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New Bill - H.R. 2159, Gunsales & Ownership

mauser54mauser54 Member Posts: 3,733
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
On April 29th, Republican Peter King of New York. He introduced and is sponsoring a new Bill, which if passed will restrict and deny sales and ownership of firearms and explosives to anyone deemed as a terrorist, whether you be considered a Domestic or Foriegn terrorist. This is a companion Bill to go along with the Recently leaked document labeling almost anyone as a Rightwing Extremeist. They are attacking gunowners on all fronts. Here is the link to check it out. [:(!][}:)]


  • RamtinxxlRamtinxxl Member Posts: 9,480
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mauser54
    On April 29th, Republican Peter King of New York. He introduced and is sponsoring a new Bill, which if passed will restrict and deny sales and ownership of firearms and explosives to anyone deemed as a terrorist, whether you be considered a Domestic or Foriegn terrorist. This is a companion Bill to go along with the Recently leaked document labeling almost anyone as a Rightwing Terrorist. They are attacking gunowners on all fronts. Here is the link to check it out. [:(!][}:)]

    a.k.a. Royal Dick!
  • BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
    edited November -1
    All these bills on "Gun Control" and gun restriction are sure attempting to give a lot of discretionary power to the Attorney General. In many cases he does not even have to justify. We would be able to purchase and own firearms only if we get a "bye your leave" from Holder.

  • mauser54mauser54 Member Posts: 3,733
    edited November -1
    +1, Way to much power for one man![}:)] They are going after all gunowners in each and everyway they can think of![}:)][}:)]quote:Originally posted by BaseJumper
    All these bills on "Gun Control" and gun restriction are sure attempting to give a lot of discretionary power to the Attorney General. In many cases he does not even have to justify. We would be able to purchase and own firearms only if we get a "bye your leave" from Holder.

  • RinkRink Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    If you fly the Gadsen Flag or have a Gadsen Bumper sticker on your car, you might end up on that list, if you voice your opposition to Obama you may end up on that list that denies you your 2nd Amendment rights.

    For me I heard not that long ago of some motorist was pulled over and stopped because he had a Gadsen bumper sticker on his car and was lectured about the 'subversiveness of that bumper sticker's message'

    Personally I dont like the direction this country is going of late and worry about future attempts against the Constitution and our rights.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rink
    If you fly the Gadsen Flag or have a Gadsen Bumper sticker on your car, you might end up on that list, if you voice your opposition to Obama you may end up on that list that denies you your 2nd Amendment rights.

    For me I heard not that long ago of some motorist was pulled over and stopped because he had a Gadsen bumper sticker on his car and was lectured about the 'subversiveness of that bumper sticker's message'

    Personally I dont like the direction this country is going of late and worry about future attempts against the Constitution and our rights.

    You should be worried/opposing the "current" anti-Constitution actions being taken by our gov't. How about the plethora of "past" anti-Constitution actions?

    Both these are the best predictors of what the future holds in store.

    Our "rights" are effectively relegated to government granted "privilege" status, right now.

    We have no "right" to keep and bear arms, but, rather, must have government permission.

    We have no "right" to free speech, but, rather, we can be targeted for expressing opinion and thought.

    We have no "right" to be secure in our persons, papers and effects from unreasonable search and seizure, but, rather, we can be stopped at checkpoints, roadblocks, and have our personal property seized without warrant.

    How about "eavesdropping", self-written "warrants" with no requirement for a judge to review and sign, or to ensure that probable cause is present as required under the US Constitution?

    I could go on, but you get the picture, I hope.......

    The citizenry should be up-in-arms over all this, literally, yet, we largely stand idly by, watching it all happen.

    Those few of us who have our eyes wide-open are merely an aware, but minuscule, presence in this, the "collective" that is the "new america".

    To act in such minuscule numbers, would be to be isolated, killed/imprisoned and subsequently used by the propaganda arm (main stream media) of our predatory government as an example of "radical domestic terrorism" and as an excuse for further tightening of the noose.

    It is what it is.......
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    "I hear that train a comin'..."

    As a Veteran, former LEO, registered/licensed gunsmith, pro Constitution and Bill of Rights advocate, prolife and pro AMERICA as our forefathers intended, Where does that put me? My anscestors arrived here on the Mayflower (Myles Standish), I will not see their dreams die out.

  • mauser54mauser54 Member Posts: 3,733
    edited November -1
    +1, I am a direct decedant of my family coming over on the mayflower also. And I also am a gunsmith, prolife, pro-American. And My father and all of my prior generation of grandfathers fought for this country, ever since and including the American Revolution. They all would turn over in their graves if they could see how our nation has changed and in the condition it is in today! As my forfathers, I would rather die fighting for what your forefathers and mine fought for, than to see it turn to a Socialist Bananna Republic, which they are trying there hardest to do against us.[}:)][:(!]quote:Originally posted by zink
    "I hear that train a comin'..."

    As a Veteran, former LEO, registered/licensed gunsmith, pro Constitution and Bill of Rights advocate, prolife and pro AMERICA as our forefathers intended, Where does that put me? My anscestors arrived here on the Mayflower (Myles Standish), I will not see their dreams die out.

  • RinkRink Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by Rink
    If you fly the Gadsen Flag or have a Gadsen Bumper sticker on your car, you might end up on that list, if you voice your opposition to Obama you may end up on that list that denies you your 2nd Amendment rights.

    For me I heard not that long ago of some motorist was pulled over and stopped because he had a Gadsen bumper sticker on his car and was lectured about the 'subversiveness of that bumper sticker's message'

    Personally I dont like the direction this country is going of late and worry about future attempts against the Constitution and our rights.

    You should be worried/opposing the "current" anti-Constitution actions being taken by our gov't. How about the plethora of "past" anti-Constitution actions?

    Both these are the best predictors of what the future holds in store.

    Our "rights" are effectively relegated to government granted "privilege" status, right now.

    We have no "right" to keep and bear arms, but, rather, must have government permission.

    We have no "right" to free speech, but, rather, we can be targeted for expressing opinion and thought.

    We have no "right" to be secure in our persons, papers and effects from unreasonable search and seizure, but, rather, we can be stopped at checkpoints, roadblocks, and have our personal property seized without warrant.

    How about "eavesdropping", self-written "warrants" with no requirement for a judge to review and sign, or to ensure that probable cause is present as required under the US Constitution?

    I could go on, but you get the picture, I hope.......

    The citizenry should be up-in-arms over all this, literally, yet, we largely stand idly by, watching it all happen.

    Those few of us who have our eyes wide-open are merely an aware, but minuscule, presence in this, the "collective" that is the "new america".

    To act in such minuscule numbers, would be to be isolated, killed/imprisoned and subsequently used by the propaganda arm (main stream media) of our predatory government as an example of "radical domestic terrorism" and as an excuse for further tightening of the noose.

    It is what it is.......

    My dad's generation wouldnt have put up with this garbage one bit, but then they arent around anymore (my dad was born in 1922, went through WW2 and that war gentled his condition.)

    But with me I differ on guns in the fact that they ensure our continued Rights, by threat of force against any would-be 'Tyrant' who tries to take such from us and more.

    Now we have someone in the White House working overtime to take our 2nd Amendment rights away from us, working hard to label any dissenters as 'potential terrorists' and working hard to compile databases of names of those who may fly that Gadsen Flag or the betsy Ross flag or espouse the desire to support the Constitution which should be and was the Highest Law of the land to date till now.

    I dont like the direction this country's 'Leaders' are taking this Nation into, I dont like what I see going on in our Public Schools, and dont like what I have seen go on with each and every generation thats coming out of our Public Schools.

    How to remedy this ever encroaching incremental creep against our rights, I dont know, all I can think of is fight, fight, fight.

    In whatever capacity one can do, written, phone calls, complain, growl, howl, vote those that will uphold your rights up for you, find ways to hold their feet to the fire when they start to welch.

    What we truly need is a GOP with a backbone that will NOT compromise its core principle Conservative values, thats something that we do NOT have right now and why there is such inrestricted march against our rights at this time.

    2010 is the start, if we dont get the GOP to back up and take back its Conservative values and start sticking to those values, then we may be sunk completely.

    (sorry this is long, I just dont know what to do about this loss of rights other than what I posted in length here.)
  • zinkzink Member Posts: 6,456 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    RINK, I agree on all except 1 point. The GOP is also heading south, we need a representative OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE! The two major parties are after the same goal by different routes.

  • RinkRink Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by zink
    RINK, I agree on all except 1 point. The GOP is also heading south, we need a representative OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE! The two major parties are after the same goal by different routes.


    I concur, its just the fact of the matter here is no third party candidate or party has ever succeeded, hence we need to focus on recapturing the GOP back from the centrist-RINO's that is running that party straight into the ground.

    One good sign is Sarah Palin, I pray she runs in the next Presidential election, she elicited a wide ranging reaction from the conservatives I havent seen since reagan did.

    She's the one I think has the best chance at re-captuiring the GOp back from the left-leaning RINO's and in 2010 before that time, we the people have a chance at booting out a big majority of RINO's in the party and send the GOP a huge message to straighten out and come back to the Core Conservative principles that made it great to begin with.

    2010 is the linchpin, after that God knows...
  • 11b6r11b6r Member Posts: 16,584 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The idiot introucing this bill might want to take a look at some of the EXISTING laws on explosives that some of us already have to deal with- its called the SEA- Safe Explosives Act. Businesses must have a "Responsible Person" that goes thru Federal background check, licensing. Then EACH employee that possesses explosives- either actually or constructively (drives a powder truck, has access to keys to magazine, etc) has to be licensed as an EMPLOYEE POSSESSOR. And no, you cannot BUY explosives without those licenses. All this is handled thru the BATFE- E, as in Explosives. Once again, an idiot educated beyond his IQ. [:(!]
  • mauser54mauser54 Member Posts: 3,733
    edited November -1
    Pesonaly, He makes idiots look good and inteligent. instead of using and calling him an idiot, he shoild be called MORON! Thats more fitting.[;)]quote:Originally posted by 11b6r
    The idiot introucing this bill might want to take a look at some of the EXISTING laws on explosives that some of us already have to deal with- its called the SEA- Safe Explosives Act. Businesses must have a "Responsible Person" that goes thru Federal background check, licensing. Then EACH employee that possesses explosives- either actually or constructively (drives a powder truck, has access to keys to magazine, etc) has to be licensed as an EMPLOYEE POSSESSOR. And no, you cannot BUY explosives without those licenses. All this is handled thru the BATFE- E, as in Explosives. Once again, an idiot educated beyond his IQ. [:(!]
  • wittynbearwittynbear Member Posts: 4,518
    edited November -1
    Seems to me people want a peaceful solution to what is wrong with our country, the current administration is making things worse. They are making peaceful change impossible. That will eventually lead to a massive violent revolution. The bottom line is many people don't need a gun if they have guns. I could use a steak knife, and end the day with quite an arsenal. So if they think for one minute that gun control will prevent violence, after they push the American people past their breaking point, they are very sadly mistaken, it will only infuriate the American people and put people closer to violence.
  • War Pig ActualWar Pig Actual Member Posts: 2,063 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    glad I'm not a right-wing extremeist.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Rink
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by Rink
    If you fly the Gadsen Flag or have a Gadsen Bumper sticker on your car, you might end up on that list, if you voice your opposition to Obama you may end up on that list that denies you your 2nd Amendment rights.

    For me I heard not that long ago of some motorist was pulled over and stopped because he had a Gadsen bumper sticker on his car and was lectured about the 'subversiveness of that bumper sticker's message'

    Personally I dont like the direction this country is going of late and worry about future attempts against the Constitution and our rights.

    You should be worried/opposing the "current" anti-Constitution actions being taken by our gov't. How about the plethora of "past" anti-Constitution actions?

    Both these are the best predictors of what the future holds in store.

    Our "rights" are effectively relegated to government granted "privilege" status, right now.

    We have no "right" to keep and bear arms, but, rather, must have government permission.

    We have no "right" to free speech, but, rather, we can be targeted for expressing opinion and thought.

    We have no "right" to be secure in our persons, papers and effects from unreasonable search and seizure, but, rather, we can be stopped at checkpoints, roadblocks, and have our personal property seized without warrant.

    How about "eavesdropping", self-written "warrants" with no requirement for a judge to review and sign, or to ensure that probable cause is present as required under the US Constitution?

    I could go on, but you get the picture, I hope.......

    The citizenry should be up-in-arms over all this, literally, yet, we largely stand idly by, watching it all happen.

    Those few of us who have our eyes wide-open are merely an aware, but minuscule, presence in this, the "collective" that is the "new america".

    To act in such minuscule numbers, would be to be isolated, killed/imprisoned and subsequently used by the propaganda arm (main stream media) of our predatory government as an example of "radical domestic terrorism" and as an excuse for further tightening of the noose.

    It is what it is.......

    My dad's generation wouldnt have put up with this garbage one bit, but then they arent around anymore (my dad was born in 1922, went through WW2 and that war gentled his condition.)

    But with me I differ on guns in the fact that they ensure our continued Rights, by threat of force against any would-be 'Tyrant' who tries to take such from us and more.

    Now we have someone in the White House working overtime to take our 2nd Amendment rights away from us, working hard to label any dissenters as 'potential terrorists' and working hard to compile databases of names of those who may fly that Gadsen Flag or the betsy Ross flag or espouse the desire to support the Constitution which should be and was the Highest Law of the land to date till now.

    I dont like the direction this country's 'Leaders' are taking this Nation into, I dont like what I see going on in our Public Schools, and dont like what I have seen go on with each and every generation thats coming out of our Public Schools.

    How to remedy this ever encroaching incremental creep against our rights, I dont know, all I can think of is fight, fight, fight.

    In whatever capacity one can do, written, phone calls, complain, growl, howl, vote those that will uphold your rights up for you, find ways to hold their feet to the fire when they start to welch.

    What we truly need is a GOP with a backbone that will NOT compromise its core principle Conservative values, thats something that we do NOT have right now and why there is such inrestricted march against our rights at this time.

    2010 is the start, if we dont get the GOP to back up and take back its Conservative values and start sticking to those values, then we may be sunk completely.

    (sorry this is long, I just dont know what to do about this loss of rights other than what I posted in length here.)
    Your dad's generation wouldn't have put up with this? You sure about that? Much of what is coming to fruitation in this country started before ww2, and is just now reaching close to it's *. WW2 veterans were just as asleep at the wheel as this generation is
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Your dad's generation wouldn't have put up with this? You sure about that? Much of what is coming to fruitation in this country started before ww2, and is just now reaching close to it's *. WW2 veterans were just as asleep at the wheel as this generation isAbsolute truth, right there.
  • dreherdreher Member Posts: 8,862 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    In WWII my Dad got shot down 3 times, flying B-24's. His patriatism or bravery cannot be questioned. He did what his country asked him to do. But he would never go against a LEO, or any man in uniform. He would assume those in Washington knew what they were doing.
  • shilowarshilowar Member Posts: 38,811 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:lt496 Posted - 05/09/2009 : 10:38:51 PM

    quote:Originally posted by Rink

    If you fly the Gadsen Flag or have a Gadsen Bumper sticker on your car, you might end up on that list, if you voice your opposition to Obama you may end up on that list that denies you your 2nd Amendment rights.

    For me I heard not that long ago of some motorist was pulled over and stopped because he had a Gadsen bumper sticker on his car and was lectured about the 'subversiveness of that bumper sticker's message'

    Personally I dont like the direction this country is going of late and worry about future attempts against the Constitution and our rights.

    You should be worried/opposing the "current" anti-Constitution actions being taken by our gov't. How about the plethora of "past" anti-Constitution actions?

    Both these are the best predictors of what the future holds in store.

    Our "rights" are effectively relegated to government granted "privilege" status, right now.

    We have no "right" to keep and bear arms, but, rather, must have government permission.

    We have no "right" to free speech, but, rather, we can be targeted for expressing opinion and thought.

    We have no "right" to be secure in our persons, papers and effects from unreasonable search and seizure, but, rather, we can be stopped at checkpoints, roadblocks, and have our personal property seized without warrant.

    How about "eavesdropping", self-written "warrants" with no requirement for a judge to review and sign, or to ensure that probable cause is present as required under the US Constitution?

    I could go on, but you get the picture, I hope.......

    The citizenry should be up-in-arms over all this, literally, yet, we largely stand idly by, watching it all happen.

    Those few of us who have our eyes wide-open are merely an aware, but minuscule, presence in this, the "collective" that is the "new america".

    To act in such minuscule numbers, would be to be isolated, killed/imprisoned and subsequently used by the propaganda arm (main stream media) of our predatory government as an example of "radical domestic terrorism" and as an excuse for further tightening of the noose.

    It is what it is.......

    I just have to say that was well thought and I appreciated reading it. Because you're absolutely right....Those of us that will stand, will be isolated and our views and reputation will be destroyed, and everything else taken by force one Patriot at a time. And with the aid of the Media, it will just be another "lone gunman" wack job in a standoff that ended violently....there are so many sheeple in this country that "they" just don't have it in their breeding to question or5 to rise up. The liberals and socialist have been genius in their slow, steady silent usurpation of a free America....I hope I'm wrong....but I saw how America forgot Sept 11 a few months later....flags came down, and "folks" went back to their lattes....

    meanwhile our Troops whooped some serious * over in the middle east, crushed a Dictator and crushed the Taliban...the same Taliban that caused a nightmare for the Soviets and those of us that honor them for that are told that is inappropriate....I say kiss my *...

    It is unbelievable that a sitting Senator, Majority Leader of the United States Senate can come out and public say that the US has lost the War in Iraq....this man should be tried for Treason.....and John Murthat??? WTH??? I'm not a Marine but I can only imagine what the Marines from Haditha that John Murtha flushed down the toilet for his own career....can imagine their anger??? What a total POS to turn his back on the Marines after all those years, just so he can get a pat on the back from Code is truly shameful, they have no character, no soul....and our people keep elected these criminals....PS all the Marines tried for Haditha to this date have been found NOT Guilty.
  • RinkRink Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by Rink
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by Rink
    If you fly the Gadsen Flag or have a Gadsen Bumper sticker on your car, you might end up on that list, if you voice your opposition to Obama you may end up on that list that denies you your 2nd Amendment rights.

    For me I heard not that long ago of some motorist was pulled over and stopped because he had a Gadsen bumper sticker on his car and was lectured about the 'subversiveness of that bumper sticker's message'

    Personally I dont like the direction this country is going of late and worry about future attempts against the Constitution and our rights.

    You should be worried/opposing the "current" anti-Constitution actions being taken by our gov't. How about the plethora of "past" anti-Constitution actions?

    Both these are the best predictors of what the future holds in store.

    Our "rights" are effectively relegated to government granted "privilege" status, right now.

    We have no "right" to keep and bear arms, but, rather, must have government permission.

    We have no "right" to free speech, but, rather, we can be targeted for expressing opinion and thought.

    We have no "right" to be secure in our persons, papers and effects from unreasonable search and seizure, but, rather, we can be stopped at checkpoints, roadblocks, and have our personal property seized without warrant.

    How about "eavesdropping", self-written "warrants" with no requirement for a judge to review and sign, or to ensure that probable cause is present as required under the US Constitution?

    I could go on, but you get the picture, I hope.......

    The citizenry should be up-in-arms over all this, literally, yet, we largely stand idly by, watching it all happen.

    Those few of us who have our eyes wide-open are merely an aware, but minuscule, presence in this, the "collective" that is the "new america".

    To act in such minuscule numbers, would be to be isolated, killed/imprisoned and subsequently used by the propaganda arm (main stream media) of our predatory government as an example of "radical domestic terrorism" and as an excuse for further tightening of the noose.

    It is what it is.......

    My dad's generation wouldnt have put up with this garbage one bit, but then they arent around anymore (my dad was born in 1922, went through WW2 and that war gentled his condition.)

    But with me I differ on guns in the fact that they ensure our continued Rights, by threat of force against any would-be 'Tyrant' who tries to take such from us and more.

    Now we have someone in the White House working overtime to take our 2nd Amendment rights away from us, working hard to label any dissenters as 'potential terrorists' and working hard to compile databases of names of those who may fly that Gadsen Flag or the betsy Ross flag or espouse the desire to support the Constitution which should be and was the Highest Law of the land to date till now.

    I dont like the direction this country's 'Leaders' are taking this Nation into, I dont like what I see going on in our Public Schools, and dont like what I have seen go on with each and every generation thats coming out of our Public Schools.

    How to remedy this ever encroaching incremental creep against our rights, I dont know, all I can think of is fight, fight, fight.

    In whatever capacity one can do, written, phone calls, complain, growl, howl, vote those that will uphold your rights up for you, find ways to hold their feet to the fire when they start to welch.

    What we truly need is a GOP with a backbone that will NOT compromise its core principle Conservative values, thats something that we do NOT have right now and why there is such inrestricted march against our rights at this time.

    2010 is the start, if we dont get the GOP to back up and take back its Conservative values and start sticking to those values, then we may be sunk completely.

    (sorry this is long, I just dont know what to do about this loss of rights other than what I posted in length here.)
    Your dad's generation wouldn't have put up with this? You sure about that? Much of what is coming to fruitation in this country started before ww2, and is just now reaching close to it's *. WW2 veterans were just as asleep at the wheel as this generation is

    I grew up in a mainly German/Irish family, anger the Irish and you have serious problems, I'll leave the rest up to you on that point.

    Not everyone played the game, many after WW1 had to take up arms and defend the ballot boxes in order to ensure a fair election, lots of history that isnt taught in our dumbed-down Public schools.

    And I'm not talking about going up against the LEO's either, I'm talking about protesting like the Tax protestors did, talking about legally going up against those who are running this country down into the ground, armed rebellion will just be met with extreme force and all that do it will be squashed.

    I'm talking the avenues we have to date that hasnt been eliminated..... yet.
  • mauser54mauser54 Member Posts: 3,733
    edited November -1
    More and more americans are starting to wake up finnaly! And we are starting to protest the goverments actions, but I don't think it's doing much good so far. They still seem to do what they want to do without the americans approval. So now americans are arming themselves like has never been done in the history of this nation. I would think that this alone is sending a huge message to our goverment. And so far they are still showing us that they don't care what the american people want. They have forgotten that they work and answer to us the american people, they have now turned it around, to where it's the american people thats suppose to answer to them. The further it goes, the closer it looks as though it going to get down to an outright revolution in order to get this nation turned around again to the original way our founding fsthers set it up! Long Live The Republic!quote:Originally posted by Rink
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    quote:Originally posted by Rink
    quote:Originally posted by lt496
    quote:Originally posted by Rink
    If you fly the Gadsen Flag or have a Gadsen Bumper sticker on your car, you might end up on that list, if you voice your opposition to Obama you may end up on that list that denies you your 2nd Amendment rights.

    For me I heard not that long ago of some motorist was pulled over and stopped because he had a Gadsen bumper sticker on his car and was lectured about the 'subversiveness of that bumper sticker's message'

    Personally I dont like the direction this country is going of late and worry about future attempts against the Constitution and our rights.

    You should be worried/opposing the "current" anti-Constitution actions being taken by our gov't. How about the plethora of "past" anti-Constitution actions?

    Both these are the best predictors of what the future holds in store.

    Our "rights" are effectively relegated to government granted "privilege" status, right now.

    We have no "right" to keep and bear arms, but, rather, must have government permission.

    We have no "right" to free speech, but, rather, we can be targeted for expressing opinion and thought.

    We have no "right" to be secure in our persons, papers and effects from unreasonable search and seizure, but, rather, we can be stopped at checkpoints, roadblocks, and have our personal property seized without warrant.

    How about "eavesdropping", self-written "warrants" with no requirement for a judge to review and sign, or to ensure that probable cause is present as required under the US Constitution?

    I could go on, but you get the picture, I hope.......

    The citizenry should be up-in-arms over all this, literally, yet, we largely stand idly by, watching it all happen.

    Those few of us who have our eyes wide-open are merely an aware, but minuscule, presence in this, the "collective" that is the "new america".

    To act in such minuscule numbers, would be to be isolated, killed/imprisoned and subsequently used by the propaganda arm (main stream media) of our predatory government as an example of "radical domestic terrorism" and as an excuse for further tightening of the noose.

    It is what it is.......

    My dad's generation wouldnt have put up with this garbage one bit, but then they arent around anymore (my dad was born in 1922, went through WW2 and that war gentled his condition.)

    But with me I differ on guns in the fact that they ensure our continued Rights, by threat of force against any would-be 'Tyrant' who tries to take such from us and more.

    Now we have someone in the White House working overtime to take our 2nd Amendment rights away from us, working hard to label any dissenters as 'potential terrorists' and working hard to compile databases of names of those who may fly that Gadsen Flag or the betsy Ross flag or espouse the desire to support the Constitution which should be and was the Highest Law of the land to date till now.

    I dont like the direction this country's 'Leaders' are taking this Nation into, I dont like what I see going on in our Public Schools, and dont like what I have seen go on with each and every generation thats coming out of our Public Schools.

    How to remedy this ever encroaching incremental creep against our rights, I dont know, all I can think of is fight, fight, fight.

    In whatever capacity one can do, written, phone calls, complain, growl, howl, vote those that will uphold your rights up for you, find ways to hold their feet to the fire when they start to welch.

    What we truly need is a GOP with a backbone that will NOT compromise its core principle Conservative values, thats something that we do NOT have right now and why there is such inrestricted march against our rights at this time.

    2010 is the start, if we dont get the GOP to back up and take back its Conservative values and start sticking to those values, then we may be sunk completely.

    (sorry this is long, I just dont know what to do about this loss of rights other than what I posted in length here.)
    Your dad's generation wouldn't have put up with this? You sure about that? Much of what is coming to fruitation in this country started before ww2, and is just now reaching close to it's *. WW2 veterans were just as asleep at the wheel as this generation is

    I grew up in a mainly German/Irish family, anger the Irish and you have serious problems, I'll leave the rest up to you on that point.

    Not everyone played the game, many after WW1 had to take up arms and defend the ballot boxes in order to ensure a fair election, lots of history that isnt taught in our dumbed-down Public schools.

    And I'm not talking about going up against the LEO's either, I'm talking about protesting like the Tax protestors did, talking about legally going up against those who are running this country down into the ground, armed rebellion will just be met with extreme force and all that do it will be squashed.

    I'm talking the avenues we have to date that hasnt been eliminated..... yet.
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