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Colonel PlinkColonel Plink Member Posts: 16,460
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
What the pharmacist did wrong...

It's like "Where's Elmo" with current events.,2933,522461,00.html

OKLAHOMA CITY - An Oklahoma City pharmacist who shot and killed a 16-year-old would-be robber was charged Wednesday with first-degree murder.

Jerome Ersland, 57, was being held without bail in the Oklahoma County Jail.

Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater said in an afternoon news conference that Ersland was justified in shooting Antwun Parker once in the head on May 19. But Prater said Ersland went too far when he shot Parker five more times in the abdomen while Parker lay unconscious on the floor.

Ersland's attorney, Irven Box, said Ersland was protecting himself and two women inside the pharmacy.

"I think he did something in his eyes that protected both himself and two ladies in there," Box said. "He put an end to the threat."

Box said he thinks a jury will exonerate Ersland.

At an afternoon news conference, Prater showed a security video in which two men burst into the pharmacy and one is shot.

Ersland is seen chasing the second man outside before returning, walking past Parker to get a second gun then going back to Parker and opening fire.

The charge alleges Ersland shot Parker while he was incapacitated and lying on his back. Ersland's account of the incident doesn't match the video or the evidence collected at the scene, according to an affidavit written by Oklahoma City Police Detective David Jacobson.

Jacobson said the suspect who ran away from the pharmacy was armed, but no gun was found near Parker.

"Ersland shows no concern for his safety as he walks by Parker, and turns his back to Parker as he walks behind the pharmacy counter," Jacobson said. "Ersland is then seen to put the pistol he is carrying on the counter, and retrieve a second pistol from a drawer."

Ersland used this pistol to shoot Parker on the ground, the detective said.

He said an autopsy determined that Parker had been shot in the head, but was still alive when he was shot in the stomach area and died from those injuries.


  • Oklahoma223Oklahoma223 Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    We have been discussing this on our Oklahoma Shooters website. They say he popped caps in the suspect while he was on the ground. I have tried to find video, but I haven't been able to find it.
  • quickmajikquickmajik Member Posts: 15,576 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    sounds kinda premeditated. As in murder.

    but I dont know all the details.. the camera angle may have been placed in manor that a precived threat to the owner remains unseen.
  • GuvamintCheeseGuvamintCheese Member Posts: 38,932
    edited November -1
    I would think that in a stressful situation you might keep on shooting once the perp is dowm. I hope he was treated for shock afterwards. A good attorney will have him free as a bird.
  • JorgeJorge Member Posts: 10,656 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Adrenaline dump?
  • LesWVaLesWVa Member Posts: 10,490 ✭✭
    edited November -1 video in which two men burst into the pharmacy and one is shot.

    .. chasing the second man outside before returning, walking past Parker to get a second gun then going back to Parker and opening fire.

    He made the mistake when he got the second gun and went back to shoot the first guy again. In the eyes of the law that he intentionally killed the guy.

    If he would have just got the second gun and held the guy until the cops arrived. He would have not been charged with murder.
  • Colt SuperColt Super Member Posts: 31,007
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Polite Psycho
    Adrenaline dump?


    Something I would likely do.


  • dav1965dav1965 Member Posts: 26,540 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I think he would have been better off if he would of kept shooting after he shot him in the head. After he walked away that kind of gets in the gray area. Although if my mom or loved ones was there i would be grateful for him. [?][?]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by LesWVa video in which two men burst into the pharmacy and one is shot.

    .. chasing the second man outside before returning, walking past Parker to get a second gun then going back to Parker and opening fire.

    He made the mistake when he got the second gun and went back to shoot the first guy again. In the eyes of the law that he intentionally killed the guy.

    If he would have just got the second gun and held the guy until the cops arrived. He would have not been charged with murder.


    He went past defending himself. He SHOULD be charged.
  • JnRockwallJnRockwall Member Posts: 16,350 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Punks storm a drug store, armed and one gets killed. The only thing I see he did wrong was to not kill the other punk...

    Otherwise, I think he is the victim of over zealous cops.

  • The Ultimate InfidelThe Ultimate Infidel Member Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Come now people, you miss the point. The thing he did wrong was to have operational video system or at the least available tapes to be viewed of the incident. Do we not learn anything from Law enforcement?
  • bigtirebigtire Member Posts: 24,800
    edited November -1
    Sounds like a good case for jury nullification.

    If I was on that jury I would not vote for any type of conviction.
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Only thing he did wrong IMO was kill the kid. Shoulda shot his knees out or capped him in the family jewels, let him sit in prison the rest of his life for armed robbery.
  • GuvamintCheeseGuvamintCheese Member Posts: 38,932
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Jacob2008
    Only thing he did wrong IMO was kill the kid. Shoulda shot his knees out or capped him in the family jewels, let him sit in prison the rest of his life for armed robbery.
    So we can pay 30k a year to feed him. Dont do the crime, if you cant do the time.
  • Jacob2008Jacob2008 Member Posts: 19,528 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by cartod
    quote:Originally posted by Jacob2008
    Only thing he did wrong IMO was kill the kid. Shoulda shot his knees out or capped him in the family jewels, let him sit in prison the rest of his life for armed robbery.
    So we can pay 30k a year to feed him. Dont do the crime, if you cant do the time.
    I dont believe in that either. Make him work his * off for his food, if he wants to eat.
  • BaseJumperBaseJumper Member Posts: 5,570
    edited November -1
    Video I saw does not show whether the kid on the floor was a threat or not. Looks like only one eye witness to me. If there is another video angle that we haven't seen, he could be in trouble.

    As it is now, only one eye witness living. His story against a theory from the cops that the kid was down and living but no longer a threat.
  • fishkiller41fishkiller41 Member Posts: 50,608
    edited November -1
    The shot to the head should have been a double-tap.That would have been all she wrote.
    The 5 to the guts, will no doubt cost him his freedom, forever.[:(]
  • dan kellydan kelly Member Posts: 9,799
    edited November -1
    the mistake was him not destroying the video before the cops got to see it[}:)] then it`s his word against a dead man[^]
  • Rack OpsRack Ops Member Posts: 18,596 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by bigtire
    Sounds like a good case for jury nullification.


    No conviction if I'm sitting on that jury.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    of course, if the punk didn't decide to rob the store, he wouldn't be taking a dirt nap now, would he?

    Need more ending like this.

    Free the Pharmacist!!!
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    You walk into a persons place of business, or home with intentions of doing them harm you deserve to feed the worms. Actually you should just have your lifeless corpse dragged to the desert to feed the buzzards. I do not understand the sympathy. This man is a hero. Not only did he make sure nobody else would be harmed (maybe your wife or kids) in a future attempt he also saved the taxpayers countless amounts of money supporting his * in prison while he honed his criminal skills. Win/WIn I say.
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