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Are ticks especially bad this year?

Tech141Tech141 Member Posts: 3,787 ✭✭✭
edited June 2010 in General Discussion
Looking for some land in the NW Arkansas/SW Missouri area and have been spending time traipsing around different 40 - 120 acre parcels lately. Seems to me that the ticks are having a serious population explosion this year. Worst that I have seen for quite a while. Anyone else notice this?

Last time the wife and I went out (admittedly unprepared...) we picked approx. 20 ticks off each other after. I had a few that had already latched on.... fun times.

Finally I got smart. Went to Cabelas Sunday and picked up some Samuels Tick/Insect repellant/killer (contains Permethrin...). You soak your clothes in it for a couple of hours and let them dry. Also picked up a spray can of the stuff to spray down items we can't really soak (shoes, belts, slings, etc...)

Any other ideas on how to ward off the menacing tick hoards while we are surveying land? We'd definitely appreciate any input.


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    bobskibobski Member Posts: 17,868 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    connecticut is bad.
    virginia is bad this year with deer flies too.
    Retired Naval Aviation
    Former Member U.S. Navy Shooting Team
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    Navy Distinguished Pistol Shot
    MO, CT, VA.
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    Alan RushingAlan Rushing Member Posts: 9,002 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Simple Math: shorter or more mild winters +/or ... drier springs = more ticks and fleas. Universal Simple Math.
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    spasmcreekspasmcreek Member Posts: 37,724 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    was down at our lake home & the neighbor was on his deck putting on pantyhose???????...well now iwas curious so i wandered over & found out he was avid turkey hunter & they have little tiny ticks there, not like the bigones i have at home...he was putting on a two piece outfit like long johns called gorilla gear...a fine mesh that the little buzzards can't get thru...sit all day in brush then comes home & blows off ...might use some spray to ...he said gear was a necessity
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    n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    Tick WERE thicker this year.

    Till I sprayed the yard for them.

    Me, I would not spray permethrin on my clothes, even if they did "dry". I know, I know. Ya'll know what you are doing.

    Even the guy that sprays our cattle barns, suits up to keep the permethrin off him.
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    MaxOHMSMaxOHMS Member Posts: 14,715
    edited November -1
    Havn't gotten into ticks.

    The chiggers and grasshoppers are thick though.
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    spurgemasturspurgemastur Member Posts: 5,655 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I found the ticks in MN to be less than I expected this year. Tick season is about over up here.
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    moonshinemoonshine Member Posts: 8,471
    edited November -1
    found some this past weekend so there up in Oregon.
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    JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I wouldn't know if the ticks were especially bad this year because they are especially bad every year where I live.

    Sevin Dust will keep them down pretty good, but the best thing is just make up your mind there are ticks and check your body every evening.

    If a tick hasn't been in long he'll come right out when you pull. If he's got his head in your hide, you might have to be a little more careful. If you don't let them stay in more than twenty-four hours they are no big deal.

    When a tick bites he lays his body flat against your skin to make him hard to get hold of. All you have to do is put your fingernail at his butt and lift him up. Then you can grab him with two fingers and out he comes. If you don't have a fingernail, use a 3x5 card or credit card or whatever's handy.

    Sometimes if he hasn't been in very long you can just scrape him out with your fingernail without having to pull.

    After you've done it a few thousand times it's easy. [:D]
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
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    wallbangerwallbanger Member Posts: 181 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Spray around pant cuffs, belt, shirt sleeves and neck with WD40
    No Ticks or Chiggers ..
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    Tech141Tech141 Member Posts: 3,787 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I heard that exact same advice from a guy at Rural King last weekend. Interesting.....
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