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On the subject of hangovers...

edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Anyone know any good ways of curing hangover? I have tried most of the usual tricks, but have yet to find any good way to kill a hangover fast.

Patrick Buzzard
Michigan National Guard
19K-- tanker
"Strike Hard!!"


  • dcon12dcon12 Member Posts: 32,003 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Stay drunk.

    "Right is Right, even is everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"
  • Mr.PissyPantsMr.PissyPants Member Posts: 3,575
    edited November -1
    A couple of stiff ones as soon as you wake up.


    Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • FrOgFrOg Member Posts: 2,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I've heard caffeine "energy" drinks (Red Bull and the like) work pretty well. Don't know how true that is or if it works on everyone. [8D]

    Don't take Tylenol as it is toxic to your liver and your liver is already on overdrive clearing the alcohol. Tylenol probably won't kill you or hurt you badly, but there is no point in insulting your liver any more than you already have.



  • headzilla97headzilla97 Member Posts: 6,445
    edited November -1
    drink water before you go to bed so your not dehydrated

    We're men. Its our God given right to watch sports and smut" - Al Bundy
  • gun_runnergun_runner Member Posts: 8,999
    edited November -1
    Take a couple of motrin followed by a good multivitamin to replace the vitamins depleted by the alcohol. Chase it with 40 oz of water and there you go. You wont be 100%, but you will be close. (do this before bed) Works for me. In the AM if your still feeling bad, eat two slices of burnt toast and limit fluid intake for the first couple hours. Fluids will only recirculate the alcohol. If you have any b-12 take that before bed to.

  • Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords Member Posts: 14,355
    edited November -1
    Heard rumors about some sort of an herbal suppliment , something called "Mux vomicum" or something likewise disgusting sounding (consult you local herbalist). Never tried it myself. Usually find sleeping in, a gross of Advil, a gallon and a half of water, and a lot of carbs as soon as I feel like I can eat without hurling works for me...Oh and a couple bottles of Sobe "Green Tea"....

    "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it that the former does not submit to hereditary predjudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." - Albert E.

    On my tombstone:"Keep you eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel..."the Lizard King
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