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OK City Pharmacist Faces Murder Charge in Shooting

peonpeon Member Posts: 2,644 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Two knuckle-heads decided to rob the local pharmacy. The pharmacist shoots one in the head, then tries to get the one that flees from the store. Pharmacist comes back and pumps five shots into the stomach of the robber he initially shot. Bad guy dies. Now, pharmacist is facing murder charges.

Watch the surveillance video. Discuss...


  • peonpeon Member Posts: 2,644 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Poll on the website says 82% think the DA made the wrong decision to charge the pharmacist with murder.
  • peonpeon Member Posts: 2,644 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Classic095

    Sorry for the double post, but in my defense... I'd have never know the other thread was the same when it was titled, "Who can..."
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I don't have a problem with it.

    You can't see from the camera if the guy was trying to get up, and also how was the owner supposed to know he wasn't armed as well?

    I guess if the perp was just lying there he should have just watched him with a gun on him, but like I said before,......who cares?

    Just another thug that will never do anyone harm again.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • hk-91hk-91 Member Posts: 10,050
    edited November -1
    If your willing to commit a crime you have to pay the price. weather he was armed or not he tried to rob a place and got what he deceved.
  • Sav99Sav99 Member Posts: 16,037 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Very fine line on this one. I'm not sure what the outcome will be.
  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    9-1-1 is best used to have someone come pickup the body.
  • bigdaddyjuniorbigdaddyjunior Member Posts: 11,233
    edited November -1
    Our old Sheriff used to say," If you've just had to shoot a bad guy take some time to calm yourself before calling us." and "It's much easier to take a report when there is only one side of the story."
  • redneckandyredneckandy Member Posts: 9,705 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    16 years old and already robbing stores? I think the pharmacist did the world a favor.
  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I watched the video again, and he did seemingly come back in for the coupe de grace. I'm not sure if a jury in OK would convict him, but to put 5 more in someone that's down, not sure about that one. I think what works for him is the whole thing is out of frame. Hopefully he didn't make a statement to police without a lawyer. Either way I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right about now. CA self defense laws state once the criminal has ended hostilities and no longer presents an imminent threat, no more self defense actions may be taken.
  • SpartacusSpartacus Member Posts: 14,415
    edited November -1
    Gotta agree with WPA on this one.
    I myself have no problem with what happened, but I think a jury could be convinced otherwise.
    hopefully, the pharmacist can make a deal and it wont go to trial.
    but he will still get sued by the "victims" family.
  • TxsTxs Member Posts: 17,809 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Here's an exerpt from another news account that addresses a different angle.

    It's interesting how the same people seeking to prosecute this guy made a point of defending his right to remain armed while out on bail. Makes me wonder how hard the DA actually plans on pushing this case.

    The guy's been arrested and posted bond, but keep in mind that he still has to be indicted before being tried. The DA has taken the first step, but could be just passing the buck over to a Grand Jury where all proceedings are closed. If they fail to indict the DA has an out that could keep him from coming under the gun of the minority vote come re-election time.
    An Oklahoma County judge today ruled pharmacist Jerome Jay Ersland can get out of jail if he posts $100,000 in bail on his murder case, but that he can't have access to any guns.

    Ersland is charged with first-degree murder for fatal shooting a would-be robber May 19 at the Reliable Discount Pharmacy in south Oklahoma City.

    Prosecutors contend he went over the line when he shot the unarmed robber five times in the abdomen while the robber was incapacitated on the floor from a gunshot wound to the head. His defense attorney contends Ersland acted in self-defense.

    District Judge Tammy Bass-LeSure set the bail amount after viewing a store videotape of the shooting of Antwun Parker, 16.

    The hearing today turned contentious when District Attorney David Prater asked the judge not to bar Ersland from access to a gun while at the store. He argued Ersland still has a right to defend himself and pharmacy employees if the store is robbed again.

    He said the restriction either meant Ersland would be fired from his job or crooks now know it is "open season" at the pharmacy if Ersland is there. The district attorney said his position sounds crazy but under the law Ersland has the right to protect himself. At one point, spectators clapped.

    Defense attorney Irven Box said the pharmacy has been robbed before.

    The judge refused to change her decision, saying Ersland can get another job. "If somebody wants to be around him, they are not going to have access to a gun," the judge said.

    "That's wrong," the district attorney replied.

    The judge also said Ersland, 57, of Chickasha will be on house arrest if he is freed and can only leave home to go to the doctor, his attorney, court, the grocery store, restaurants, church and work.
  • SuwanneePirateSuwanneePirate Member Posts: 65 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Kind of a double standard for the judge, most judges now carry ,even in the courtroom.The guy hasn't been found guilty of anything yet and most likely won't be .But is already being penilized financially and emotionally for him actions of self defence.If he had a heavier calibur weapon ,one shot would of done the job .
  • TxsTxs Member Posts: 17,809 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by SuwanneePirate
    But is already being penilized financially and emotionally for him actions of self defence.It's 'penalized', but what you're saying is really much more accurate. [:D]
  • ElMuertoMonkeyElMuertoMonkey Member Posts: 12,898
    edited November -1
    Without seeing what the injured perp was doing at the time, I'm not sure I can make an informed judgment on the situation.
  • gregoryhart1gregoryhart1 Member Posts: 518 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I noticed he is being charged with 1st degree murder. Doesn't 1st degree indicate there was some sort of premeditation? He certainly didn't plan on those clowns trying to rob him.
    It did, however, look like an execution. But who knows, the perp may have been reaching for a weapon.
  • kidthatsirishkidthatsirish Member Posts: 6,981 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    well....seeing as how the guy was trying to rob him in the first place...and the other guy was armed, it seems logical to me that he could only assume that the assaliant was reaching for a weapon, at that point what can I say.

    I think he should not be charged with anything. I think that instead of arresting the clerk, they should be looking for the other armed crook.
  • scottm21166scottm21166 Member Posts: 20,723
    edited November -1
    what if the pharmacist was a cop? you guys would all be screaming for his head, for a fact, I would at that point.
    This guy obviously executed the would be robber he went to the back and got a second gun to finish killing him. There is no evidence the downed robber was still armed and if he was such a threat, why would he walk right by him with his back turned as he retrieved the other gun? He didn't point his second gun at the robber demanding he drop a weapon, put his hands up or any thing else one might expect him to do to apprehend the suspect and keep himself safe . He just walked right by the thief, got his second gun, walked back out front and in a fit of rage shot him to death. 5 shots, point blank, center mass while the punk was flat on his back.
    The robber deserved the death penalty for his crime, but he deserved a trial first.
    SO I say the pharmicist killed him in cold blood, MURDER 1, HANG HIM...guys like that give the gun grabbers even more fuel to argue that WE should not have guns for even self protection. In My opinion, every responsible gun owner should be calling for his head.
  • RogueStatesmanRogueStatesman Member Posts: 5,760
    edited November -1
    Turn the Pharmacist loose and give him a medal. Any fool having the intent to rob or injure/kill should have at least 30 caps in his *!![:(!][:(!][:(!]
  • spasmcreekspasmcreek Member Posts: 37,717 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    why is society not allowed to send a message to criminals that if you commit you will pay a big price....acquit & i bet that pharmacy in not robbed again....coddle the buggers & they just get worse....
  • shoff14shoff14 Member Posts: 11,994 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by scottm21166
    There is no evidence the downed robber was still armed

    Can you say that beyond a reasonable doubt? That is the question the jury with have.
  • topdadtopdad Member Posts: 3,408 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    If he gets a jury of mostly blacks, he's toast.
    and if you don't know the bad guy is not armed
    and he moves then he is a threat, and should be
    neutralized.( dead )
  • GrasshopperGrasshopper Member Posts: 16,920 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by shoff14
    quote:Originally posted by scottm21166
    There is no evidence the downed robber was still armed

    Can you say that beyond a reasonable doubt? That is the question the jury with have.

    BINGO!!! NOT GUILTY,,,, IF I AM ON THE JURY. mm8nambu
  • BeeramidBeeramid Member Posts: 7,264 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The question I have, is whether or not the turd was already dead. He did shoot him in the head before he went back and pumped a few more rounds in him.
  • 8000fthi8000fthi Member Posts: 864 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The pharmacist will probably get a murder rap, but if they catch the other scum he should also get murder since a gun was involved on his part in the commission of the crime that resulted in a death. I could not tell the ethnicity of any of the people involved on the surveillance tape, but I'll bet if the pharmacist is white,he can kiss his butt good bye.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    I see one of you have it right..[:(]
  • allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,502 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The criminal scum who tried to murder the hard working and highly educated pharmacist were African-American.
    What a stunner!

    Were I on the grand jury, a No-Bill would be returned.
    Society has to take out the trash.
  • scottm21166scottm21166 Member Posts: 20,723
    edited November -1
    1)the pharmacist, said way too much to police, that couple with the video tells the story I described.
    2) they did the autopsy, the head shot did not kill the robber...
    3) They caught the 2nd robber
    just wish the shot to the head would have killed the scum bag and then there would be no Issue
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