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Help! On the phone with my Congressman!

BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Need some help on questions regarding National Healthcare. I have a few but I need to bust his chops some more.

Give me ammo please.


  • dan kellydan kelly Member Posts: 9,799
    edited November -1
    # 1: how is it going to work when illegals who don`t pay into the system will have access to it? it will bankrupt the country within 2 years!...theres no way it could work if anyone who has access to it isn`t paying into the pool.[B)]
  • BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
    edited November -1
    that is my #1 question.... need more please
  • Spider7115Spider7115 Member Posts: 29,702 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Why do Canadians come over here for health care? Because they don't want to wait a month or more to see a doctor. That's what socialized medicine does and you won't see the doctor of your choice.
  • dan kellydan kelly Member Posts: 9,799
    edited November -1
    back at you spider. why do americans go to canada to buy medicine? because it`s too expensive in the u.s...excedingly expensive[B)]
  • MFinnMFinn Member Posts: 2,095 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Why is it that in Scandinavia, you have to wait in line for years to get surgeries, I thought they were sophisticated there, NOT!!!
  • RtWngExtrmstRtWngExtrmst Member Posts: 7,456
    edited November -1
    How many times do I have to tell you!!! Your congrssman wants money, not your advice on how to vote.
  • savage170savage170 Member Posts: 37,504 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If goverment health care is so good how come medicade going broke and the VA system sucks. why did Obama want to take current military off of current system and make them get private insurance if goverment health care is so good
  • hillbillehillbille Member Posts: 14,318 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    tell him to do a test run on illegals and politicans first, then ask him if he is willing to give up his health care, if so lets see a bill put forth in the next few weeks.
  • ljwrenchljwrench Member Posts: 5,053
    edited November -1
    Is it Yarmuth? If it is good luck getting your point across with that no good liberal SOB!
  • BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
    edited November -1
    yea its him. he is dodging any real answers
  • BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
    edited November -1
    Phone call is over and they never got to me (out of time!) I was going to attempt to hold his feet to the fire on the illegal issue as he dodged it earlier. He said "there is no federal legislation that allows people here illegally to use federal programs" then went on to the next question.

    THere was some good peeps here from L-Ville beating him up though. One or two suck ups but most giving him lots of grief about this Universal Healthcare.

    He did say that he is not going to vote for a "single source" system that is managed by the fed. He supports a co-op with Fed plan (like the ones the fed employees have) and private healthcare plans.

    It does sound like the small business is going to be screwed. If you opt out of paying for private insurance for 100% of your employees and families then you will pay into the federal plan, along with the higher taxes that you will be paying anyway to help fund care for the entire populace. If you choose to pay for your employees care, you will still lose your business tax deduction for the amount you pay out for employee benefits.

    Not going to be good either way for small business.
  • TooBigTooBig Member Posts: 28,559 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Ask him or her if they are required to use National Health care like we would.
    Send the old folks home to die and infants just turn the switch off we can't afford them.

    Kennedy and Byrd should be the first to use it and see how they like no service they are to old
  • 11b6r11b6r Member Posts: 16,584 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Take a hard look at the Medicare/Medicaid system. It's forst year, was SUPPOSED to be a rather minor budget item. Now threatens to be one of the largest line items in the US budget.

    If you wnt some idea of what to expect of govt healthcare, talk to ANYONE that has ever served in the US military, and went on sick call.
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