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GRRRR Job Hunting Again!!

woodsrunnerwoodsrunner Member Posts: 5,378 ✭✭
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Some of you may recall my complaining back in september about a paycheck bouncing. And again in october about my health insurance being cancelled even though I was paying for it in full through payroll deductions. Well it happened again. I got a notice in the mail yesterday that I owe one of my banks a couple hundred dollars. My paycheck from 2 weeks ago bounced. I'm sick of this crap!! I spent the past month breaking my butt to get caught back up and a little ahead after 3 three day work weeks in nov & dec. Luckily I was enough ahead that no checks of mine bounced. I got smart in sept and started cashing my check at a bank where I only have a saving acct, then take the cash to another where my checking account is. Luckily I really only owe the bank $11.00 because they took the rest from my savings. Still my emergency reserve is wiped out and it's going to take weeks to get it back. Meanwhile the dishonorable * that owns this company shows up last week driving a brand new chrysler. I guess I should feel lucky. Four years ago he cleaned out the 401k fund to buy a house. Of course I realized all this just after buying my truck and taking on several hundred dollars a month in payments and insurance.

At least it wasn't a total repeat of september. Back then I was bouncing checks all over the place because of this. Of course I was also out a couple hundred bucks in bounced check fees that they never reimbursed. Not to mention what it probably did to my credit rating.

I'm just sick of this crap. When business was slow I watched my parents sell personal items to make payroll. This guys new car is a real slap in the face!

Honestly I've never been happy in the 9 months I've worked there. There is no teamwork, pay is now again a maybe thing, There is no cooperation from your supervisors even. I just don't like it looking like job jumping. I'm used to being at a full time job at least 4yrs at a stretch.

But, when I bought my house I wanted so bad I was willing to give up a certain ammount of health to get it. Having done that I can't risk it for a guy who won't pay his people. Time to start looking again.

Sorry for the rant.




  • BOBBYWINSBOBBYWINS Member Posts: 7,810
    edited November -1
    I know how you feel(sorta).For the last two years,I've been robbing Peter to pay Paul.And just about the time I get caught up,here come the holidays and the short weeks.I lose all my overtime anytime I'm off a day,be it holiday,vacation or whatever.That's something like a hundred bucks a week,four hundred bucks a month.That's my truck payment.Every day I get a call from a creditor wanting to know when I'm gonna send a payment.It wasn't like this a few years ago.We didn't have any trouble paying our bills,but as we all know,everything keeps going up except our paycheck,which,in the last few years has actually gone down!When will it end?I'd sell my truck in a heartbeat and drive a junker for a while,but I owe way more than it's worth,so I guess I'll just keep on robbing Peter.[:(][:(]


  • IAMAHUSKERIAMAHUSKER Member Posts: 2,479 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    You two are not alone!!![:(]

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it." --Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 1791. ME 8:276
  • leadlead Member Posts: 2,311 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Good luck to both of you guys. I hope the best for you. My wife just got laid off. They had her on the schedule through Feb., so she felt pretty confident and went out and bought a newer car. Then last week they laid her off, saying she would be the first one called back, maybe in the spring. She's blanketed the southern half of the state with app's and has two interviews tomorrow.
    Woods, just my opinion, but life's too short to put up with what you've got now. I don't think any employer will see you as a job hopper if they know the details.

    Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.
  • bambihunterbambihunter Member Posts: 10,742 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I had the tiger by the tail so to speak until I hurt my back in late '94. My finances have been screwed ever since, even though my wife makes more now than we ever did back then. It's just that we got so far behind for so long and now even if we have stuff paid off (cars, etc) then they are all due for major repairs because they didn't get proper maintainance while we were scraping...

    Woods, leave the bum! File a small claim against your former boss to get your overdraft charges paid for.
    Fanatic collector of the 10mm auto.
  • tomh.tomh. Member Posts: 3,834 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I thought I was the only one! The longtime owner sold the place in 2000. Since then, it's been downhill.

    New owner wants to be the guy who plays golf everyday, maybe wander in occasionally, bark some orders and call it a day. But guess can't run a small business like that! Especially when the bank owns almost of it.

    Rich Grandpa was the co-maker and has been shoveling money at it or it would have gone under in 2001. And guess who's to blame? Yes, the employees! (Not the relatives he brought along!)

    One guy's payroll check bounced last year. I started going to the company's bank. That way, I know I have cash in my pocket. Health insurance has been cancelled before too. It's company paid, but if I don't have it, who cares how much it costs?

    woods....when you leave, you might want to contact your local Bureau of Employment Services. I'll bet that insurance thing is illegal, not just unethical. Doesn't sound like a bridge that matters if it burns!
  • offerorofferor Member Posts: 8,625 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Gee, it isn't Lassiter Advertising, is it? Man, have I been there. Trouble with me is, I'll "manage against" junk like that and get myself laid off with extreme prejudice. I can't bear bad management, particularly not affecting my own area of responsibility, and having been trained among Ivy League * laudes at MCA and Disney, I keep finding myself near the top of the food chain when it comes to management skill. So I either have to be a "team member," a senior manager myself, or nothing at all in a case like yours, because "subordinate" doesn't make it when there's a boss like you describe making the decisions.

    My guess is you're in a small business, right? They're often the hideouts for the individuals who must run self-owned businesses with limited success, since they can't work for others because of their own selfish shortcomings like the ones you describe.

    T. Jefferson: "[When doing Constitutional interpretation], let us [go] back to the time when [it] was adopted. [Rather than] invent a meaning [let us] conform to the probable one in which it was passed."

    NRAwethepeople.jpgNRA Life Member fortbutton2.gif
  • Tailgunner1954Tailgunner1954 Member Posts: 7,734 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    On the bounced payroll checks and 401K raid (insurance also if you were having it deducted from your check), contact both your county prosacuter and your state attorney general. They love dealing with FRAUD and THEFT.
    The IRS, SS, Medicaid, and your state tax office might also want in on the party as the guy might be behind in his quaterly payments to them too.

    Some guys like a mag full of lead, I still prefer one round to the head.
  • MIKE WISKEYMIKE WISKEY Member Posts: 10,023 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
  • elect1mikeelect1mike Member Posts: 4,585 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Whatever happened to owners who care? I got screwed on the job I was working. My friend left a good job to go to another store that the owner gave him all kinds of benifits to change then this multi millionaire a hole gets bored with his store closes it and moves to hawaii said he might open back in a year or two. ends up not paying any retirment. Give me the days when a man worked for a good wage and were treated right. My Dad owned his electrical contracting business and treated everybody with respect. Going so far as to bailing out one guy he had working for him almost every weekend and just taking it off his pay at the end of the week. Maybe these 17 and 18 year old snot nosed kids that the people our hiring today may not care but I do. Maybe thats why I can't find work.

    col elect1mike Illinois
    volinters RRG
    I am a man but I can change if I have to,I guess.
  • Ding-a-lingDing-a-ling Member Posts: 2,105 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hey John : Looks like the paper might get there just in time. GOOD LUCK job hunting.[:(]

    Some people get up and say"Good Morning Lord"

    Others get up and say "Good Lord,it's morning.
  • woodshermitwoodshermit Member Posts: 2,589
    edited November -1
    Good luck, everyone. I was laid off last May, finally found a job in November and lasted 12 days. It was a small software business that had sold a lot of product which didn't actually exist. The owners' hiring tactics were to hire over-qualified people who had been laid off somewhere and assume that they would be so desperate as to put up with major bs. This company actually advertised that they had a "matching" 401K benefit. The first day I was there and read the employee manual, it stated that the company would "match employee 401K contributions up to $1 per week". I thought it was a misprint and when I asked the supervisor, I could see the fear in her eyes that she might lose her precious job if she had to ask the owner any questions. Anyone who works for a small business and is treated fairly and equitably is lucky and any small business owner who treats its employees honorably and with dignity is to be applauded.
  • SwwboSwwbo Member Posts: 1,255 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Know what you mean... I worked for a company like that.. Every Friday was payday.. My check was never any good until Monday or Tuesday.. I did that for 3.5 years...He was forever going on trips and driving nice cars or buying the wife diamonds.. enough is enough.. He kept telling me to stick with him since the company was new things will improve.. I left and couldn't be happier with the company I'm with now...
  • dcon12dcon12 Member Posts: 32,003 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    When you work for an outfit that tells you not to cash your check at the bank but at the liquor store, then it is time to find a new place of employment.

    "Right is Right, even is everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"
  • RosieRosie Member Posts: 14,525 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Can't say I know how you guys feel but I sure do hope things get better for you. I have been with the same company for 44 years And in supervision 36 so I have never been without a paycheck. If you find a place you like stick with them and you won't be sorry providing they treat people right. People I work for paid for my schooling and kept advancing me to a point where I make twice as much as I'm worth, don't ask a lot of me, supply me with unlimited use new vehicles and are trying to get me not to retire. That comes from sticking with a company through lean times and being loyal. I worked very hard in the early years and it paid off.
  • agloreaglore Member Posts: 6,012
    edited November -1
    quote:I make twice as much as I'm worth

    They must feel sorry for you.[:)][}:)]

    Good luck in whatever you decide to do woodsrunner.

    Delta Firearms & Supplies
  • RosieRosie Member Posts: 14,525 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    THANKS A LOT ALLEN!! Now I will be up all night wondering about it.[:(]
  • woodshermitwoodshermit Member Posts: 2,589
    edited November -1
    Rosie, don't worry about it. No company pays an employee more than they are worth, although they may want you to think that. Loyalty doesn't mean much to employers anymore.
  • victorlvlbvictorlvlb Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November -1
    It must be a sign of the times.My daughter took a forty hour a week job with a very big company.They usually give a small bonus at the end of the year.She didn't get her bonus,because she only put in forty hours a week.My daugher had to have a B.A degree to get this job plus she had to get a state license.This company is shorthanded and still pulling crap like this.It won't be long before my daughter finds another job.Needless to say everyone I meet knows delta dental sucks.
  • RosieRosie Member Posts: 14,525 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I have worked for two generations and for the last two years the third has been trying to run the company. All they do is fight. Yesterday the whole family was behind closed doors and couldn't agree on moving seventeen machines from one plant to another. They called me in, (I'm the one who will have to make it happen with a short deadline) and wanted me to cast a vote and I refused. I am not on the board so I see it as their problem. President of company lives in Florida in the winter and I got seven calls today alone about problems. I am the last old timer there and am every ones last answer man. Guess I still have a little value to them. I have just about got my replacement trained so it's about time to go.
  • whiteclouderwhiteclouder Member Posts: 10,574 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    They are petrified at your leaving. Same where I'm at. It's a real temptation to take advantage of the situation at times but too many years of doing things right gets in my way. I've told my management to get ready, I'm not staying forever. Their solution is to press money on me. They just don't get it.

  • plains scoutplains scout Member Posts: 4,563
    edited November -1
    Yes I see we are all benefiting from this "improving economy." Boys and girls, we are in serious trouble.

    It is hard on those just starting out trying to find a job that will support them without calling on mom and dad. It is hard on those that have a few gray hairs and lose a job and benefits.

    So far the only benefits in this improving economy that I see are the jobs that are going over seas. Glad we are supporting the world economy, but what is happening to ours?

    I am self employed and established. I pay the people that work for me, but I am seeing more and more average joe or jane trying to eek a living are finding it darn hard.

    Good luck you guys.
  • earthmvrearthmvr Member Posts: 473 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    As a small business owner I'm disgusted to hear how you guys have been treated. How do these people stay in business? Anyone who doesn't pay his employees is a scumbag and should have his * removed. My motto in business has always been "take care of your employees and they will take care of you" because your business is only as good as the people who work for you. My Dad and Grandad started the business 32 years ago and don't know of anytime that the help didn't get paid on time. Since I've been running it, the paychecks have never even been 1 day late. In hard times I have even had to borrow money from the bank to make payroll. So when I hear about the way some of you guys have been treated it really makes me mad. But eventually these guys will get what's coming to them. I'm a firm believer in "what goes around comes around". So hang in there because there are still some good guys out there. And if you ever want to move to Colo. look me up. I'll give you a job...but you have to like playin' in the dirt. Good luck to you all.

    Proud member of the NRA and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

    I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was
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