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RNC Chairman Michael Steele Just Declared War on..

peonpeon Member Posts: 2,644 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
the Democrats. Watching his speech right now. Basically saying we're not going to take the cr@p the Dems are shoveling out anymore. Things might get interesting pretty quick. He's talking chit right now about Obamalamadingdong. Waiting on him to talk about Pelosi and her lying self.[}:)]


  • screwobamascrewobama Member Posts: 625
    edited November -1
    I like Michael Steele, I've seen him a number of times on Hannity. He seemes to have a solid head on his shoulders.
  • spanielsellsspanielsells Member Posts: 12,498
    edited November -1
    What, exactly, is the GOP going to do?

    The Dims have their filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. There aren't enough GOP members in the House to cause an uproar. And, the Dims control the White House.

    For all intents and purposes, the GOP is irrelevant for the next year and a half. Unless it retains and gains seats in the House and Senate in 2010, they can talk all they want.

    Talk is cheap.
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Unless the GOP gets back to it's Conservative roots, it won't have to worry about 2010 either.

    TALK is cheap.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • FatstratFatstrat Member Posts: 9,147
    edited November -1
    Just heard "The Huckabee Report" on the radio. He says that Gallup does a weekly poll on the Repub/Demo numbers. (And which way the independnts are leaning).
    Said a month ago the Dems held a good lead. But that it is now even up.
    Still IMO just grandstanding by Steele. The GOP had 8 years to do the things "they claim" they want to do now. 8 years of their base litterally BEGGING them to do it.
    And they ignored us. And I haven't seen much if any change to make me think they are any better now. Better than the Libs? Marginally. VERY SMALL MARGIN.
  • spanielsellsspanielsells Member Posts: 12,498
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Fatstrat
    Just heard "The Huckabee Report" on the radio. He says that Gallup does a weekly poll on the Repub/Demo numbers. (And which way the independnts are leaning).
    Said a month ago the Dems held a good lead. But that it is now even up.
    Still IMO just grandstanding by Steele. The GOP had 8 years to do the things "they claim" they want to do now. 8 years of their base litterally BEGGING them to do it.
    And they ignored us. And I haven't seen much if any change to make me think they are any better now. Better than the Libs? Marginally. VERY SMALL MARGIN.
    Let's be fair here... this is not true.

    During Bush, he did not have a majority for all eight years. The last two years was controlled by the Dims. On top of that, he did not have a majority in the Senate (remember when it was "shared" between the GOP and Dims?) for the other six years.

    I'm not giving the GOP a pass for the years they DID have control, but, again, we have to be intellectually honest here.
  • savage170savage170 Member Posts: 37,504 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The RNC called me a few days ago wanting me to register Republican again and looking for donations I don't think they liked what I had to say haven't heard a peep from them since use to get junk mail from them at least 2 times aweek
  • FatstratFatstrat Member Posts: 9,147
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by spanielsells
    quote:Originally posted by Fatstrat
    Just heard "The Huckabee Report" on the radio. He says that Gallup does a weekly poll on the Repub/Demo numbers. (And which way the independnts are leaning).
    Said a month ago the Dems held a good lead. But that it is now even up.
    Still IMO just grandstanding by Steele. The GOP had 8 years to do the things "they claim" they want to do now. 8 years of their base litterally BEGGING them to do it.
    And they ignored us. And I haven't seen much if any change to make me think they are any better now. Better than the Libs? Marginally. VERY SMALL MARGIN.
    Let's be fair here... this is not true.

    During Bush, he did not have a majority for all eight years. The last two years was controlled by the Dims. On top of that, he did not have a majority in the Senate (remember when it was "shared" between the GOP and Dims?) for the other six years.

    I'm not giving the GOP a pass for the years they DID have control, but, again, we have to be intellectually honest here.

    OK, I'll give em that. But I still think it's all a big "dog & pony show" for our benefit.
    During the Bush years, how many Republicans were the Libs able to unseat, if not convict, often on flimsy evidence?
    All while several democrats were proven 100% guilty and walked w/a slap on the wrist. Does Sandy Berger ring a bell? That SOB is back in Washington WITH his security clearence!
    And it happened during the GOP majority. The GOP cleaned, or allowed itself to be cleaned of anybody worth a damn. All while giving Libs a free pass.
    Trust em? NOT ME!
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