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I've got a fresh perspective now...

orca44magorca44mag Member Posts: 690 ✭✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Yesterday at the range I happened to meet 3 Britains who were in town to tour some local RV (recreational vehicle) manufacturers. They were culling ideas to take home and possibly incorporate into European RV's.
We hadn't been talking very long before all of them mentioned how in love they were with the U.S. citing our freedoms, the beauty of our landscape and most importantly, how inexpensive things are. They were all ready for a chance to live here.
After our talk, I've come to realize, without ever having lived anywhere but in the states, how good we have it. True, we have to work for it, and work to keep it, but we HAVE it, where many do not.


  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    Through a complex series of events, my 21 year old Daughter has become engaged to a Brit. In the last 6 months he has spent a total of 5 weeks living in our home.

    The first full day he was here, I took him to Portland, Orygun's largest gun show. As we walked in the door, he was stunned to see a prominant display of a .30 Browning air-cooled machine gun on a tripod mount - FOR SALE!! He asked what you had to do to buy it, and I told him that basically you had to not be a criminal and have the money. This completely floored him. The show had about 1300 tables and he spent the next 6 hours in jaw-dropped awe, handling firearms and talking to people.

    The next day we drove up some forest service roads about 20 minutes from my place, pulled off the road and shot all of my meager collection of weapons. His favorites were my Hi-Power and Mini-14. Again, he was shocked by the freedom we had to do this. He was also pretty astonished that I had a CCW, and could carry any handgun just about anywhere.

    He and my daughter have decided to marry and live in the States as soon as she graduates from college in June.

    He will be giving up a very well paid, high tech job there to live here. I'm sure you'll see him on GB with the handle we've given him -"foreign boy".

    He has given me a "fresh perspective" on how much I value our Freedoms.

    Oh, yeah... he bought a couple of suits at Men's Warehouse.

    God Bless America and...
    NEVER Forget WACO
    NEVER, EVER Forget 911
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