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Da-TankDa-Tank Member Posts: 3,718 ✭✭
edited May 2006 in General Discussion
I read that they are going to cut pay to vets. who are disabled, if they are getting social security disablity. I paid in for 56 years and 12 years while I was in the army. Nam from '65-'68 I'm listed by VA as 130% disabled. I think I earned what I get. most likely I earned more, but then I forgot I didn't sneak in to the U.S.A. and am using up all the money in ss. I think I would get mad but then I'd have to quit taking my meds for a week. Hot Dang maybe they'll cut VA so I get no meds and then what happens will be their own fault. Yeah, thats my story and I'm sticking to it.[^]


  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    I feel your pain Tank...or at least some of it. I'm glad that you've been able to get some of what you've earned though.

    As for the drugs, that's about all the VA wants to do for vets. I could start a pharmacy with all the pills they have put me on. I refuse to take most of them. Seems like all they want to do is dope you up until you pass on... Several of the meds they've put me on, could have been very detrimental to my long term health.

    It makes a service connected vet pretty proud to think we are spending our money on illegals...instead of vets...NOT![V]
  • zipperzapzipperzap Member Posts: 25,057
    edited November -1
    "Has gone" implies that there was a time that they weren't
    'mad'. Take a long hard look in the retrospect.[:D]
  • spasmcreekspasmcreek Member Posts: 37,717 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    i am of the opinion that voters should remove from office any politician that shorts vets on benefits.. any jerk that favors non-citizens over american veterans should be eliminated from public service & his or her guaranteed bennies be rescinded
  • victorlvlbvictorlvlb Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November -1
    I like spasmcreek
  • spryorspryor Member Posts: 9,155
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by spasmcreek
    i am of the opinion that voters should remove from office any politician that shorts vets on benefits.. any jerk that favors non-citizens over american veterans should be eliminated from public service & his or her guaranteed bennies be rescinded

    Good idea but I doubt it happens. I also have to wonder just how much good our vote counts.
    Think about it, I've seen politicians in office that no one I know will admit voting for. You see things passed, almost daily, that no one in their right mind would've voted for.
  • sig232sig232 Member Posts: 8,018
    edited November -1
    We are all in agreement here. Its hard to understand how our loyal leaders can view veterns second to the scum from Mexico. It makes me crazy. I want to vote all the senators out of office, but of course, have no power to do so. I wonder what is going on in their brains that lead them to the decisions that they are currently cheering about. The nuts are in charge of the looney bin!
  • yawarakaiyawarakai Member Posts: 2,688 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Da-Tank
    I read that they are going to cut pay to vets. who are disabled, if they are getting social security disablity. I paid in for 56 years and 12 years while I was in the army. Nam from '65-'68 I'm listed by VA as 130% disabled. I think I earned what I get. most likely I earned more, but then I forgot I didn't sneak in to the U.S.A. and am using up all the money in ss. I think I would get mad but then I'd have to quit taking my meds for a week. Hot Dang maybe they'll cut VA so I get no meds and then what happens will be their own fault. Yeah, thats my story and I'm sticking to it.[^]

    Yup the leadership(?) of the U.S.A. is nuts. My dad worked a public job long enough for the benifits from that and gets a small pension from it. He also worked regular jobs for years and payed into social security, but that small amount he gets from the public job gets taken out of what he gets from social security.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    This has been roumered for a long time and congress has allways voted it down. I currently draw both and have heard about this at least 4 times in the last 2 years. I don't think it would happen. But if it did start to look like a reality I personally would start some movement against it. I am a single parent supporting 2 kids off my service connected & social security and it can be hard to get by. My savings over the last few yaers has been slowly dwindleing away and when its gone I will probly be forced to go back to work as it is. Problem there is my body just can't take the exertion that I have to put out in my line of work that I did for 16 years without my eating pain pills like they are candy. That is why I had to stop working in the first place. I would rather work, but the price I pay is to high with all the pain I go through.
  • bartobarto Member Posts: 4,734 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    How in hell does one become "130%" disabled, may I ask?
    Must be twins?
  • Red223Red223 Member Posts: 7,946
    edited November -1
    * r done,

    how on earth did you get the VA to prescribe Pain pills? All of the VA doctors I've seen said they have never nor will ever prescribe any pain pills. VA policy.

    My father in law had cancer and his legs were black...dead. He screamed for pain pills and all the VA would give him are roxicet.

    The military prescribed me drugs 2x as powerful for a broken back until I was out of there hands.

    Then I got to meet the wonderful folks at the VA and find out they only prescribe liver/kidney destroying medications.
  • Da-TankDa-Tank Member Posts: 3,718 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    130% disabled is determined by the disability you have. 70% for this 20% for that and 30 % for that and 10% for another something.
    OH and by the way all you guys who are on disability if your not 100% or higher keep filing. They can never knock you down but they can give you a higher %. You will not get any more money after 70% but the treatment is better. (oops I did not mean to tell the big secret, but they are cutting back on all non 100%+ers) You only have to set back and watch quietly. Latest thing is if you get a fenely charge or intutionized(sp) you LOOSE all VA bennys. Started 1 May this year.
    Remember Ronald Regan the great actor? Well as Presedent he signed a bill closing down 33 VA hospitals. Damn non vets should not be aloud to mess with the VA. Bush is NG not a vet. 90% of congress didn't fight in any war. Nor the house, nor the S. court. Burns me up.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Red223
    * r done,

    how on earth did you get the VA to prescribe Pain pills? All of the VA doctors I've seen said they have never nor will ever prescribe any pain pills. VA policy.

    My father in law had cancer and his legs were black...dead. He screamed for pain pills and all the VA would give him are roxicet.

    The military prescribed me drugs 2x as powerful for a broken back until I was out of there hands.

    Then I got to meet the wonderful folks at the VA and find out they only prescribe liver/kidney destroying medications.

    Just got to get the right doctor. I cam get vicodine like it is candy from the VA. I hate takeing it so I only refill about once every 4 or 5 months. I have about 5lbs of metal in me holding my bones together and an ankle that the bone is deteriorating so bad that they are going to end up fuseing it evetually. And also have no cartlage left in either of my knees so I am rubbing bone to bone there. I guess they figure I am that bad off that I need them because most people I have talked to say the same thing as you.
  • Red223Red223 Member Posts: 7,946
    edited November -1

    The military gave me that crap for awhile, that drug had absolutely no effect on me.
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