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Boogs Redneck First Aid Dog Story

boogerbooger Member Posts: 1,457 ✭✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Our 11 year old over-grown, 110lb, Golden Retriever had a large tumor removed from his hip last week and dogs being dogs he can't stop messing with the spot and pulled out a stitch or two. The wife is upset on several different levels about this, so we've tried various bandages, sprays, and adhesive stuff to keep the wound manageable since he's now inside but nothing has worked longer than ten minutes. She's convinced we need to go back to the vet so he can "do something". I'm used to dog problems but I can tell the wife won't be happy until we take the dog back for a looksee. If we don't go this Saturday a.m., we'll be in a work week jam.

Before we begin the 30 mile trip I come to the only wound solution that made sense to me. I grab a tampon and duct tape and proceed to patch up the dog. The wife is now aghast at the whole situation and begins to chatter. "What will the vet think?" "Oh my god I don't believe this." I reply in my most understanding manner "Shut up and drive".

So there we are in the vet waiting room with other folks. My dog has an ugly shaved butt with my duct tape/tampon combo stuck on him. My wife is trying to pretend that she's not with me. Heck, I'm proud of my handiwork and so far it's been the only thing that has worked. The vet gives his approval, tells the wife not to worry the dog's wound is healing and everythings normal.

Now I'm going to market my invention as the "Redneck First Aid Kit", a roll of duct tape and some tampons.[:D]

Them ducks is wary.


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