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prayers needed ***thanks you all**new update



  • dawniedawnie Member Posts: 1,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    glad he is home and doing pictures soon
    he will be in out prayers
  • GUNFUNCOGUNFUNCO Member Posts: 2,919 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I don't know if you are aware but it is common for children less than 3 years old to have what are commonly called "fever seizures" (febril seizures)if they get a temperature over 102 or so.

    One of my kids had them several times when he was quite small and the doctor told us he could have them up until about age 3. He was right. My kid is 12 and never had one after about 2 1/2 years of age.

    About the scariest thing I have ever been thru. He would shake violently then stop breathing and turn blue. In almost all occasions, after they pass out, their body relaxes and they start to breathe again on their own.

    I had just taken my son to the hospital after the first two seizures (same day)and was on the way home on the freeway when it happened again. My cell wouldn't catch a tower (that was 10 years ago) and my wife was too shook to start rescue breathing so I stopped the car in the center median and held his airway open to start rescue breathing while I yelled for someone to call an ambulance. Here I was holding a blue baby that looked like a rag doll on one arm and yelling at traffic going by. A guy I never got to thank, stopped his pickup and ran up the embankment to a nearby residence to call EMS. My son started to breathe on his own again and I threw him back in the car and went Mach 10 back to the hospital while telling the 911 dispatcher that I was LE and on the way into the hospital with a baby that had stopped breathing. (cell started to work again) They tried to get a marked car or ambulance to meet me but I was back at the hospital before a unit could even get rolling.

    We lost a couple day care providers because of those seizures. He was at one daycare when he had the first. She thought he was choking and picked him up and ran him to a bowling alley across the way from her house because she didn't know what to do. The ambulance wouldn't take him without her going as well and she had other kids at home as well. The owner of the bowling alley sent a trusted waitress to her house to watch the rest of the kids while she rode to the hospital with my son. (one of the benefits of living in a smaller town) That lady quit that evening. She told us she would rather get a regular job before going thru that again. My son had another seizure a short time after leaving the hospital so I took him to the big city hospital about 40 minutes away. They never told me he would start breathing on his own after he went unconcious.

    Another time he had one and another daycare provider told us she was done when we went to call her again. He had another and this daycare provider called me on my cell when I was working. I couldn't remember her address to tell the 911 dispatcher, so I asked her. She was so shook she couldn't remember it either. I gave the dispatcher directions to the house and I went lights and sirens to the hospital because they couldn't reach my wife and I was working 40 miles into the next county to the north.

    Anyway, he lived thru them all and always started breathing on his own but you should carry the addresses of all your daycare providers in your wallet.[B)]

    I feel for you but it might not be as bad as it seems but it will be one of the scariest things you'll ever go thru. You should have someone show you how to open the airway on a child and make sure daycare providers know this (and CPR) for the future.

    My prayers go out to you and your family.
  • Late-BloomerLate-Bloomer Member Posts: 249 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    God Bless you & may He give you peace at this most precious time. May He heal you all with His Divine Presence and His Divine Mercy for He is a loving God! For I myself have experienced it for myself & this is my prayer for you & your loved ones at this very hour!
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