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Originally posted by gonepostal
I see no reason to become a victim of road rage ,you never know who the other person is ,you never know what they have or what they are on ,I have a reason to live ,and don't know if they do
I did get rear ended once at 65 mph ,it was a must pull over situation ,after I observed the guy ,and there was no real damage done ,he got cocky , so I knocked him unconscious ,and he fell down a looong ditch ,but I was young and not a father then
Got a good chuckle out of that part about knocking him into a looong ditch Mr. Postal![:D]
I got a ticket for "following too closely" once. I was on a motorcycle and was behind a ND HP in a construction zone on US-2. There was a bad storm ahead and I really would've liked to beat it and get hunkered down somewhere.
Anyhow, I checked every mile to make sure I was two seconds behind him, but after a few miles he let off the gas and, as soon as we were an inch closer together than two seconds, he pulled me over and wrote me a ticket.
Then, he let me go and let a few cars past him. Those cars proceeded to tailgait right up on my rear wheel for the next 20 miles. You tell me which is safer, officer: me riding behind you by 1.9 seconds, or people who can't even see me riding my @$$. Evidently, it's only illegal to follow a cop too closely in ND.
I hate tailgaters. I was in a wreck because of one once - the second day I had my Trans Am, the traffic all the sudden stopped on I-25 south of Denver. I hit my brakes and knew I could stop in time not to hit the car I'd been following, so I checked my rear-view mirror and the woman behind me had no chance, so I swerved into a 1985 Peterbilt. The car behind me actually hit the car ahead of me, so it's good I got out of there, but if the woman behind me hadn't been tailgating the whole thing wouldn't have happened.
I always just slow down until they get so ticked off that they can't handle it anymore, and then I usually use 'em as a lead car. [}:)]
For some reason, here in my Missouri, when I am in my Japanese car, a Mazda, I get tailgated a lot, an awful lot. It is usually by some guy in a Ford pickup...even when I do 5 to 10 miles over the limit. And around here, there are lots of radar traps, except when someone is on my but. I mean, when they are on your bumper at 50 miles an hour...Anyway, I thought about hitting the brakes. But last year I was involved in a collision in my wife's little car. The Chevrolet truck had nary a scratch. My wife's car was totaled!!! When I discovered how little the insurance company will pay for a 5 year old car, low miles in perfect shape, I was shocked! In addition, I was involved in my first road rage incident (posted last year about the nut in the Chevy Suburban) who ran a red light in front of the rental I had just picked up because my wife's car was gone, I hit the horn to say hay watch out, he chased me, tried to ram me several times, got out at a light and attacked the car in a blind rage, and went nuts. The police told me if I had jumped out to "confront" this raving maniac, we both would have been arrested!!!!!!!!!!
I seldom honk, I don't tailgate, I cut people some slack when they pull out in front of me and don't see me, don't chase people or yell at them, don't flip people off, and or any of that. But I drive an old car, can't afford a new one right now, and can't afford some idiot tail gater running into me. I was thinking about rigging up one of those windshield wiper bottles under the bumper............with essence of skunk p*%# to spray at them. I have other ideas but they involve activities that the law might look askance at (and I didn't even get to the women in SUV's usually blond for some reason, on the phone, running the lights through intersections all the time. God help you motorcyclists!)
This doesn't seem to happen when I am in my 66 Plymouth Fury...
I am 49 years old and have lived and driven in many states including California (10 years). It seems to me that people take more offense, cut each other less slack, and are out looking for fights more these days than ever before. I have several non-lethal "defense modules" in my car. I never look for trouble but have had similar incidents as well. Be careful.
For me its almost running 50/50. Its usually a woman in a sedan and the second most frequent violator is some guy in a pickup truck.
Not to get something started, but have you ever had the experience of trying to pass a woman and she speeds up? Happened to me all the time in California. My female friends told me that they sped up when a man tried to pass them because they didn't know what he was trying to do to them!
Putting the power-window down on the back of my truck sometimes gets a tail-gaters attention, they don't know if something might come flying out of that rear window through their windshield. [}:)]
i usually jab the breaks enough to get the front end to dive a bit, and then downshift and floor it... never been hit but ive seen the guy behind me just about have a heart attack, wish i would get hit, fake a back injury just to bleen over the sweetie... well now that i have a new car and would rather nobody hit it i just put it in neutral and coast to a stop(if its just me and the tailgaiter), was once at a dead stop on a 55mph (wide open so no one would cream him) we were in a passing zone, but there was such heavy traffic in the other lane there was no chance, kept watching for cars behind us and no one was coming so i sat there with my parking brake on for a minute or so, then the traffic died in the opposing lane so he could now pull around me, so i got going, started really tailgating me again as we passed a cop, he got pulled over, i laughed cause i got to bleen with him and he got the ticket twas a great day [:D]
I keep a cup holder full of used 12 gauge primers in my car, a tailgater who won't go away, I open up the sunroof, toss out a handful, and proceed to not being tailgated anymore, when dozens of little pieces of steel start bouncing off the said idiots car.
The Penny idea is a good one too, I'll give it a shot sometime this week.
How different the world would be if we could consult the veteran instead of the politician. - Henry Miller
Did anyone ever consider that maybe person has just learned a loved one was in an accident or something?
Maybe their house is on fire or there's a bounced check to cover?
If they are in a hurry the best thing to do is let them pass as safely as possible. If you're in the left lane and not passing, you are an impediment to traffic anyway.
I have done the foot-tap in the past, but after considering the time I would waste filing out an accident report, the hassle, and possibly a ruined vehicle, it's no-way, no-how worth it.
There was a cowhand once who said that Shakespeare was the only poet who wrote like he'd been raised on red meat.
No man in his right mind will play with a gun. I've seen show-offs doing fancy spins and all that. No real gun-fighter ever did. With a hairtrigger, he'd be likely to blow a hole in his belly. L'Amour
Tap my brakes to send a message. If numbnuts doesn't get it, the speed drops gradually and dramatically until numbnuts backs off.[:(!][}:)]
"We become what we habitually do. If we act rightly, we become upright men. If we habitually act wrongly, or weakly, we become weak and corrupt" - *ARISTOTLE*
**Like Grandad used to say--"It'll feel better when it quits hurtin"
I am no mechanical whiz, but here is what I would like for tailgaters:
Somewhere in the rear of the vehicle would be a reservoir containing oil. Used motor oil, kerosene, etc. Some experimentation would be in order.
There would be a solenoid-activated valve at the bottom of the reservoir. Tubing from the valve would carry the oil to a fitting on the hot exhaust pipe.
Somebody gets too close, flip the switch and smoke him out.
This would make a lot of nasty smoke and would get you some comfort room.
SIG pistol armorer/FFL Dealer/Full time Peace Officer, Moderator of General Discussion Board on Gunbroker. Visit the best gun auction site on the Net! Email
quote:Originally posted by wundudnee
I have had two people this week that seemed hooked to me with a chain. I usually just kick the cruise control off and let my truck coast until they get so bored they pass. One young girl wouldn't quit so I just pulled off on the nice gravel shoulder at about 65 M.P.H.
She backed right off. I really don't think she realized what she was doing.
That's what I do.
I just take my foot off the gas; as we both slow down invariably the tailgater (who is usually impatient) just pulls into another lane and passes me. Good riddance, no harm done.
I've done this many times and never had to decelerate below 50 before the tailgater got the message and did this.
If someone behind me is flashing, or its obvious they are tailgating because they have a hot nut to pass me, I'll always let them pass if I can do it safely. That's the best thing ever. . .they can rush ahead, flush out the cops and get the speeding ticket instead of me.
This has never actually happened to me, but if somebody were persistently and creepily tailgating me even if I changed lanes or slowed down, I would note their license number, take the next exit, and either lose them that way, or if they maintained following me despite exiting, proceed immediately into a highly public place, and summon the police.
Things I personally wouldn't do are pull over onto the side of the road (why make myself more of a target?), slam on the brakes (I figure anyone stupid enough to tailgate me, is also stupid enough to hit me) or allow them to follow me to my destination (particularly if it is my home).
Life's too short, pull over and let the said idiot hit someone else. Our sport has enough problems without a car sporting NRA, Pro Gun, Hunting, etc. stickers throwing stuff out the window potentially causing an accident and killing someone besides the tailgating idiot. My 2 cents(or primers or nuts or washers).
"Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA-- ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns doesn't serve the State." Heinrich Himmler.
As long as the badge doesn't represent you as a LEO, you are OK. From a distance, though, you can't read the inscription.
I used to drive a Crown-Vic---kept a blue coffee mug on the seat next to me. If I needed some "space," I just put that blue coffee mug up on my dash.
It looks so official, you will get lots of respect, and what's nice is that even if you get pulled over by a real cop, you just play dumb.
Be surprised how well it works.
As for the tailgaters, I drove a truck for many years. Best solution for a tailgater, especially for one who won't pass was to put my right wheels way out on the shoulder and kick up road-debris. LOL, if it was a dirt or gravel shoulder, the tailgater got the message really quick!!
I know of many motorcycle riders who carry a pocketful of glass marbles just for tailgaters. Grab a handful, toss em over your shoulder, and they bounce about windshield high---works wonders.
Gotta be careful, though, lotta armed crazies out there now-a-days who think nothing of shooting a person for even the slightest insult, so I'm not officially endorsing any type of punitive action.
Funny this topic came up...
Today, I was driving to one of my home visits. I was making a left turn, and approaching from the right turn lane was a car with it's right turn signal on. Now, this car was a good 50 yards from the intersection, so I made my turn first.
I thought nothing of it, and pulled up next to the curb to park. I have a habit of looking in my rearview mirror to check for oncoming traffic before I open my door, when what to my surprise, "the car" is parked directly behind me, the female driver obviousely intending to "send me a message", although I'm unclear what the message exactly was, because as I got out of my car, she suddenly and dramatically spun it into reverse, then drive, and off she went.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it that the former does not submit to hereditary predjudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - Albert E.
On my tombstone:"Keep you eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel..."the Lizard King
The scariest tailgaters are 18-wheelers. Most truck drivers know better than to get that close to you -- they can't out-stop a car -- but occasionally you get one who will ride your bumber at 70 mph. When this happens, I get out of the way ASAP.
It's not a good idea to stomp on your brakes or do something that could result in an accident or fight. The best thing to do is tap your breaks (just enough to make your brake lights come on). If the tailgater doesn't get it, slow down to let him pass. This will often get the person to go around you, which is what you want -- it's not safe to have someone driving on your bumper.
However, a lot of tailgaters simply won't get it, no matter how clear your message is. As NGOG_NRYTHRNG pointed out, most tailgaters don't realize that they're doing anything wrong. They have no concept of stopping distance or following safely. For these people, the best thing to do is just to get out of the way if possible.
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants and the creed of slaves." -- William Pitt (1783)
I let them get around me when I can. The ones that get behind my big rig and draft the trailer get another kind of treatment. A little wig wag on the steering wheel will make the trailer move side to side.This makes the slip stream move side to side, and that makes them move side to side. If they still don't get the hint,I yank the trolly valve for the trailer brakes. Eight 10.00-22 tires locking up, rip up and throw alot of asphalt and tire smoke into the air. Even the dumb ones figure out it's not a safe place to be then!
LOL, Trap, I did that (Lock up the trolley-brake) on a set of doubles once, and my rear trailer changed lanes on me!! I suppose that would work if you were hauling a straight trailer and it was empty---I imagine the smoke and noise of crying tires would scare the heck out of any tailgater..
Back in the early 70's, I rode a Honda S-90 motorcycle---beautiful black and chrome thing. Speed limits were 70 them, and the only way I could go 70 on that little thing was to "draft" behind a semi. Most drivers didn't mind, I'd pull out every now and then to let them know I was still behind them.
Yeah, I was young and stupid then---I was behind a Yellow Freight truck, and didn't know what that slapping noise coming from the trailer was. Turned out the trailer was losing a re-cap, and a huge piece came loose and flew by my head!! Had it hit me, I'm sure it would have killed me. Last time I drafted behind ANY truck after that, and when I drove long-haul, I used to think about that when people drafted behind me. I didn't mind them, figured they could always stop faster than I if I ever had to slam the breaks. The biggest danger to those folks, though, were those huge tire carcasses we used to see in the 80's when all big trucks used recapped tires on their trailers.
I was running down through the San Joaquin Valley on I-5, doing a pretty good clip. It was night, and I had a small car drafting behind me. I didn't see it in time, but there was a full re-cap carcass in the middle of the lane. If I had seen it in time, I would have changed lanes to let the drafter know it was there, but since I saw it at the last second, all I could do was straddle it. Poor car behind me didn't have the same ground clearance as I did, and all I saw was spinning headlights behind me. I pulled over, ran back to see if the folks were OK, and though their car was a mess, they weren't hurt.
Saw a lot of stupid drivers when I drove a truck, but also saw a lot of good drivers out there too.
Tinman, Organ donors and speed bumps, but it's not just the 4 wheelers anymore. Lots of youngsters are driving trucks now, coming out of truck driving schools like cattle through a chute. No road courtesy and no idea how a set of doubles handles. Immigrants that can't speak english too, HTH can they read road signs?, much less the laws? And they are the reason for more restrictive laws on us, because they are the ones causing the accidents.
Gator in the granny lane! Watched a guy playing road rage games with a trucker the other day. He thought the truck cut him off, but the driver knew he was loosing a tire and was trying to get off the road. When the cap went, it took out the quarter panel and left rear tail lights on the Toyota. Justice in motion!
had you said blue, pos truck, it may have been me however I don't tailgate as that really Pi$$es me off.......quote:Originally posted by RancheroPaul
Traveling to a friend's house earlier today, I became aware of a person "tailgating" me. Every time I looked in the rearview mirror, here he was at what appeared to be an inch off my bumper! I tried to get him to pass by slowing luck! This just caused him to start weaving back and forth as if trying to see if he could pass....and he got closer, but never tried to pass.
His hair was being blown every which way by his open windows.....the front of his 15 year old sedan was missing half of the grill, one headlamp was busted out and the bumper resembled a pretzel more than a bumper.......and the car was rusty and hadn't been washed since new!
I decided to speed up and he did too until I reached 50 mph in a 35 mph zone. He only got closer...... Finally, I slowed down and turned into an unknown driveway and stopped. He went on by.......This whole deal lasted about 10 to 12 minutes. What would you do?
If You Can't Buy a Pair, Get a Spare!
JOIN PETA! (PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS) I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to have a salad and spring water!
Anyhow, I checked every mile to make sure I was two seconds behind him, but after a few miles he let off the gas and, as soon as we were an inch closer together than two seconds, he pulled me over and wrote me a ticket.
Then, he let me go and let a few cars past him. Those cars proceeded to tailgait right up on my rear wheel for the next 20 miles. You tell me which is safer, officer: me riding behind you by 1.9 seconds, or people who can't even see me riding my @$$. Evidently, it's only illegal to follow a cop too closely in ND.
I hate tailgaters. I was in a wreck because of one once - the second day I had my Trans Am, the traffic all the sudden stopped on I-25 south of Denver. I hit my brakes and knew I could stop in time not to hit the car I'd been following, so I checked my rear-view mirror and the woman behind me had no chance, so I swerved into a 1985 Peterbilt. The car behind me actually hit the car ahead of me, so it's good I got out of there, but if the woman behind me hadn't been tailgating the whole thing wouldn't have happened.
I always just slow down until they get so ticked off that they can't handle it anymore, and then I usually use 'em as a lead car. [}:)]
When a worm wants to relax,does he go fishing?
ATF,Eagle Guns
I seldom honk, I don't tailgate, I cut people some slack when they pull out in front of me and don't see me, don't chase people or yell at them, don't flip people off, and or any of that. But I drive an old car, can't afford a new one right now, and can't afford some idiot tail gater running into me. I was thinking about rigging up one of those windshield wiper bottles under the bumper............with essence of skunk p*%# to spray at them. I have other ideas but they involve activities that the law might look askance at (and I didn't even get to the women in SUV's usually blond for some reason, on the phone, running the lights through intersections all the time. God help you motorcyclists!)
This doesn't seem to happen when I am in my 66 Plymouth Fury...
I am 49 years old and have lived and driven in many states including California (10 years). It seems to me that people take more offense, cut each other less slack, and are out looking for fights more these days than ever before. I have several non-lethal "defense modules" in my car. I never look for trouble but have had similar incidents as well. Be careful.
For me its almost running 50/50. Its usually a woman in a sedan and the second most frequent violator is some guy in a pickup truck.
Not to get something started, but have you ever had the experience of trying to pass a woman and she speeds up? Happened to me all the time in California. My female friends told me that they sped up when a man tried to pass them because they didn't know what he was trying to do to them!
Get out of the left lane.. you're holding me up.
Not now, I'm busy reloading!!!!
7597 Posts
I like the penny idea, and intend to use it.
I keep a cup holder full of used 12 gauge primers in my car, a tailgater who won't go away, I open up the sunroof, toss out a handful, and proceed to not being tailgated anymore, when dozens of little pieces of steel start bouncing off the said idiots car.
The Penny idea is a good one too, I'll give it a shot sometime this week.
How different the world would be if we could consult the veteran instead of the politician. - Henry Miller
"Unless your a Hemorrhoid
Get off my *" [:D]
Maybe their house is on fire or there's a bounced check to cover?
If they are in a hurry the best thing to do is let them pass as safely as possible. If you're in the left lane and not passing, you are an impediment to traffic anyway.
I have done the foot-tap in the past, but after considering the time I would waste filing out an accident report, the hassle, and possibly a ruined vehicle, it's no-way, no-how worth it.
There was a cowhand once who said that Shakespeare was the only poet who wrote like he'd been raised on red meat.
No man in his right mind will play with a gun. I've seen show-offs doing fancy spins and all that. No real gun-fighter ever did. With a hairtrigger, he'd be likely to blow a hole in his belly. L'Amour
Stolen from, and with thanks, to Kiwibird
Whenever I see a cow eat grass, I am reminded that "This too shall pass."............ Baxter Black
"We become what we habitually do. If we act rightly, we become upright men. If we habitually act wrongly, or weakly, we become weak and corrupt" - *ARISTOTLE*
**Like Grandad used to say--"It'll feel better when it quits hurtin"
Somewhere in the rear of the vehicle would be a reservoir containing oil. Used motor oil, kerosene, etc. Some experimentation would be in order.
There would be a solenoid-activated valve at the bottom of the reservoir. Tubing from the valve would carry the oil to a fitting on the hot exhaust pipe.
Somebody gets too close, flip the switch and smoke him out.
This would make a lot of nasty smoke and would get you some comfort room.
SIG pistol armorer/FFL Dealer/Full time Peace Officer, Moderator of General Discussion Board on Gunbroker. Visit the best gun auction site on the Net! Email
Loved one in an accident? Unless the tailgator's a doctor, he ain't gonna be able to help.
House on fire? Unless he's driving a FIRE TRUCK...same thing.
"The Greatest Battle Implement Ever Devised!"
-- Gen. George S. Patton
referring to the M1 Garand
I have had two people this week that seemed hooked to me with a chain. I usually just kick the cruise control off and let my truck coast until they get so bored they pass. One young girl wouldn't quit so I just pulled off on the nice gravel shoulder at about 65 M.P.H.
She backed right off. I really don't think she realized what she was doing.
That's what I do.
I just take my foot off the gas; as we both slow down invariably the tailgater (who is usually impatient) just pulls into another lane and passes me. Good riddance, no harm done.
I've done this many times and never had to decelerate below 50 before the tailgater got the message and did this.
If someone behind me is flashing, or its obvious they are tailgating because they have a hot nut to pass me, I'll always let them pass if I can do it safely. That's the best thing ever. . .they can rush ahead, flush out the cops and get the speeding ticket instead of me.
This has never actually happened to me, but if somebody were persistently and creepily tailgating me even if I changed lanes or slowed down, I would note their license number, take the next exit, and either lose them that way, or if they maintained following me despite exiting, proceed immediately into a highly public place, and summon the police.
Things I personally wouldn't do are pull over onto the side of the road (why make myself more of a target?), slam on the brakes (I figure anyone stupid enough to tailgate me, is also stupid enough to hit me) or allow them to follow me to my destination (particularly if it is my home).
"Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA-- ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns doesn't serve the State." Heinrich Himmler.
Really screws up a windshield.
Win some, lose some.
Winning's better.
french people don't speak german, Thank my dad for that!!
As long as the badge doesn't represent you as a LEO, you are OK. From a distance, though, you can't read the inscription.
I used to drive a Crown-Vic---kept a blue coffee mug on the seat next to me. If I needed some "space," I just put that blue coffee mug up on my dash.
It looks so official, you will get lots of respect, and what's nice is that even if you get pulled over by a real cop, you just play dumb.
Be surprised how well it works.
As for the tailgaters, I drove a truck for many years. Best solution for a tailgater, especially for one who won't pass was to put my right wheels way out on the shoulder and kick up road-debris. LOL, if it was a dirt or gravel shoulder, the tailgater got the message really quick!!
I know of many motorcycle riders who carry a pocketful of glass marbles just for tailgaters. Grab a handful, toss em over your shoulder, and they bounce about windshield high---works wonders.
Gotta be careful, though, lotta armed crazies out there now-a-days who think nothing of shooting a person for even the slightest insult, so I'm not officially endorsing any type of punitive action.
Today, I was driving to one of my home visits. I was making a left turn, and approaching from the right turn lane was a car with it's right turn signal on. Now, this car was a good 50 yards from the intersection, so I made my turn first.
I thought nothing of it, and pulled up next to the curb to park. I have a habit of looking in my rearview mirror to check for oncoming traffic before I open my door, when what to my surprise, "the car" is parked directly behind me, the female driver obviousely intending to "send me a message", although I'm unclear what the message exactly was, because as I got out of my car, she suddenly and dramatically spun it into reverse, then drive, and off she went.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it that the former does not submit to hereditary predjudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - Albert E.
On my tombstone:"Keep you eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel..."the Lizard King
It's not a good idea to stomp on your brakes or do something that could result in an accident or fight. The best thing to do is tap your breaks (just enough to make your brake lights come on). If the tailgater doesn't get it, slow down to let him pass. This will often get the person to go around you, which is what you want -- it's not safe to have someone driving on your bumper.
However, a lot of tailgaters simply won't get it, no matter how clear your message is. As NGOG_NRYTHRNG pointed out, most tailgaters don't realize that they're doing anything wrong. They have no concept of stopping distance or following safely. For these people, the best thing to do is just to get out of the way if possible.
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants and the creed of slaves." -- William Pitt (1783)
"Aim small...Miss small"
Back in the early 70's, I rode a Honda S-90 motorcycle---beautiful black and chrome thing. Speed limits were 70 them, and the only way I could go 70 on that little thing was to "draft" behind a semi. Most drivers didn't mind, I'd pull out every now and then to let them know I was still behind them.
Yeah, I was young and stupid then---I was behind a Yellow Freight truck, and didn't know what that slapping noise coming from the trailer was. Turned out the trailer was losing a re-cap, and a huge piece came loose and flew by my head!! Had it hit me, I'm sure it would have killed me. Last time I drafted behind ANY truck after that, and when I drove long-haul, I used to think about that when people drafted behind me. I didn't mind them, figured they could always stop faster than I if I ever had to slam the breaks. The biggest danger to those folks, though, were those huge tire carcasses we used to see in the 80's when all big trucks used recapped tires on their trailers.
I was running down through the San Joaquin Valley on I-5, doing a pretty good clip. It was night, and I had a small car drafting behind me. I didn't see it in time, but there was a full re-cap carcass in the middle of the lane. If I had seen it in time, I would have changed lanes to let the drafter know it was there, but since I saw it at the last second, all I could do was straddle it. Poor car behind me didn't have the same ground clearance as I did, and all I saw was spinning headlights behind me. I pulled over, ran back to see if the folks were OK, and though their car was a mess, they weren't hurt.
Saw a lot of stupid drivers when I drove a truck, but also saw a lot of good drivers out there too.
Gator in the granny lane! Watched a guy playing road rage games with a trucker the other day. He thought the truck cut him off, but the driver knew he was loosing a tire and was trying to get off the road. When the cap went, it took out the quarter panel and left rear tail lights on the Toyota. Justice in motion!
"Aim small...Miss small"
Traveling to a friend's house earlier today, I became aware of a person "tailgating" me. Every time I looked in the rearview mirror, here he was at what appeared to be an inch off my bumper! I tried to get him to pass by slowing luck! This just caused him to start weaving back and forth as if trying to see if he could pass....and he got closer, but never tried to pass.
His hair was being blown every which way by his open windows.....the front of his 15 year old sedan was missing half of the grill, one headlamp was busted out and the bumper resembled a pretzel more than a bumper.......and the car was rusty and hadn't been washed since new!
I decided to speed up and he did too until I reached 50 mph in a 35 mph zone. He only got closer...... Finally, I slowed down and turned into an unknown driveway and stopped. He went on by.......This whole deal lasted about 10 to 12 minutes. What would you do?
If You Can't Buy a Pair, Get a Spare!
JOIN PETA! (PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS) I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to have a salad and spring water!