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why not

scottm21166scottm21166 Member Posts: 20,723
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
fix this economy once and for all?
here are a few ideas
1)NO tax on any of your regular paycheck that you put into an IRA. If you keep it until you achieve 60 years of age you would never pay tax on it. The trade off would be no social security,(and no SSI withholding) people can take care of themselves if they plan for it.
2) no tax on any money you spend on American made durable goods
3) Increase the incentive to build cars Americans want to buy but don't do it by making the companies build economy cars by law or regulation. do it by taxing fuel. When gas is expensive, people will seek cars that supply better MPG and generate a demand that grows the economy naturally.
they will use public transport, reduce the amount of repairs to road surfaces, allow for green technology go gain market share and provide investment money from the private sector.

4) Require 3 operations for any exported raw material. Like logs must be cut into lumber before export. ore must be converted to steel before export. China is sucking up every raw material they can find and driving the prices up.
5) no free money unless you are disabled. People who need financial assistance can do menial jobs to earn their welfare checks. They could also go to vocational schools sponsored by companies that need employees and subsidized with government aid, those people move from welfare lines into being tax paying members of society.

6)stop the war on drugs but increase interdiction efforts at the borders. Legalize and tax marijuana, the money spent fighting that non problem could be used for way better plans.

7) make a balance budget law, do not let the government borrow any more money for social programs or entitlements.
make it a law that government may not get involved in private business except to enforce anti-trust laws.

these are just a few ideas I think meet the original intent of our founding fathers. all the problems come from corruption of the intent. The constitution clearly lays out the principals this country thrives upon.


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