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The Brady Bunch

phideaux4886phideaux4886 Member Posts: 1,470 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited August 2007 in General Discussion
Ok, so now most of you are thinking, "Dan, you've reached out there before, but this time you have totally lost it". And, there is a better than average chance you are right!

There is nothing on network TV, so I find myself watching old "Matlock" re-runs, usually right before I go to bed. That leaves the station on the same channel that plays the "Brady Bunch" I get home from work, and want to check out the weather, so I flip on the TV. Up comes "The Brady Bunch". After frantically juggling the TV remote in the air for several minutes, in my haste to get the channel changed before someone on this show says something so idiotic that it will further damage my already damaged brain cells, I hear a voice. "Tonto?" What the hell are you doing on "The Brady Bunch?" "Where's "The Lone Ranger?" But, alas, he wasn't there. Likely a good thing, because he might have tarnished his sterling image by shooting Alice, after one of her moronic remarks.

Well, (hey, it was Tonto, I couldn't just flip the channel) it seems like the Brady group were out camping, and took in a run-a-way Indian child, who, as it turns out, was the grandson of a chief, played by Jay Silverheels. Naturally, the Indian child benefits greatly by Pappy Brady's great wisdom, and returns to grandpa. And there was great rejoicing. Tonto decides to invite the whole clan to a big Indian celebration, and make them all members of the tribe.

At this point, I must admit, nausea got the best of me, Tonto or not. As it was just a few minutes before the show was over, I had pretty much lost all hope of a Brady massacre, so on to the weather channel I went.

Tonto? The Brady Bunch? *sigh*


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