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Insight from a USMC First Sergeant on the War in I

Night StalkerNight Stalker Member Posts: 11,967
edited February 2004 in General Discussion
Fellow GBer's,

This Marine First Sergeant's comments cover the full spectrum of operations. There is something here for everyone, especially those of you fellow list members preparing to deploy to OIF.

This series of emails between an officer and one of his former NCO is long read, but it captures a First Sergeant's perspective on taking (and taking care of) young Marines into combat, and is the essence of superb NCO leadership. As he says, he focused on "the little things," little things that I would add probably saved lives and enabled this unit to come back with all hands. He even pays the Army a compliment, albeit a little left-handed. Our nation is blessed to have military leaders like this...and we have many more out there just like all services.

Insight from a USMC First Sergeant on the War in Iraq


A note from one of my former First Sergeants with a Battalion that just pulled out of Iraq and is sailing home after 10 months at Sea and Iraq as part of 24 MEU (Marine expeditionary units). This should be mandatory reading for every NCO, SNCO, and Officer in the Army and Marine Corps. I had earlier asked the First Sergeant to make me a list of what he thought were the most critical AAR items immediately upon his return to the ship. This is a fine piece of work and definitely an infantryman's perspective written less than 48 hours after leaving Iraq.

Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 6:27 PM

Sir, without making a big formal list at this time.

Start a sleep plan before you go ashore and ensure your Marines sleep. No vehicle accidents because we made Marines sleep.

SAPIE Plates in the flacks. Yes they are heavy but worked.

Forced hydration works.

"Stand to" morning and evening no matter what. Plan around these events if you can.

MOLLIE (pack) LBV (load bearing vest) is NOT GOOD. We put all of our gear on the flak jacket.

Know how to read and do everything off a 1:100,000 map or even LAT Long.

Global Positioning System (GPS): GPS does work. Use check points. We made maps of towns and routes by hand. Several NAMs going to LCpl's who drew copies of maps and routes at all hours. Great work!

Field Hygiene: Marines got sick. Some pretty bad. Look at your Marines daily if you can. Ask questions. Marines will not tell you they are sick until they go down hard. They are a proud bunch.

First Aid: Know first aid. Make it a top training event. Get medical supplies and put them in each vehicle. We used an ammo can with pressure dressings and IV's. Teach your Marines how to give IV's.

Logistics: Logistics drove operations. Ask the 4 before you do any event. We made some long moves, as long as 15 hours on the road at a time. Plan your supplies. Fuel was the key more than water. There is always room for some chow.

Night Vision Goggles: NVG's work. Use them. All night devices worked great. Batteries can be an issue. Plan!

Combat load: A combat load is heavy on the Marines and the vehicles. Take only what you need.

Fire Support: Always plan fire support. We held a major road intersection in the middle of nowhere. We used Mortars as security and out of the blue we needed Mortar fire. Plan for it. Lay guns in all four directions for a "360 coverage". Plan on call targets. Plan for and use illum.

Training: Training in combat? You bet. Talk through it, walk through it. Use sticks and rocks. Get the Cpl up there to brief what is going on. He knows more than most. Immediate action drills for everything.

MOPP Gear: MOPP gear is hot. Plan for it. Marines wore nothing under the MOPP gear to stay cool. Do NBC drills. Do NBC drills while driving.

Convoy Operations: Study Convoy operations. If you have CAAT, JAV, or LAR put them in charge and have them run the convoy. You may be senior but they know how to do this and this lets commanders worry about the bigger picture. Brief your convoys. Never "just drive away". Give each vehicle a number, from 1 to the very end.

Some convoys were big. We went from 1 to 75. Know the senior man in each vehicle. Know what is in you convoy. An avenger has FLIR. Use everything to your advantage. Forget call signs. Use the vehicle numbers. It worked!

Air on station: Plan to have no air on station. We had none. Plan for 81's hip shoots.

React Force: Plan for a react force for any major event. Have that reserve ready. We used it several times. CAAT, LAR, JAV, even 5 trucks of HQ type guys with SAWS is better than nothing.

Vehicle Recovery: Plan for vehicle recovery and brief it. Get more tow bars. Use tow straps. Spread you MT mechanics all over the BLT (battalion landing team). These guys saved us everyday.

VHF Communications: Know how to re-trans VHF comm and plan for it. We talked 65k with it. Know HF and use it.

Preventive Maintenance: PM everything as time permits. Our vehicles never ran better because the Marines did not want to get stuck on the side of the road. If a vehicle goes down in a convoy give them 5 minutes and after that tow it. If several go down, plan for multiple tows. If the situation is bad, plan to grab mission type gear and radios and blow the vehicle. You can get another vehicle if it prevents a firefight.

Vehicle ID: Use panel markers, IR Chemlites and STROBES to ID you vehicles and positions. Saves lives.

Friendly lines: Know how to enter and exit friendly lines on foot and in vehicle. With and without comm. 3X2 with NVG's works.

Use the LEATHENECK to let friendly units know when fire is outgoing. This really applies to mortars. Marines get really jumpy when mortars start going off.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal: EOD is your friend. Don't blow enemy weapons on your own unless you have to. Mark it, get the grid and call EOD.

Medivac: Plan for medivac. On foot, vehicles and air. Don't count on the air. Look for LZ's (landing zones) at all times.

Mail: Get you Marines mail to them even if it means shooting your way to them with LAV's. They get mail and they will do anything for you.

Telephone: Use the SAT Phone. Forget the cost. Grab a few young Marines when you can and let them call home. That Marine could lead the entire Bn after he talks to his wife after a firefight.

Discipline: Never baby your Marines. Expect the world from them. Never back off. They want to show you they can do the job. When you think you need a SSgt to do the job, grab a Cpl or Sgt and he will do it better and faster.

NCOs: NCO's run the fight no matter how much you get on the radio. Sit back and listen to them. You might just learn something from them.

Light Armored Vehicle: LAV's rule the desert. Use them if you have them.

Big convoy on the hardball? At night? Turn the lights on and go fast as the slowest vehicle. Point a few dozen machineguns outboard and drive like hell. LAV's and 7 tons can do 65 at night on the hardball. Tell you Marines to stay off the roads at night. Convoys will go by on short notice. It's better to be going fast and being able to see than trying to have 75 vehicles going 20 MPH on NVG's.

Driving or Walking: Driving or walking ensure you are looking up, down, left and right at all times.

Weapon Cleaning: A clean weapon is a happy weapon. Plan for it. Inspect them.

Vehicles and Weapons: Strip everything off your vehicles that you don't need. Sandbag your vehicles. Carry as much ammo as you can. Strip high-back vehicles down. Hang the packs on the sides and get as many rifles pointing left and right as you can. Take the doors off everything except hardbacks and FAV's. Never let the a-driver attach the handset to his helmet strap. You need to be able to get out of the vehicle fast. Pistols XXXX. Bring and use every weapon. Shotguns are great at close ranges.

Digging of Holes: Dig holes, dig many of them. Use demo if you have to. Dig down at all cost. Can't dig down? Use as many sandbags as you can to build up.

Sectors of Fire: Look at your sectors of fire. This really applies at night. Even if it is only two guys with pistols you need to ensure full coverage.

Snipers: Use snipers. They saved us many times. Give them a mission and let them go.

Vehicle exits: If you have to stop and get out of the vehicles, find or make cover. Vehicles attract bullets.

Lights at night: We had no problem with Marines using lights at night because they did not use them at all. They will learn to do everything in total darkness.

Ground Guides: Even in combat you need to use ground guides around friendly units. Even if it is an emergency! We had no close calls because of this.

Classified Material: Everything you put on a map or write down is classified. Burn it when done.

Trash: Burn your trash when you leave a position. Put it all in a fighting hole and put fuel on it and leave.

Call Signs: Remember all the call signs. Remember every net ID. Know the call signs and net IDs of higher units.

Other Units in Area: If other units are in the area but not part of your MEU ensure you can talk to them. Go through great pains to do this. It prevents accidents.

OC Spray: Kids were everywhere. Don't throw anything out of the vehicles. Bring OC spray, yes even to combat. Works great on dogs, kids and POWS.

Vehicle Checkpoint: Know how to do a real vehicle checkpoint. Stand off distance. Wire, obstacles, sandbags, dig holes. We used everything we could get our hands on. We used old cars for cover and used a forklift to move them. Cover your checkpoints with heavy fire. Know what to do if you suspect an IED on a vehicle or person.

Marines are now experts at checking vehicles.

Know how to search a vehicle and people day and night.

Chaplain Services: Get the chaplain to your position even if you have to fight your way to him. We did Easter service after stand-to at 0300Z.

Briefings: Ensure you brief any attachments on everything that is going on. Nothing is too small to forget. Assign them holes.

Digging: No one has too much rank to dig.

Latrines: Plan for where you put your heads. It's a big deal with over 200 Marines in a matter of hours.

Communications: Talk to any units in the area. Ask questions. You will learn so much from them. Talk to the Army. They do good things also.

Extras: A can of dip, cigar, pack of smokes and a handshake go along way. A cup of coffee helps. Make a cup if you can and give half to a young Marine at stand-to and he will remember it.

Awareness: Watch your Marines eyes. They tell you everything. Look at your NCO's eyes and you know what is going on.

Radios: Buy a short wave radio and get the news. Write it down under a poncho at 0200. Get the baseball scores out to the Marines and you are a hero.

E-Mails: Have all the e-mail addresses of your Marine's wives. Get to any HHQ and send a blanket e-mail to all of them.

Shirts: It's OK to allow the Marines to take their blouse off if it is hot. Their skins get tough really fast. If it's really hot the can go around without blousing their boots.

Promote Marines: Promote your Marines on time if you can. We promoted a Marine in 81's to Merit SSgt in the field a few hours after a firefight. Can't begin to put a price on that.

Sleep: If nothing is going on make the junior Marines sleep and you watch the radios for a few hours.

License to Drive: Every Marine is a driver and should have a license. In Weapons Company, that needs to be every Marine from the CO down.

Short Count: Know what a "short count" is and demand you use them.

Letter Writing: Ensure your Marines write letters on anything they can get their hands on. MRE boxes work great. I put an ammo can on my vehicle for outgoing mail. Get the mail out. There is always a way. Pass if off to other units if you have to. Find a helo and give him your mail. Give him a can of dip to do it for you.

Range Cards: Know how to do a range card on a piece of MRE box. Use the GVS-5. We got a distance to everything. Get the word out. If you stop to fix a vehicle close to a town, get the distance to a few points and get the word out. You will hear Marines making adjustments on their sights. Only hits count. Know how to estimate range day and night.

Sir, sorry for going on and on but there is so much more. As a 1stSgt I only paid attention to the little things.

Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 11:56 AM

1st Sergeant, Welcome back. I tracked the Warlords closely during your stay in country, am proud of each and every one of you. Would very much enjoy hearing your thoughts and after action assessments as you sail home. You guys are probably very busy right now cleaning and packing up, and I know a First Sergeant's work is never done. Please pass on my congrats to the team for a job well done. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 9:17 AM

Sir, the WARLORDS are back loading. We are bringing every Marine and Sailor home. I can't even begin to say what an honor it was to serve beside those young Marines. They did everything asked of them and asked for more. True professionals --no stupid mistakes. No stupid safety issues -- Just good hard execution at the NCO level. I am not worthy to stand in the same formation with these men. They all grew several years older in a matter of weeks. As we sort this out I will send some pictures of the WARLORDS in action. Someone was looking out for us on this one. Weapons Company's new motto is "no one works harder".

Semper Fi, 1stSgt B


"Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying who shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, here am I, send me."


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