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Think I won the squirrel battle

lindalecowboylindalecowboy Member Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited June 2009 in General Discussion
A friend introduced me to a secret fix for the squirrels bustin' up your bird feeders. It's called Cole's Hot Meats, which is sunflower seeds (meats) that have been treated with Habinero/Chili Pepper and guaranteed to knock the squirrels off the feeder but won't hurt the birds.

You also don't feed it to them 100% but mix it in with your favorite bird seed and when the squirrel gets a bite or two, they go nuts, running around trying to get that hot flavor out of their mouths.

Costs about $12.99 for a 5 lbs bag but goes a long way since you mix it in with regular seed.

Sort of funny seeing them run around a little buzzed once they a nibble.

Makes my family happy since I don't have to keep dropping the little buggers with my pellet rifle. Put some out and get the popcorn and watch the funny shows.


  • yoshmysteryoshmyster Member Posts: 21,645 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If you tape it and put it on Youtube it'll make you famous[:D]. Beside I think it'll be funny to see.
  • get_involvedget_involved Member Posts: 2,490 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Why don't you try some Goober.
  • matwormatwor Member Posts: 20,594
    edited November -1
    Ya gotta post a vid of that!!!![:D][:D][:D][:D]
  • MarnerMarner Member Posts: 2,977
    edited November -1
    damn tree rats....
  • BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
    edited November -1
    Yep, and as soon as he posts a video, PITA will be parked on his front lawn! [B)]

    I say do what ya gotta do, but leave no evidence...
  • BeeramidBeeramid Member Posts: 7,264 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Why would they get mad, at least he didn't shoot the sorry things.
  • bigdaddyjuniorbigdaddyjunior Member Posts: 11,233
    edited November -1
    Hot nuts won't keep them from breeding like the rats they are. They may even start developing a taste for spicy food or word will get out and next thing you know you'll have a bunch of mexican squirrels fiesta-ing on your lawn and taking jobs from the american squirrels.
  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by get_involved
    Why don't you try some Goober.

    Probably better for them then some lead to the noodle,

    Especialy this time of year, females probably have lil' ones to nurse.
  • Blade SlingerBlade Slinger Member Posts: 5,891
    edited November -1
    I just wack'em and stack'em in the trash. Tree rats have no reason to live in my neck of the woods. They have destroyed to much at my ranch to live, dirty little buggers fall to the trusty 177.
  • Blade SlingerBlade Slinger Member Posts: 5,891
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bigdaddyjunior
    Hot nuts won't keep them from breeding like the rats they are. They may even start developing a taste for spicy food or word will get out and next thing you know you'll have a bunch of mexican squirrels fiesta-ing on your lawn and taking jobs from the american squirrels.
  • footlongfootlong Member Posts: 8,009
    edited November -1
    You reckon Mexicans squirrels breed as fast as Mexicans[:0]
  • spanielsellsspanielsells Member Posts: 12,498
    edited November -1
    They just have anchor babies.
  • mousemouse Member Posts: 3,624
    edited November -1
    I solved the raccoon and squirrel problem this weekend. I
    got a large ball of heavy string, threw it up over the tree
    limb. Then attached heavy guage wire to the end and pulled
    it up over the tree limbs. Twisted the wire on the ends
    hanging down from the tree. Used smalled hangers from that
    as high up as I could get it, and hang my birdfeeders swinging
    off the wire with the hook on it. The squirrels can't jump
    or climb down the heavy guage wire. Bird feeders still have
    seed in the morning now.[:D]
  • p3skykingp3skyking Member Posts: 23,916 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Good outcome! I used to hunt squirrels and probably still would in an emergency, but since raising one I don't.
    I raised Sandy on an eyedropper and tiny bottle. The only one out of a litter of seven to survive.
    She grew up and would ride in the car, go to Wal-Mart with me, beg food from strangers, and just generally be herself. She had more personality than most cats.
    She didn't like to share her food and would fuss if you tried to take it away. She would groom me by pulling dead skin off my hands and
    People loved her and just had to pet her. She would jump over on them if they didn't mind and would sit on their shoulders. It made for great Kodak Moments with kids.
    I made a harness for her, but early on found out I didn't need it. She minded (most of the time) and I would let her out to go play in the trees. She would come down whenever I called.
    She only lived two years. One morning I found her in her cage, the door I never closed. She looked like she was asleep in her nest. I still miss her.
    Here's a picture of Sandy and a girl from Australia that came to visit a friend.

  • lindalecowboylindalecowboy Member Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bigdaddyjunior
    Hot nuts won't keep them from breeding like the rats they are. They may even start developing a taste for spicy food or word will get out and next thing you know you'll have a bunch of mexican squirrels fiesta-ing on your lawn and taking jobs from the american squirrels.

    Must be clairvoyant or something, my biggest problem squirrel is an old fat fox squirrel (red) and he's so fat when he jumps on the feeder, he knocks it down. I finally put it up with baling wire and today he was swinging on the feeder and eating away at those HOT MEATS....... guess he is of Mexican decent and now I'm going to have to send him his happy tortilla hunting ground. The young little gray squirrels won't have anything to do with this new hot food but the old bustard seems to think is "good eatin".
  • jon ojon o Member Posts: 1,755 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    [:0]I have always liked squirrels. I give them refuge!![8D]
  • lindalecowboylindalecowboy Member Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sorry to string this silly topic a little further but I feel compelled to tell you guys that I gave you some bad advice. This "hot meats" thing doesn't work. The squirrels seem to like this HOT flavor. I knew we had a large hispanic population in east Texas but they must have brought their squirrels with them.

    Anyway, just thought I needed to tell you it don't work before any of you went to this web site and bought some of the hot meats.

    sorry, thought it was working.
  • eastbankeastbank Member Posts: 4,052 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    i feed my squirrels, to a old lady down the road, see loves to make squirrel pot pie. eastbank.
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