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I've been in a pissy mood the last few days.

n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
I kind of let my anger get the best of me and went off at my daughters softball coaches (she has had the same coaches for 3 years now).

Story is they made the all star nominations and my daughters coaches did not nominate her even though she had the best stats of any player on the team.

But yet all three of the coaches daughters who statisticaly did not do crap all season not only were nominated but made the team.[:(!]

When I confronted the coaches about this they admited that Makayla was probly the best player on the team but denied that there was any favortism towards their daughters.

The husband of one of the coaches was right there when I went off on them and after I was done he said I was 100% right and felt that I had every right to say the things that I did and admited that Makayla was definatly more desrveing of a spot on the all stars team than even his own daughter.

I am going to go to the people in charge of the league and recomend that coaches no longer nominate players from their own team and only nominate the other teams players to try and do away with the favortism BS.


  • Colonel PlinkColonel Plink Member Posts: 16,460
    edited November -1
    You are now officially one of those parents.

    Seriously, though. You do have a good solution in mind.
  • spasmcreekspasmcreek Member Posts: 37,717 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    GOOD SHOW LADDIE...went thru that crap with daughters who were cpl coaches choice in high school..teachers kid always had the ball & one socialite gal that couldn't run or get her hands over her head wus the that is long over
  • peonpeon Member Posts: 2,644 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by *_r_done
    I kind of let my anger get the best of me and went off at my daughters softball coaches (she has had the same coaches for 3 years now).

    Story is they made the all star nominations and my daughters coaches did not nominate her even though she had the best stats of any player on the team.

    But yet all three of the coaches daughters who statisticaly did not do crap all season not only were nominated but made the team.[:(!]

    When I confronted the coaches about this they admited that Makayla was probly the best player on the team but denied that there was any favortism towards their daughters.

    The husband of one of the coaches was right there when I went off on them and after I was done he said I was 100% right and felt that I had every right to say the things that I did and admited that Makayla was definatly more desrveing of a spot on the all stars team than even his own daughter.

    I am going to go to the people in charge of the league and recomend that coaches no longer nominate players from their own team and only nominate the other teams players to try and do away with the favortism BS.

    Volunteer next year to be coach and you can have your daughter on the all star team. Problem solved. A perk of volunteering, not getting paid, and having to listen to parents gripe (not saying you, but parents in general). If I volunteer and have to put up with all the parents that do nothing but gripe, then my kid is at least getting on the team. Plus, their kid might suck compared to yours, but they have to live with their kid being disappointed if they don't make the team. I know it's not right, but that's life.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Tell your daughter she better get used to it. Its the way of the world. The best are not always recognised..
  • mousemouse Member Posts: 3,624
    edited November -1
    Sounds like you did right to me. That stinks for your daughter.
    I see the favoritism crap going on at work. One of our newer
    officers was steaming the other day, and saying he is thinking
    of leaving. Sometimes the harder worker doesn't get the
    recognition they need. I've got 2 many years in to make
    waves in my situation now...gonna bite the bullet and retire
    where I'm at hopefully. I'm at the top of my pay scale and
    looking at a new grad who makes as much as I do. I'm going
    to take a 2 week one is expendable, but I
    know...I will be missed big time.[:D]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by peon
    quote:Originally posted by *_r_done
    I kind of let my anger get the best of me and went off at my daughters softball coaches (she has had the same coaches for 3 years now).

    Story is they made the all star nominations and my daughters coaches did not nominate her even though she had the best stats of any player on the team.

    But yet all three of the coaches daughters who statisticaly did not do crap all season not only were nominated but made the team.[:(!]

    When I confronted the coaches about this they admited that Makayla was probly the best player on the team but denied that there was any favortism towards their daughters.

    The husband of one of the coaches was right there when I went off on them and after I was done he said I was 100% right and felt that I had every right to say the things that I did and admited that Makayla was definatly more desrveing of a spot on the all stars team than even his own daughter.

    I am going to go to the people in charge of the league and recomend that coaches no longer nominate players from their own team and only nominate the other teams players to try and do away with the favortism BS.

    Volunteer next year to be coach and you can have your daughter on the all star team. Problem solved. A perk of volunteering, not getting paid, and having to listen to parents gripe (not saying you, but parents in general). If I volunteer and have to put up with all the parents that do nothing but gripe, then my kid is at least getting on the team. Plus, their kid might suck compared to yours, but they have to live with their kid being disappointed if they don't make the team. I know it's not right, but that's life.
    I do coach my sons baseball team. There is no way I can coach both baseball and softball at the same time or I would consider it.

    And as a coach I do not pull any favortism towards my son. If anything I am harder and expect more from him than the other kids on the team.

    I'm not saying that the other coaches should treat their kids like I do mine as far as how I coach them, but they should treat them equal and use the stats (the stats are kept every game in the score book) for chooseing the players for the all stars team. After all these girls are going to represent our town in a huge state tournament.
  • burdz19burdz19 Member Posts: 4,145
    edited November -1
    Let it motivate and teach your daughter *_r, not just about sports but life. I grew up in a small town and didn't make the Little League All-Star team once....... but by the time I graduated HS I made the State All-Star game and played in college. I used the fact, and probably hate- sad to say- of the rich farmers kids that always made those teams, to drive me to work at everything I could to be better (not that I wasnt already) but I wanted to be head and neck above them. As a father I understand your anger and don't blame ya a bit, but you can definately use it to motivate her- if it hasn't already [;)].

    Good luck-

  • kumatekumate Member Posts: 2,314 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Kevin,get a minivan and you can be a soccer dad,just kidding dude rave on[B)]
  • ladyhunterladyhunter Member Posts: 2,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Something like this happened with my step daughter, she made the all star but the coach benched her. When i asked why i was tolded she wasn't good enough to play with his girls, i tolde Amanda what was said and why she wasn't allowed to play. Please keep in mind this was the older leagues, she was 16 at the time. She didn't say a word. When game time came all she did was walk out to the pitcher mount and sat down. It took them 2 1/2 hrs to get her to move. And i think the only reason she moved was because she had a date that night.
  • wlfmn323wlfmn323 Member Posts: 4,712
    edited November -1
    unfortunately favoritism is rampant in sports and other competitive endeavors. it doesnt make it right, but it is there.
    you have and had every right to be pi55ed. and i would definately see about doing something to change this. growing up, parents could coach, but they could not coach a team that their kids were on. it helped quite a bit.

    sorry that your daughter has to go through this crap, and good luck in your mission to bring about change.
  • hehatemehehateme Member Posts: 724
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ladyhunter
    Something like this happened with my step daughter, she made the all star but the coach benched her. When i asked why i was tolded she wasn't good enough to play with his girls, i tolde Amanda what was said and why she wasn't allowed to play. Please keep in mind this was the older leagues, she was 16 at the time. She didn't say a word. When game time came all she did was walk out to the pitcher mount and sat down. It took them 2 1/2 hrs to get her to move. And i think the only reason she moved was because she had a date that night.

    That's awesome, it takes great fortitude to take a stand (Or sit in this case) like that. Very admirable.
  • Locust ForkLocust Fork Member Posts: 31,913 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Everyone around here calls local sports "daddy-ball" .....its daddy-ball football, daddy-ball baseball, even mommy-cheer. You won't get anything done by having someone on another team nominate the all star players. These are the people who live and breathe this crap. You will drive yourself crazy trying to win these battles. Just do what you can to teach your daughter what is actually right and do what you can to get her a scholarship if at all possible when she gets in the high school league. When she is 15/16 yrs old you will want to rant if the coach isn't doing her right. These daddy-ball things are like Stepford Wife DON'T want to go there.
    LOCUST FORK CURRENT AUCTIONS: Listings added every Thursday! We do consignments, contact us at
  • 53hawkeye53hawkeye Member Posts: 4,673
    edited November -1
    This is small town politics 101. Went thru it with the older daughter and now am getting same kind of crap with younger, only it's volleyball, big ranchers, teachers, and school board members kids.
    It's unfortunate, but a life lesson. for better or worse.
  • txlawdogtxlawdog Member Posts: 10,039 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I worked Security at a local ball park for several years for the boys baseball association. A lot of parents ain't worth whipping when it comes to their kids. They hate the world, they have been shorted in life, picked on as kids and it all comes out when their kid gets called out, or does not get his favorite flavored snow cone at the concession stand! I made good money off of silly folks! I only took a couple of people to jail, but sure had to break up plenty of fights. Competitive sports sometimes brings out the worst in folks.

    *, I think your right, that sucks for your daughter and its hard to teach her a lesson in all of this, adults ruin it for the kids that just want to play. I agree also with your idea about picking all stars for next year, maybe that will fly. My nephew went to another town and played ball because his parents didn't care for the politics of it.
  • sfrenchsfrench Member Posts: 316 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Makayla was probly the best player on the team but denied that there was any favortism towards their daughters.

    Think they dont like yo and what yo represent?
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It may suck, but its life. Sign up for the rival team [:0]
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