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Notify Your Congressman/Senator

HAIRYHAIRY Member Posts: 23,606
edited May 2006 in General Discussion
STOP Congress from Passing Amnesty for Illegal Aliens: Click below to Say NO to 'Guest Worker' Programs!

Take Action Now!

This CONSERVATIVE ALERT is a special message for Hairy from

ALERT: Did you see President Bush's speech on "immigration reform" last night?

There were a few things "right" about the speech... and a LOT of things very wrong.

First of all, we're glad he's actually proposing sending National Guard troops to the border. I hope you understand: the ONLY reason he's making that kind of public announcement, is because of the OVERWHELMING grassroots demands for securing the border that way.

Still, the way he's proposed doing it isn't the smartest way to get it done. Do you realize these troops won't even be armed? Sending unarmed troops to assist the Border Patrol with "logistics" consisting of paper-pushing and vehicle maintenance will do nothing more than place career desk jockeys and support personnel in a very dangerous environment. This is a POLITICAL maneuver, not a true border security plan.

And to top it off, once again the President called for a "guest worker" AMNESTY for 12 MILLION illegal immigrants... all while denying that it's an amnesty.

The bill that President Bush is pushing for is the Senate legislation that they tried to pass a few weeks ago, which would grant "guest worker" AMNESTY for millions of illegal aliens.

When they tried to pass that bill, our members sent over ONE MILLION FAXES to Capitol Hill, demanding that the Senate pass the House bill to Secure the Border FIRST, and REJECT amnesty for illegals.

The Senate went home for Easter, WITHOUT passing their awful bill!

At that time, reports began surfacing that GOP leaders in the U.S. House were considering compromising on the immigration issue, and possibly supporting a possible Senate bill that included the "guest worker" amnesty for illegals.

Then, our members sent over ONE MILLION FAXES to Capitol Hill, demanding that the House REJECT the Senate's attempts to pass amnesty, and to Secure the Border FIRST.

House GOP leaders stopped talking about any sort of compromise!

Now, with a boost from President Bush's speech, the Senate is trying AGAIN to pass their "guest worker" amnyety bill, which would offer a path to citizenship to most of the 12 million illegal aliens in America today. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) and Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) have come to an agreement that they say will ensure that the AMNESTY bill will pass the Senate before Memorial Day.

They're claiming that they have 70 of the 100 Senators supporting the bill -- enough to avoid a filibuster and ram through the amnesty bill.

No, these legislators won't call it "amnesty", just like President Bush, Ted Kennedy and John McCain won't call it that. They like to use the term "guest worker program". But what does that "program" mean? It means giving illegal aliens a way to avoid any real penalty for breaking our immigration laws.

That, my friend, is AMNESTY. And THIS WEEK, the Senate is planning to debate and pass a bill SUPPORTING that kind of amnesty for illegals!

That amnesty bill was BLOCKED before, thanks to the pressure being applied by grassroots Americans like YOU. Now we're at a critical moment -- unless we keep the pressure on THIS WEEK, members of the Senate are ready to pass a plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and import even more foreign workers to take American jobs. Senators Kennedy and McCain are pushing a bill which, as Phyllis Schlafly has said, "includes a massive guest worker program among weak border security measures."

If we don't stop them now, our last line of defense will be the U.S. House -- and remember, they're under pressure to compromise on granting amnesty, too!

THIS IS INSANE! Republicans in the Senate should NOT put Ted Kennedy in charge of immigration reform, and our Representatives MUST "hold the line" against the "McKennedy" cave-in! Polls show that 70% of the grassroots of America OPPOSE "guest worker" amnesty bills, and want Congress to SECURE THE BORDERS FIRST; so the grassroots -- that's YOU and ME -- MUST stop this NOW... and we've got a GREAT way to do that!

TAKE ACTION: The purpose of President Bush's national television address is simple: he wanted to provide "cover" for Senators to vote for their AMNESTY bill, by focusing on "enforcement" measures in his speech.

That's great, but it doesn't change one thing: what we need RIGHT NOW, before we do ANYTHING ELSE, is to SECURE THE BORDERS. Not amnesty, not unarmed "support" troops, not ANYTHING ELSE...


The U.S. House already passed Rep. James Sensenbrenner's bill, the "Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act" (H.R. 4437). This bill, which passed WITHOUT any "guest worker" amnesty provisions attached, is what was sent to the Senate -- and THAT is the bill they need to pass!

But they WON'T pass it unless we FORCE them to -- they need to "feel the heat" to "see the light," and this week -- as all of the focus is hot on the issue of illegal immigration -- is the PERFECT time to hit them hard! Our members have sent over ONE MILLION FAXES -- now we need to send MORE!

We need to get a strong message to ALL of our Senators and Representatives QUICKLY -- one that they CAN'T IGNORE... so we've set up our site so that you can send a personalized Blast Fax directly to the office of EVERY SINGLE SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE in the U.S. Congress, demanding that they reject ANY "immigration bill" that includes ANY "guest worker" amnesty provisions!

We need to FLOOD all of these legislators with faxes RIGHT AWAY. They MUST KNOW that you want them to enforce our present laws against illegal immigration, instead of rewarding the illegals that are already here.

THEY THINK YOU DON'T CARE. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who called measures like Kennedy's bill a "pro illegal immigration bill," said it's possible such a bill COULD pass because "Congress has insulated itself from the views of the American people on this issue for the last 10 years."

It is CRITICAL that you ACT TODAY! If we can FLOOD the offices of these Congressmen and Senators with HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of faxes, demanding that they REJECT any "guest worker" amnesty bill, we CAN stop McCain's and Kennedy's dangerous bill dead in its tracks, and we can FORCE the House to stand strong against Senate compromisers. We need YOUR help. Send your Blast Faxes to EVERY SINGLE U.S. Representative and Senator AT ONCE, NOW:

Remember, don't be fooled by political "spin" proposals for sending some National Guard mechanics, to help patch up the holes shot in our Border Patrol jeeps by the Mexican Army. The real solution has been proposed by Rep. Charlie Norwood at -- be sure to read it and pass it along. And be SURE to send your faxes to Washington!

NOTE: We ARE having an effect on this issue up on Capitol Hill -- that's why the President gave that speech, and why the really bad legislation has been held up for so long. In fact, we're so effective, far-left groups like People For the American Way are targeting us on this very issue (we're in good company -- they put us in with Phyllis Schlafly, Michelle Malkin, Paul Weyrich, Gary Bauer and the Minutemen). Now is NOT the time to pull back -- we CAN win this important issue!

As always, you can also send a FREE message to your Congressman and Senators, demanding they secure our borders, enforce our laws and STOP amnesty for illegals. Just go to now.

Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help Secure the Borders FIRST and STOP "guest worker" amnesty for illegal aliens! Thank you!


William Greene, President


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