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Editorial on John Edwards' Wife

allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,509 ✭✭✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
A Complicated Question

Published: May 5, 2009

I had dinner once with John and Elizabeth Edwards, when he first burst onto the national scene.

Looking across the booth at her grinning, boyish husband, she told me that it was irritating to be married to someone so comely who looked so much younger.

She was smiling, but she was telling the truth. The Edwardses reminded me of the Quayles - smooth, pretty boys married to tough, smart women they'd met at law school.

Elizabeth Edwards would have made a wonderful candidate herself. But she poured everything into John. And then John betrayed her. And then John betrayed his staffers, going ahead with the 2008 campaign, letting his disciples work around the clock because they believed in him and what he was running on, even though the Edwardses knew it could implode at any minute because of John's entanglement with Rielle Hunter.

Like Monica and Gennifer before her, Rielle was not a discreet choice. She inspired the literary character of Alison Poole, "an ostensibly jaded, sexually voracious" New York party girl who had the lead in Jay McInerney's novel "Story of My Life" and in a short story in his new book, "How It Ended," as well as a couple of walk-ons in novels by Bret Easton Ellis.

What unimaginable stress, to learn that you were trying to make your husband president at the same time his mistress was making a baby that could well be his. And while you were raising young kids and battling deadly cancer.

"He should not have run," Elizabeth Edwards writes in her new book, "Resilience."

John told her a little about Rielle a few days after he announced in 2006, and she told him to drop out to "protect our family from this woman, from his act," she writes.

She said she cried, screamed and threw up when she found out. But she ended up going along, helping sell the voters on her husband's character as a truth teller and charm as a loving husband and father. She had put so many quarters in the shiny slot machine of their mutual ambition. It was hard to walk away.

Just as it's hard to walk away from her desire to prosecute her husband and his former girlfriend now in public, while still taking the marriage "month by month."

John Edwards's political career is over, and he's being investigated by the feds about whether he used campaign funds to underwrite his affair. Nobody - except Rielle - has any interest in hearing from him again. Americans would have been relieved if the last we heard of him was that cringe-inducing "Nightline" interview last year, when he made the argument that he was a helpless narcissist and that he hit on Rielle when Elizabeth's cancer was in remission.

But now Saint Elizabeth has dragged him back into the public square for a flogging on "Oprah" and in Time and at bookstores near you. The book is billed as helping people "facing life's adversities" and offering an "inspirational meditation on the gifts we can find among life's biggest challenges."

But it's just a gratuitous peek into their lives, and one that exposes her kids, by peddling more dregs about their personal family life in a book, and exposes the ex-girlfriend who's now trying to raise the baby girl, a dead ringer for John Edwards, in South Orange, N.J.

Elizabeth said when they married, the only gift she asked John for was to be faithful.

"It didn't occur to me that at a fancy hotel in New York, where he sat with a potential donor to his antipoverty work," Elizabeth writes in her book, "he would be targeted by a woman who would confirm that the man at the table was John Edwards and then would wait for him outside the hotel hours later when he returned from a dinner, wait with the come-on line `You are so hot' and an idea that she should travel with him and make videos. And if you had asked me to wager that house we were building on whether my husband of then 28 years would have responded to a come-on line like that, I would have said no."

She may be smart, but she doesn't seem to know much about men.

Like Hillary with Monica, the feminist struck out at the girlfriend, implying that Rielle was a wacky stalker.

"We're basically old-fashioned people," Elizabeth told O magazine. "So this was a pretty big leap for him. Maybe it's being so different is what was attractive."

She's still helping her husband hedge on Rielle's baby, whom she refers to as "it," telling Oprah that she has "no idea" if the baby is John's, and adding: "It doesn't look like my children, but I don't have any idea."

Asked by Oprah in a taping for Thursday's show whether she's still in love with her husband, she replied, "You know, that's a complicated question."

The really complicated question is what she hopes to gain from this book.


  • Spider7115Spider7115 Member Posts: 29,702 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm sorry for her illness but it really bugs me that her desire to keep everything "private" went out the window so she can hawk her book on the talk-show circuit. She also blames the girlfriend for seducing her husband instead of placing the blame on the dirtbag she married. [:(!]

    "It didn't occur to me that at a fancy hotel in New York, where he sat with a potential donor to his antipoverty work," Elizabeth writes in her book, "he would be targeted by a woman who would confirm that the man at the table was John Edwards and then would wait for him outside the hotel hours later when he returned from a dinner, wait with the come-on line `You are so hot' and an idea that she should travel with him and make videos. And if you had asked me to wager that house we were building on whether my husband of then 28 years would have responded to a come-on line like that, I would have said no."
  • allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,509 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I saw her on Larry King last night, watched five minutes and had to change the channel. Larry mentioned this editorial, so I looked it up.

    While I was watching, I asked myself, "What does she hope to gain by writing this book? This is a low class act. She is just beating up on her husband. No dignity for this broad.
    Her poor children, this scandal subsided months ago, and now she puts them back in the media spotlight."

    Yeah, Mrs. Edwards was shocked that her husband would take a shot at banging a good looking, much younger woman.
    As Maureen Dowd says, Mrs. Edwards may be smart, but she doesn't know much about men.
  • spasmcreekspasmcreek Member Posts: 37,717 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    to gain some more public vindication & revenge.....
  • jimdeerejimdeere Member, Moderator Posts: 26,027 ******
    edited November -1
    ""What does she hope to gain by writing this book? ..."
    If I were her, I wouldn't count on Pretty Boy to be around for me, given his track record.
    The best revenge on your enemy it that which he never saw coming.
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,298 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    and he's the narcissist???

    by writing this book, I think she a big ego of her own to feed.
  • allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,509 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I don't see that she is doing it for money.
    John Edwards has a huge net worth, I believe it is $17 million.
    The house that they built recently is an estate, I think it alone cost $5 million.

    With his well documented playing around, and the 4 children, and her terminal cancer, let us just say he wouldn't fare too well in a North Carolina divorce court.

    She has him by the short and the curlies, financially.
    She has other sick motives for pushing this book.
  • fideaufideau Member Posts: 11,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    This scumbag lives 10 miles from me. I hate that part of the county. It says something about the stupidity of some Americans that he was taken as seriously as he was. People around NC knew what a slimy ambulance chaser he was. Didn't anyone notice when he spoke he would say "aaaaaaaaaaand" a lot, that's when he was thinking up the next lie. He has always only been for himself, and why would his wife be any different. Hope this rids us of this slimy dirtbag from politics forever. But I doubt it.
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