZAHEDAN -- The governor of Sistan-Baluchestan Province has announced that the culprits behind Thursday's deadly terrorist attack on a mosque in Zahedan have been arrested.

"A terrorist team that orchestrated the blast was arrested, and they are being interrogated," Ali Mohammad Azad told reporters on Friday during a visit to the injured in a hospital.

Twenty-five people were martyred by a bomb blast that occurred on Thursday in the Ali ibn Abi Taleb mosque in Zahedan, a city near the border with Pakistan.

The attack took place during evening prayers on a public holiday marking the anniversary of the death of the daughter of Prophet Mohammad (S), Fatima (SA).

Fifteen of the victims died at the scene and ten more succumbed to their injuries later in hospital.

According to the ISNA news agency, about 182 people were injured in the huge blast. The news agency said 87 persons who suffered minor injuries were later released from hospitals.

A four-year old child was among the injured.

"After the necessary investigations, the members of this terrorist group will receive the appropriate" punishment, the governor told reporters.

According to Iran's IRIB, the Jundollah terrorist group claimed responsibility for the mosque bombing in a telephone call from its spokesman, Abdul Ra'ouf, to the office of the Al Arabiya network in Pakistan.

Iran blames U.S., Israel for mosque attack

Tehran's interim Friday prayers leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami, has blamed the United States and Israel for the cowardly terrorist attack.

The terrorist attack was carried out by the "evil Salafists" but the U.S. and Israel "undoubtedly" masterminded the incident, he told worshipers at Friday prayers in Tehran.

Interior Minister Sadeq Mahsouli also said Israel and the U.S. were behind the act.

"The terrorist agents are neither Shia nor Sunni; they are Americans and Israelis," the interior minister said at Friday prayers in Tehran.

Mahsouli asserted that the terrorist attack was meant to undermine Iran's upcoming presidential election.

Khatami said, "We should be careful about the enemies' conspiracies meant to create discord between Shias and Sunnis."

Khatami also gave reassurances that the criminals behind the act would soon be brought to justice.

MP Hossein-Ali Shahryari, who represents Zahedan in the Majlis, called the attack a "shocking crime" which is not compatible with any religion or humanitarian principles
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