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Mr Fix it!

gbeggrowgbeggrow Member Posts: 5,499
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Ok, so the headlight in my 4 runner burns out yesterday. I decide to go to my dad's nice warm pole barn to visit and replace the bulb. I get there and replace the bulb. Easy deal! I back out and pop's says " got a tail light out too". Darn! I pull back in the garage, open the tail light and pull the bulb. Don't have the correct bulb at home so we run to Autozone and get one. I get back and put the new bulb in. Them I putting the screws back in the light housing and I drop a screw. I can seem to see it on the floor so I get the shop light out. I shine the shop light under the runner and see two shiny objects, one being the screw and the other being a nail sticking out of my BF Goodrich radil tire! CRAP! So Izea go ahead and finish the tail light. I then pull the tire hoping it's a small nail that has not punctured all the way through. I get the ole pliers out and give it a tug. A PSSSSSSSSS noise follows. This baby ain't no small nail it's a 6" whopper of a nail. So Izea get the tire plug kit out, pre drill the hole, apply the tire goop and in goes the plug. I give it about 10 minutes and give it the ole spray bottle treatment to make sure it not spitting air. The plug holds perfectly. So I figure while I'm at it why not check all other tires for correct pressure. I get all the pressures set. OK done, so now it a cold one with the pop's after playing Mr. Fix it!

Barn door opens. It's the wifey. Wifey says in a joking voice "what's taken ya? All you had to do is change a bulb!! Your drinking beer with your dad, ain't ya". Wouldn't that just figure that she would come out when we were having our first cold ones! If she was only there to witness my masterful wizardry of fix-isims she'd bow down to my greatness![:D][;)]


  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:If she was only there to witness my masterful wizardry of fix-isims she'd bow down to my greatness!

    Yea...sure many beer did you have?....[}:)]


    Lil' Stinker's Opinion
  • gbeggrowgbeggrow Member Posts: 5,499
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by BlackRoses
    quote:If she was only there to witness my masterful wizardry of fix-isims she'd bow down to my greatness!

    Yea...sure many beer did you have?....[}:)]


    Lil' Stinker's Opinion

    Honestly...I was on my first brewski![:D][:D]

    My pop's on the other hand was sipping LTD Canadian whiskey....Bleck! I call his LTD LONG TERM DISABILITY! Nasty stuff I tell ya![xx(]
  • Contender ManContender Man Member Posts: 2,110 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    sounds like you werer having a bad day that manged to get worse!

    If you only have time to do two things so-so, or one thing well ... do the one thing!
  • gbeggrowgbeggrow Member Posts: 5,499
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Contender Man
    sounds like you werer having a bad day that manged to get worse!

    If you only have time to do two things so-so, or one thing well ... do the one thing!

    Actually turned out to be pretty good. The way I look at it is that I did not get pulled over for a burnt out tail light or headlight, and I'm glad I noticed the nail in the tire while I was there too instead of getting a flat on the road some place. Guess someone upstairs was looking out for me when I dropped that tail light screw and discovered the nail.[;)]
  • crosshaircrosshair Member Posts: 635 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sounds to me that you should of just drank them all along while fixing it up and then all you would have to say to the Mrs. is yes we are and that would also be the truth and it would have been that much more than being disgusted!! Sometimes it helps, not always!![:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

    Believe nothing that you hear and only one half of what you see!!
  • gbeggrowgbeggrow Member Posts: 5,499
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by crosshair
    Sounds to me that you should of just drank them all along while fixing it up and then all you would have to say to the Mrs. is yes we are and that would also be the truth and it would have been that much more than being disgusted!! Sometimes it helps, not always!![:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

    Believe nothing that you hear and only one half of what you see!!

    Oh, I never have to worry about her being disgusted. She was just joking with me. It's kind of scary how well we get along and how much we have in common. I NEVER have to hide anything from her and I can always be myself. It's a very rare thing we have. She truly is my best friend. Sure is a very different contrast from my relationships in the past.[:D]
  • crosshaircrosshair Member Posts: 635 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have pretty much the same relationship with my wife. Everything I go to do it always seems to take longer to do and wifey always makes the comment, You guys have been drinking beer half of the time haven't you!! Yep! [:D][:D]

    Believe nothing that you hear and only one half of what you see!!
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