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What's Bush doing now?

footlongfootlong Member Posts: 8,009
edited June 2009 in General Discussion .

News Week ran this story on "OUR" President Bush.
They mentioned that neither HE nor his staff would co-operate with them on the article.

I wonder WHY[?]

GOOD for HIM[^]


  • ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1
    Without having read the article, I would imagine he's just relieved to not be Commander in Chief anymore.

    Perks aside, I can't imagine it's a fun responsibility to have.
  • sarge_3adsarge_3ad Member Posts: 8,387 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Who cares what he is doing. He done enough when he was in office, by trampling on our Constitution and taking away more of our individual liberties. He should be in prison for what he has done to this country.
  • ripley16ripley16 Member Posts: 4,834
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by sarge_3ad
    Who cares what he is doing. He done enough when he was in office, by trampling on our Constitution and taking away more of our individual liberties. He should be in prison for what he has done to this country.

    Which liberty did he take from you sarge_3ad?
  • footlongfootlong Member Posts: 8,009
    edited November -1
    Rip-bOzo's gonna take sarge's COLA from him an prolly those VA bennys to an give em to ACORN[:0]
  • Don McManusDon McManus Member Posts: 23,637 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    He is doing what an ex-president should do. He is keeping out of the limelight. He ought to tell Cheney to STFU.
    Freedom and a submissive populace cannot co-exist.

    Brad Steele
  • AlpineAlpine Member Posts: 15,093 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by sarge_3ad
    Who cares what he is doing. He done enough when he was in office, by trampling on our Constitution and taking away more of our individual liberties. He should be in prison for what he has done to this country.

    If you think THAT about him, just wait and see what you have to say about Obama!
    ?The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.?
    Margaret Thatcher

    "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
    Mark Twain
  • nunnnunn Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 36,062 ******
    edited November -1
    I like President Bush, but I am darn glad I don't live in the Dallas neighborhood where he bought a home.
  • telohftelohf Member Posts: 912 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I cant stand these * that complain about all the things the former president did to take away rights but cant articulate 1 fact! they just like to * and complain but never offer anything other than that! Beside how can one protect this country and still protect all your "precious" rights? It wont happen. The Obamanation is taking away more civil liberties/rights and freedoms than ALL of our previous elected officials combined!!!
  • scottm21166scottm21166 Member Posts: 20,723
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by sarge_3ad
    Who cares what he is doing. He done enough when he was in office, by trampling on our Constitution and taking away more of our individual liberties. He should be in prison for what he has done to this country.

    he didn't take away any of mine....I bet none of my calls were monitored, I didn't have a big tax bill. nope I felt prtty good about it till the democrats"housing for everyone" policies blew up
  • KSUmarksmanKSUmarksman Member Posts: 10,705 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by thermonuclear
    I kinda felt he did us gun owners a favor letting that silly gun ban law that Clinton signed into law expire. I am damn proud to pay $12 for 30 rnd ar mags again! I even enjoy my 31 rnd glock mags too. And I more so enjoy the extra money that I still have in the bank because these mags are not $100 freakin bucks a pop!

    I think you were speaking of Clinton, not Bush.

    did he veto it??

    my understanding is that CONGRESS let it lapse, the president had no power to extend the AWB or veto it at that stage...
  • nemesisenforcernemesisenforcer Member Posts: 10,513 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by sarge_3ad
    Who cares what he is doing. He done enough when he was in office, by trampling on our Constitution and taking away more of our individual liberties. He should be in prison for what he has done to this country.

    good think you voted for Obama. Now all our troubles are solved.
  • nemesisenforcernemesisenforcer Member Posts: 10,513 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ElMuertoMonkey
    Without having read the article, I would imagine he's just relieved to not be Commander in Chief anymore.

    Perks aside, I can't imagine it's a fun responsibility to have.

    But the perks ARE pretty awesome I would imagine.
  • fideaufideau Member Posts: 11,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yeah, he took away your right to be blown to hell by some flea bitten camel humping goat breath scum sucking Muslim. Don't worry, when O'Stalin gets through there will be some bombing, and you won't have the money, the gas or the vehicle to get out of town.
  • RtWngExtrmstRtWngExtrmst Member Posts: 7,456
    edited November -1
    I pretty sure he's laughing his * off.
  • MosinNagantDiscipleMosinNagantDisciple Member Posts: 2,612
    edited November -1
    Hopefully he is consumed with guilt over the tens of thousands of lives he ended, and the many more he ruined with his idiotic, unnecessary war. I hope he rots in Texas and we never hear from him again.
  • stetsonstetson Member Posts: 84 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    President Bush had more crises throw at him in his first term than most Presidents get in two terms. It's a hypocrisy to read criticism on any former President unless they are morally corrupt and we had one of them !
    Under President Bush I got two rebate checks,he protected the unborn
    fetus and above all my 2and amendment rights were strengthen under his watch.Another thing he didn't go apologizing to countries for past actions or policies.He kept us arms length from UN which is good thing in my book.The problem with the free world -mainly members of the UN,European Union,and vanquished enemies of WWII don't
    want to pay for the cost of protecting their borders or their neighbors.They always look to us and we can no longer can afford to pay for it!If you think our new President walks on water give him a year or two or wait until he's a lame duck president when he can't be
    voted out of office ,then you'll see his real colors surface! History will be kind to President Bush as he made right decisions most of the time even though they where not popular with the voters.
  • footlongfootlong Member Posts: 8,009
    edited November -1

    Mosey-I think you should watch this. Its from a thread thay fish wrote to piggie.

    It proves that Clinton is the"ONE" with the blood on his hands for not stopping Bin Laden when he was CIC
  • COLTCOLT Member Posts: 12,637 ******
    edited November -1
    ...He was watching PaPa Bush jump with the Golden Knights yesterday on PaPa Bushs 85th.

    ...Repub Senate KEPT the AWB from going to the floor for a vote, to AVOID Bush from having to make the choice of veto or not to veto...a smart political move, for once; yes, it still had to be signed or vetoed.

    Yep, I sure as hell feel better now that Barrack Hussein Insane is Prez...doesn't everyone?...[xx(]

  • lindalecowboylindalecowboy Member Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    sort of took a cheap shot and split didn't he????? I'll be the first to say he disappointed me in a lot of late decisions while he was trying to keep the peace. But NOBODY can fault the man for keeping the terrorists busy at THEIR house and off ours.

    Yes, he made some mistakes, but put yourself in his place and give yourself the same congress he had to work with and the same pressures and then grade how he did.

    I don't approve of all his work but I do say overall he gets a passing grade in my book. Especially how he stood up for and behind our troops.. Yes, he did send them into harms way and I don't personally give a big damn about any WMD's, Hussein himself was a weapon of mass destruction and he's no longer killing people is he???

    I have deep sorrow in my heart for each and every one of our brave young soldiers who have died in these desert wars but folks, don't kid yourself, they were far too busy running to try to start any more crap on our soil.

    I'm kind of like the old farmer that everybody liked to second guess and take cheap shots at for all his fancy trucks and high dollar homes..... when he said, "when you talk crap to me don't do it with your mouth full......".

    When you want to cheap shot ole GW, just don't do it outside your shelter from terrorists.

    sorry, off the box, your turn now.
  • Lucky_LeftyLucky_Lefty Member Posts: 7,971
    edited November -1
    Hes haughing at us now. He did nothing bad by me. He signed into act the railroad retirement act where I can retire at 60 instead of 65 and made it so I am vested after 5 years instead of 10.
  • MarnerMarner Member Posts: 2,977
    edited November -1
  • pietro75pietro75 Member Posts: 7,048
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by MosinNagantDisciple
    Hopefully he is consumed with guilt over the tens of thousands of lives he ended, and the many more he ruined with his idiotic, unnecessary war. I hope he rots in Texas and we never hear from him again.

    tens of thousands? get your facts straight.

    Nearly twice as many military personel and civilians died during B. Clintons riegn of power than GWB presidency due to war and conflict.
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