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DC gun ban
Member Posts: 168,427 ✭
Is unconstitutional and americans have the right to own guns for self defense ..
-- Action now needed in the U.S. Senate
Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thank you so much for your activism!
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives opted to pass Representative Childers' D.C. gun ban repeal instead of the anti-gun bill sponsored by Del.Eleanor Holmes Norton -- which would have allowed D.C. to continue enacting gun control.
The bill now goes to the Senate, but unless there is a ton of pressure put on Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), the bill will languish in committee.
Thankfully, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) is spearheading an effort to get a vote on the House-passed bill. She is asking her fellow Senators to cosponsor a letter which she will then deliver to Sen. Reid.
The Hutchison letter points out that, "In DC v. Heller, the court affirmed that the District of Columbia's ban on ownership of handguns was an unconstitutional restriction on that right."
After noting that D.C. has continued to deprive its residents of their Second Amendment rights for more than 30 years, the letter asks Sen. Reid "to ensure that D.C. residents do not have to wait any longer to realize their constitutional rights by allowing the full Senate to consider H.R. 6842 before the 110th Congress concludes."
(Norton's bill was the original HR 6842, but it now contains the Childers pro-gun language instead -- thanks in no small part to your efforts.)
There are not many days left before Congress recesses for the remainder of the year, and Sen. Reid is expected to try to run out the clock on the D.C. repeal bill. That's why it's important to act quickly and contact your own two U.S. Senators.
This is the last chance we have this year to put some teeth into the Supreme Court's decision in Heller. Gun Owners of America will score the signing of this letter in its upcoming congressional rating.
ACTION: Please contact your two Senators and ask them to cosign the Hutchison letter to Senator Reid. You can visit the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send your Senators the pre-written e-mail message below. And, you can call your Senators at
202-224-3121 or toll-free at 1-877-762-8762.
Pre-written letter
Dear Senator:
I was happy to see that the House of Representatives voted for the Childers substitute language which will repeal the D.C. gun ban (HR 6842).
I recognize that there is not much time left in the legislative session, and so I hope you will do everything in your power to pressure Majority Leader Harry Reid to bring up HR 6842 for a vote.
Hence, I urge you to cosign by Friday the Hutchison letter which urges Reid "to ensure that D.C. residents do not have to wait any longer to realize their constitutional rights by allowing the full Senate to consider H.R. 6842 before the 110th Congress concludes."
Gun Owners of America will score the signing of this letter in its upcoming congressional rating. Please let me know how you intend to act.
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The United States Government has filed an amicus brief in the DC Gun Ban case.
And they ask the Supreme Court to REVERSE (REVERSE!!!) the DC Circuit's invalidation of the ban.
IMO George Bush is a traitor. He sold us out to the illegals and now wants to take away a right that many men have fought, bled, and died to preserve. If we have people in Iraq/Afghanistan fighting to preserve the so called "rights" that we have here in America, and our President is trying to take away those same rights.....then wth are we having these kids killed for???
Does this mean that the DC gun-ban will be in effect again?
Trinity +++
I don't believe in electricity. But I count on it.
I've never seen gravity but I'm glad it's here.
And I reject the notion that the existence of God cannot be proven. It just can't be proven by one person to another. It has to be God convincing you.
On perfection, we are the way He intended. He didn't seek perfection in us and by golly He got what He wanted.
On the original topic, this is good to have this ruling and maybe it will lead to more good news down the road in states with gun bans. I will not hold my breath for anything truly Earth-shattering. The same old 5-4 split is anguishing. WTH is wrong with Souter, Breyer, Gunsberg and Stevens????!!!!! I cannot fathom how they think!
Of course, I am not a brain dead Commie anti-American elitist enslaver of the American people so how could I put myself their shoes? These are the same stupid, idiotic, crooked, children of unmarried parents who supported local governments seizing private property for fiscal gain.
I will not say what I really think should be done.
Too old to live...too young to die...
BTW Classic- It's a virtue if it makes you a better person which should the goal of faith. Otherwise, it's not a virtue.
I don't believe in electricity. But I count on it.
I've never seen gravity but I'm glad it's here.
And I reject the notion that the existence of God cannot be proven. It just can't be proven by one person to another. It has to be God convincing you.
On perfection, we are the way He intended. He didn't seek perfection in us and by golly He got what He wanted.
On the original topic, this is good to have this ruling and maybe it will lead to more good news down the road in states with gun bans. I will not hold my breath for anything truly Earth-shattering. The same old 5-4 split is anguishing. WTH is wrong with Souter, Breyer, Gunsberg and Stevens????!!!!! I cannot fathom how they think!
Of course, I am not a brain dead Commie anti-American elitist enslaver of the American people so how could I put myself their shoes? These are the same stupid, idiotic, crooked, children of unmarried parents who supported local governments seizing private property for fiscal gain.
I will not say what I really think should be done.
+1 respect point [;)]
Your post is your opinion. I prefer to look at things with open eyes not blinded by superstition..
Go answer these questions then get back to me with your preaching..
No sermon from me, only a couple statements of opinion. You posted the same in your signature for all to see so don't gripe when I respond with my opinion. Don't want my opinion? Then don't post provocative statements.
"Your post is your opinion. I prefer to look at things with open eyes not blinded by superstition." You make it sound like your position is fact and not opinion. Sorry Charlie, can't dismiss others point of view that way. Your position is ALSO opinion as nobody knows the truth. All we have is what we believe and insulting others with terms like "superstition" is beneath a worthy debate.
Yada yada yada, the beat goes on.
Too old to live...too young to die...
Again if you cant answer the questions posed in the site I quoted, dont preach until you know the answers..Thanks Dont use the same old dodgeing the questions like the rest do.. See if you can think for yourself and answer the questions..
I can also see you dont have a clue as to what the signature line questions??
Like I said, either you believe or you do not. I'm not preaching. I don't care to preach because I don't care to try to sway you or anyone else. You believe as you see fit. You don't believe in a God. Fine by me. That's your right. You oppose religion. More power to you. I never thought that organized religion has all the answers, myself. That's why I don't belong to any one Church.
I attend church a few times a year and I go to different ones. Since August I have attended services in a Jewish Synagogue, a Catholic church (I was very disappointed to realize that parishioners face west rather than east in this church and that's against 2,000 years of tradition) and a Greek Orthodox church.
Calling my belief in God "superstition" is insulting. I fully respect and support your right to not believe, why do you insist on challenging my right to accept the existence of God?
Too old to live...too young to die...
This is a temporary pass.
4 MEMBERS OF THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, who are sworn to uphold and protect the constitution voted in favor of government managed tyranny.
Amazing, this is being called a WIN. 4 people who should care about nothing except the sanctity of the country voted to sell you down the river, and now, here we are, Joe American gun owner who is happier than a pig in s-h-*-t because of it.