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Apology for Rosie

jpwolfjpwolf Member Posts: 9,164
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Rosie, I would like to apologize for personally denegrating you in the previous posting. It was stupid, childish, and accomplished nothing. I was compelled to defend myself because I do not lie. I hate liars. What I said was fact. If you or anyone else do not believe me, that is your prerogative. I am not here to "impress" anybody. And there is really no need to defend myself either. What would be the point? It's a dsicussion forum where hardly anybody knows anybody else personally, but is for the purpose of "friendly" discussion. That is my primary reason for being here, to discuss gun, and gun rights, and have friendly conversation with good like minded people. I guess I kind of lost my temper,maybe I had the right, but again, I apologize. I'm sure you are a fine supervisor.

BTW, I tried to post this in the original thread, but seconds after I did, it was poofed. It posted, I went back to edit, clicked to post changes, and it said "no longer in database", so I just put it here.

"If there must be trouble let it be in my day, that my child may have peace" -Thomas Paine

If the people have become so apathetic that they will not vote out all the liberal scum (republican and democrat alike), the only solution is Constitutional Convention II the sequel. Let's get it right this time.


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