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Walmart Error

Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Pic to come as soon as I can.

Was a box of goldfish crackers. .. The price was the error-

WAS: 2.78

Not one off the shelf. [:D][:D]


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    11BravoCrunchie11BravoCrunchie Member Posts: 33,423 ✭✭
    edited November -1
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    Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Probably not tonight bro. I dont even know where my phone is.
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    hk-91hk-91 Member Posts: 10,050
    edited November -1
    the only walmart error i like to see is in the sporting goods area. That is aslong as the clerk isnt going to have to pay out of pocket for my deal
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    JnRockwallJnRockwall Member Posts: 16,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by hk-91
    the only walmart error i like to see is in the sporting goods area. That is aslong as the clerk isnt going to have to pay out of pocket for my deal

    Like several years ago, I went in to get a box of 22 Mags. They were around $8 a bx and they didn't have any single 50 packs out. But I noticed the case pack on the bottom shelf. I told the girl, hey won't you just give me that big box.

    She said ok, and she scanned the barcode on the box and it came up less than $9 after tax. I said, wow these things have really gone up! And she laughed and said yeah, I think everything has...



    My x brother -in-law was a master of free stuff at wal mart. He bought a $100 rod (yeah, who knew wal mart sold $100 rods??) And 2 years later he broke the tip off. He took it back to the store and they gave him $38 and a new rod. LOL Apparently the price had come down since he purchased it. And another time we bought an * load of camping gear and the cashier set the lantern over to her left, but she didn't scan it. So she gave him his total and said will that be all? He said yes, did you get everything? She says yes, ok, and how much is it? She told him, and he put his checkbook on top of the lantern and said, hmm, seems prety cheap. Her reply was "That's wal mart". He smiled and said, yep, it sure is...
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    FatstratFatstrat Member Posts: 9,147
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by thermonuclear
    quote:Originally posted by hk-91
    the only walmart error i like to see is in the sporting goods area. That is aslong as the clerk isnt going to have to pay out of pocket for my deal

    Like several years ago, I went in to get a box of 22 Mags. They were around $8 a bx and they didn't have any single 50 packs out. But I noticed the case pack on the bottom shelf. I told the girl, hey won't you just give me that big box.

    She said ok, and she scanned the barcode on the box and it came up less than $9 after tax. I said, wow these things have really gone up! And she laughed and said yeah, I think everything has...



    My x brother -in-law was a master of free stuff at wal mart. He bought a $100 rod (yeah, who knew wal mart sold $100 rods??) And 2 years later he broke the tip off. He took it back to the store and they gave him $38 and a new rod. LOL Apparently the price had come down since he purchased it. And another time we bought an * load of camping gear and the cashier set the lantern over to her left, but she didn't scan it. So she gave him his total and said will that be all? He said yes, did you get everything? She says yes, ok, and how much is it? She told him, and he put his checkbook on top of the lantern and said, hmm, seems prety cheap. Her reply was "That's wal mart". He smiled and said, yep, it sure is...

    IMO what you have described here is nothing short of THEFT.
    Knowingly taking something you didn't pay for by taking advantage of employee error.
    Congrats, you just revealed to the board that you are a person of minimal honor.
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    Hunter MagHunter Mag Member Posts: 6,611 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    On the other hand recently I was at the local smokehouse picking up some processed venison. The bill was $103. I gave the gal two $50s and a $5. She put the $$$ under the drawer. I didn't think twice about it untill she proceded to give me a couple $20s ect. Then it dawned on me she had thought I gave her 3-$50s. I told her this is too much change. She checked what she put under the drawer and sure enough 2-$50s and a $5. She was embarassed but all ended up good.

    A few months ago I ordered an alternator for my truck. It was $126. Had to wait 3 days to pick it up and pay for it. I called the store a few times the day it was supposed to be there wanting to get it in my truck ASAP. When it finally came in I went to get it and the guy put it on the counter and said there you go sorry for the delay and walked away. I said wait a minute I need to pay for this, and did.

    A few weeks ago I went to a local club for lunch. Wrote a $20 check and put it in my wallet to cover food there. When I got to the club the kitchen was closed for remodeling. Then I though ship I need to cash this to have money to get lunch somewhere else now. So I gave it to the bartender and he brought back $200 and handed it to me. I stood there for a second counting the money thinking what it all this for? Then it dawned on me he really f'd up. I yelled to him "hey this is too much" he said you cashed a check for $200, I said no it was for $20. He went to the register looked at the check again and said oh ship your right, I could have swore it was for $200. I left with my $20 and all was good once again.

    Anybody can make a mistake. I just hope it's someone honest when it's my turn to f up.
    It's amazing how people are so different.......
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    HappyNanoqHappyNanoq Member Posts: 12,023
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Jacob2008
    Pic to come as soon as I can.

    Was a box of goldfish crackers. .. The price was the error-

    WAS: 2.78

    Not one off the shelf. [:D][:D]

    Heck, at least they're honest.!!

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    Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The only REALLY BAD error I have ever seen made, was a local store last year that a new guy accidentally marked Johnsonville Beer Battered Brats down to like 1.99 a pack, instead of the cheapie store made ones, which were marked $6 [:0]

    Told him about error... He quickly pulled them from shelves.
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    searcher5searcher5 Member Posts: 13,511
    edited November -1
    I have to look at myself in the mirror every morning. Now, with my looks, that ain't much of a way to start the day, but it would be worse if I was ashamed of my integrity. Money just don't mean that much to me.
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    MFinnMFinn Member Posts: 2,095 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Still no picture [:(!]
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    wittynbearwittynbear Member Posts: 4,518
    edited November -1
    I hate walmart, they have a lot of nothing. Their customer service is non existant. I had an employee almost run me over with a pallet one night, didn't even bother to say excuse me. So I said "No, excuse me, I didn't mean to be in your way I'm just the customer that makes your paycheck possible." He grumbled something under his breath. So I spoke to his manager who said "So, what do you want me to do about it." I told him "Nothing, just put these back." I grabbed my jacket and walked away from a cart overflowing with groceries, probably about $200 worth. I haven't been back since. I prefer Kmart and grocery outlet anyways. I'll drive a few extra miles and/or pay a little bit more for good service. Actually 90% of the time gracery outlet is cheaper, and Kmart is always competitive if not better.
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