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Don't Say It If You Don't Mean It

Colonel PlinkColonel Plink Member Posts: 16,460
edited May 2009 in General Discussion,2933,522412,00.html?test=latestnews

In retrospect, there are a dozen other expletives she could've used that could have turned much, much worse.

MERIDEN, Conn. - An analyst at the Connecticut Police Academy says a co-worker responded literally to her "bite me" remark and chomped on her.

Former Waterbury police Capt. Francis Woodruff was charged Tuesday with disorderly conduct and released on a promise to appear in court. He's accused of biting academy license and applications analyst Rochelle Wyler on April 24.

A police arrest report says Wyler had teeth marks and bruising on the back of her left arm.

Wyler's complaint alleges Woodruff was annoying her by calling her a clerk. She says she responded with "bite me" -- and he did.

Woodruff also is a training coordinator with the 130-member police department in Meriden, just south of Hartford. He says he was joking around


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