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Favorite Variety of Apple?

SkyWatcherSkyWatcher Member Posts: 1,571 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Tried a new variety of apple today called Fortune - sticker says it was grown in New York at Fowler Farms. This is now on my favorites list. I love apples, and up until this point my favorite has been Braeburn, tied with (fresh-from-the-tree) Golden Delicious, but this one is on my list now.

Just curious what some of you favor in the way of apple varieties? My wife have thrown around the idea of raising apples commercially over the past couple of years, so my inquiry is a little selfish, but I really am curious to know. According to all the published statistics, Red Delicious is by far the favored apple in the US, but I just don't understand why, when there are plenty of other superior varieties IMO.

Oh yeah, forgot to add that these suckers were BIG - weighed in at about .75 pounds each. I bought four apples and they were over 3 pounds all together - almost too big for my pocket knife.

To whom much is given, much is expected.


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