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CrittergitterCrittergitter Member Posts: 2,554 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
I was recently in a retail store and needed to use the restroom. After washing my hands, I was preparing to exit the Men's room when I noticed a large sign on the inside of the restroom door.


I usually open doors with my hand, and I didn't have any caution with me, so I looked around to see if they had some in their restroom. Never having seen caution before, I wasn't sure what to look for, and I saw no vending machine or anything. Thinking about it, I've never seen any caution for sale, for lease, for rent, or even free for the asking. Got to wondering if caution can be shared, or if it's a one-use item, and one must get more when it's used up, like gas in your car, or if it can be used over and over, like a hammer. Not wanting to break any rules, I decided to wait for a bit and see if someone entered the room and offered me some caution with which to open the door.

Since the store wasn't very busy, I decided that wasn't going to happen. I wasn't sure what to do. I thought about just opening the door with ABANDON, but I didn't have any of that either. I looked around. Didn't see any abandon. Not sure what IT looks like either.

I looked closely at the door handle. It seemed it hadn't been cleaned or sterilized in a long time. It was stained, smudged, had little globs of God-knows-what on it. I didn't really want to touch it after just washing my hands. I didn't want to touch it at all! Perhaps that's why I was supposed to open it with some caution. I looked around again. Still didn't see anything that looked like it might be caution.

Just then I saw one of those little yellow cones at the far end by the stalls. I read the words on it.

Wet Floor!

I walked over and looked more closely. I saw the wet floor, but that was all. No caution that I could discern.

By now I was rather confused and frustrated, unable to make a decision. I needed some CONFIDENCE.

I looked around. Didn't see any.

That little voice in my head told me to just push the door open with my foot. Not too hard, just enough to squeeze by without touching it. So I did just that. The door swung open gently, and I slipped out into the hallway. I looked around. No one saw me. I got away with it! That little voice in my head virtually screamed "The FORCE is WITH you!

I looked around for the force, but I was alone.

This whole ordeal being a rather disconcerting experience, I decided to leave. I headed for the door. It had a sign on it.


I was already inside!

I found the exit door over to the left, and went outside. I looked back at it. There, on the outside of that door was a sign.


I was already outside! I decided these people were nuts!

Then I looked over at the ENTER door, and it had another sign on it.


They also had no CAUTION, no CONFIDENCE, and no ABANDON!

They didn't have anything, it seemed.

I'm sure they'll be bankrupt soon.

As I walked out to my truck, I reflected on the fact that another American business would soon fail, and that little voice in my head told me I should have some sympathy.

I looked around.


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