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You Think Obama Ever Considered This Thought?

n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
edited May 2009 in General Discussion

"America's abundance was not created by public sacrifices to the common good, but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes." -- Ayn Rand

Probably not, in view of that which he advocates.[;)]


  • CS8161CS8161 Member Posts: 13,596 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    That is the exact opposite of everything he believes in.
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    Well now that is very Un-American thinking. The children, what about the children? It takes a village you know.........
  • RtWngExtrmstRtWngExtrmst Member Posts: 7,456
    edited November -1
    Ayn Rand writings will be the first banned when Obama takes over as dictator. (I meant to sat when)
  • Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    No,.....I don't think he ever did.
    I also believe that some GB members have never considered it either.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Marc1301
    No,.....I don't think he ever did.
    I also believe that some GB members have never considered it either.
    that is because to the majority of people individuals with more than the average joe are considered greedy. People by nature love to see the "big guy" get it, and the "little guy" "win".
  • scottm21166scottm21166 Member Posts: 20,723
    edited November -1
    everyone in America benefits from the individual entrepreneurial spirit. Our innovations have changed the world over and over from the cotton gin to digital data. Most of use make a living from the people who took risks to bring a product to market. Obama seems dead set on killing that spirit by making the uninspired, untalented, under motivated, unwilling and unemployed equal with the captains of industry. Obama thinks its OK for a baseball player to make 7 million a year, but bill gates should have his salary limited
    Its OK for snoop dog to blow his millions on drugs and whores, but an executive shouldn't be paid the salary he deserves or inspire new business with a social retreat.
    I can't stand that bleener , I hate his politics with a passion and anyone who dares to believe this country owes them anything is the lowest form of loser (except veterans because the country does owe them, big time).
    This is the only place on earth where you can go from zero to hero completely on your own power and determination. He would kill that oportunity and thereby kill the American dream reduce us to the stupified masses, mindlessly treadng water til the day we die.
    I can't wait for the day when he messes with the wrong people and they send someone to "discuss" it with him
  • tomahawktomahawk Member Posts: 11,826
    edited November -1
    but that won't work,,how would the baggypants get an equal share if they have to work[:0]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Marc1301
    No,.....I don't think he ever did.
    I also believe that some GB members have never considered it either.
    Hence the reason that I posted it Marc. You are perceptive indeed.[:)]
  • CaptplaidCaptplaid Member Posts: 20,297 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Where's mine, dude?

    From each according to their abilities...

    I don't understand why it pisses them off to see people succeed in a free market.
  • savage170savage170 Member Posts: 37,504 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I never got a job from a poor person this whole thing could've been fixed by now if the free market would have been turned loose and not taxed to death
  • scottm21166scottm21166 Member Posts: 20,723
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by savage170
    I never got a job from a poor person this whole thing could've been fixed by now if the free market would have been turned loose and not taxed to death

    since the beginning of time there have always been people well off enough to pay the wages of the worker bee's.From the ancient kings and Pharohs, to the Carnegies, Rockerfellers and Steve jobs of the world today,
    They didn't do it to be benevolent, workers were a nessesity to reaching their own goals. In the end, the workers earned a decent living and led a better life than anywhere else on earth.
    In the last depression Roosevelt raised taxes on the rich over and over and every time he did it the economy suffered more. More Business owners moved their production off shore and hid their money in foriegn accounts. Only WWII saved the economy then, only WWIII will save it this time. Good thing numb nuts has a plan for that it feels like he is setting us to be attacked again
  • trapguy2007trapguy2007 Member Posts: 8,959
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by savage170
    I never got a job from a poor person this whole thing could've been fixed by now if the free market would have been turned loose and not taxed to death

    +1---I found out years ago that I depend on the people on the "other side of the tracks" .
    I cannot build a business based on the patronage of a poor man .
    They are not buying my goods or services .
    If these liberal idiots had understood high school biology they would have to have seen a co-dependency that exist between the rich and poor .
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