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Voluntary Registration

mydadsson1mydadsson1 Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
What if there was a new Constitutional Amendment affirming the 2nd Amendment. This would forever end the matter of wasteful bureaucratic activity related to constitutional tampering of our rights and bring in a forever law related to firearm legislation. There would be unlimited access to weapons provided it was registered like a class 3 firearm. An understanding would be made that unlawful or hurtful use of firearms would be punishable with just,fair punishment including and up to the death penalty. However it would be encouraged for uses of recreation, hunting, armed revolt againest despotism, sporting uses, economic and improvement of technology. Whatever a free American could imagine in pursuing life, liberty and happiness. Concealed carry would be a no brainer. Go ahead and have that full auto Gatling gun. Get in a road rage incident however and swift justice will apply to troublemakers whether by a citizen or law enforcement. Use it the way a polite man would, in living a free good life with all powers over government. The caveat is registration of all arms with the understanding that confiscation would never apply but goverment has a responsibilty and duty to pursue justice respecting lawbreaking but reverence for privacy and rule of rights. Just an idea that needs picking apart, scrutiny or establishment?????


  • brier-49brier-49 Member Posts: 7,078 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    WE already have the 2nd amendment! I don't think we need more laws to tell us our rights..
  • mark christianmark christian Member Posts: 24,453 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'm as pro gun as you will find but I see no point. Rather than going through the nightmare of passing a new amendment for no other reason than to reaffirm one that has been around for over 200 years, lets try getting an amendment mandating a balanced budget!
  • grumpygygrumpygy Member Posts: 48,464 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    No new laws till those already on the books are enforced.
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    We already have the Second Amendment...and I'll be damned if I'm registering crap.
  • hooch31Lhooch31L Member Posts: 1,650 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mark christian
    I'm as pro gun as you will find but I see no point. Rather than going through the nightmare of passing a new amendment for no other reason than to reaffirm one that has been around for over 200 years, lets try getting an amendment mandating a balanced budget!

  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mydadsson1
    What if there was a new Constitutional Amendment affirming the 2nd Amendment. This would forever end the matter of wasteful bureaucratic activity related to constitutional tampering of our rights and bring in a forever law related to firearm legislation. There would be unlimited access to weapons provided it was registered like a class 3 firearm. An understanding would be made that unlawful or hurtful use of firearms would be punishable with just,fair punishment including and up to the death penalty. However it would be encouraged for uses of recreation, hunting, armed revolt againest despotism, sporting uses, economic and improvement of technology. Whatever a free American could imagine in pursuing life, liberty and happiness. Concealed carry would be a no brainer. Go ahead and have that full auto Gatling gun. Get in a road rage incident however and swift justice will apply to troublemakers whether by a citizen or law enforcement. Use it the way a polite man would, in living a free good life with all powers over government. The caveat is registration of all arms with the understanding that confiscation would never apply but goverment has a responsibilty and duty to pursue justice respecting lawbreaking but reverence for privacy and rule of rights. Just an idea that needs picking apart, scrutiny or establishment?????

    Nope, I'll pass.

    I will not register any firearm I have simply because it is none of their damn business what I have.

    I do not understand all this 'debate' over the RTKBA. The discussion, debating, and details were all worked out over two centuries ago by some pretty wise fellows.

    I do not think this 'confusion' over the RTKBA is a lack of understanding as much as it is a lack of acceptance.
  • tomahawktomahawk Member Posts: 11,826
    edited November -1
    why would folks want a vote or a debate on a right they already have. to me , it ain't up for the second amendment..what part don't you understand...nuff said[:(!]
  • mydadsson1mydadsson1 Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    It is not I, and certainly not most here that needs validation of our rights. It is the one that does not understand armed resistance againest any negative adverse behavoir that would take your life unjustly. Let anti 2nd Amendment folk do the obeisance and affirm the 2nd Amendment via an added amendment. We could wait for the antis to try an amendment or dissolve our rights through a thousand cuts? Subversive night-time visits one at a time? Sometimes hard headed folks need to be told twice.. Just an idea, we need more.
  • Horse Plains DrifterHorse Plains Drifter Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 39,859 ***** Forums Admin
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mydadsson1
    There would be unlimited access to weapons provided it was registered like a class 3 firearm. There I fixed it for ya.
  • givettegivette Member Posts: 10,886
    edited November -1
    Are you taking a course in civics? Bad venue, here. The answer is too simple. Sorry, Joe
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    We have a wonderful, easy to understand Constitution. The Bill of Rights is also perfectly clear and regarding Amendment II, it is an absolute prohibition on government from controlling, regulating, prohibiting, or otherwise "infringing" on a citizen's natural-right to keep and bear arms.

    I find it ridiculous that anyone would even contemplate the need for anything modifying Amendment II, unless of course, one were of the ilk that doesn't like the prohibition on government that is so clearly enumerated......."Shall Not Be Infringed".
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mydadsson1
    The caveat is registration of all arms with the understanding that confiscation would never apply but goverment has a responsibilty and duty to pursue justice respecting lawbreaking but reverence for privacy and rule of rights.
    This is the deal the government of Washington, D. C. had with the citizens of Washington, D. C.

    After they got as many registrations as they expected to get they used them to facilitate confiscation of privately owned firearms.

    Sometimes it pays to not trust the government too much.

    Oh yeah, we don't need an Amendment which says we really really meant it about Amendment II.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Captain (lt496), judging from his user name I believe we are conversing with a young man who is still forming his opinions and ideas. [;)]
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • mydadsson1mydadsson1 Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I agree 100% w/ the camp on registration. Nobody needs know nothin.. BUT the idea is , do a feelgood thing while slipping Americans back their fullfledged rights. Obviously there has to be something to track lawbreakers but hey. unless you were born with the wolves, you have a social security number and since 1968 you have that dasterdly form to fill out. Understand full scrutiny would be given with those records. A watchdog group would pursue full retribution againest govt shenanigans related to improper citizen litigation. The caveat is gov't acknowledgement of citizens rights to change gov't from the vote to the muzzle is all. All in fun- enjoy your weekend
  • k_townmank_townman Member Posts: 3,588
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by ECC
    We already have the Second Amendment...and I'll be damned if I'm registering crap.

    I would register CRAP. I would be willing to send them some, too. [}:)][;)]
  • givettegivette Member Posts: 10,886
    edited November -1
    'dadsson1, I just read your 2nd input on this string. What you say may very well have the academic abstract.

    Now, in the real world, consider that once the 2nd amendment becomes open to debate (eclipsed by a new amendment-shall we call it "2nd Amendment, Amended"?) there will be an opportunity for the wolves-at-bay to come into the chicken coop, and legislate away what is already graven in stone.

    Thank you, but no thanks. This entire posting, if one were to evaluate, is decidedly anti 2nd Amendment. Think about it. Best, Joe
  • mydadsson1mydadsson1 Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Well at least I know a few that despise a big brother acquiescence type mentality. Me too brother! I'm just frustrated coming here all the time and reading the daily 2A threats and we are guarenteed four more yrs of toil.. but whats a boring friday night w/ a brew and shootin the bull?? Take care and safe shootin if your fortunate enough to go!!
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    givette, that is precisely why a Constitutional Convention scares the hell out of me, and I expect to see one within the next three and a half years.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • RtWngExtrmstRtWngExtrmst Member Posts: 7,456
    edited November -1
    You don't negotiate with the slimy politicians who ignore the constitution. YOU KICK THEIR * OUT!!!
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by JamesRK
    Captain (lt496), judging from his user name I believe we are conversing with a young man who is still forming his opinions and ideas. [;)]
    I am thinking that you are spot-on in your assessment James.[:)]
  • burdz19burdz19 Member Posts: 4,145
    edited November -1
    2 types of people own guns........... The ones in here, whether we agree on politics etc., and the ones that we feel threatened by, baggy pants in my case or terrorist.

    It was written once enuff for me and my forefathers.

  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    How about we just pass a new amendment that they can have all of our earnings as long as they promise to always take care of us? We would never have to worry about silly things like money, and bills
  • JamesRKJamesRK Member Posts: 25,670 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    How about we just pass a new amendment that they can have all of our earnings as long as they promise to always take care of us? We would never have to worry about silly things like money, and bills

    Maybe that would be funny if it weren't the plan.
    The road to hell is paved with COMPROMISE.
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by JamesRK
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    How about we just pass a new amendment that they can have all of our earnings as long as they promise to always take care of us? We would never have to worry about silly things like money, and bills

    Maybe that would be funny if it weren't the plan.

    Sage observation.[;)]
  • Mr. FriendlyMr. Friendly Member Posts: 7,981
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by JamesRK
    quote:Originally posted by Todesengel
    How about we just pass a new amendment that they can have all of our earnings as long as they promise to always take care of us? We would never have to worry about silly things like money, and bills

    Maybe that would be funny if it weren't the plan.
    Not on my watch, or maybe more appropriate, not in my lifetime [:(]
  • matwormatwor Member Posts: 20,594
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by tomahawk
    why would folks want a vote or a debate on a right they already have. to me , it ain't up for the second amendment..what part don't you understand...nuff said[:(!]

    This is the problem I have with CCW laws, the way I see it there is already language in place that gives ya the right. I'll be damned if I'm submittin to more background checks, fingerprints, and such. If I need to protect myself I'm gonna. Not gonna worry about whether a LEO thinks I have the right.[}:)]
  • n/an/a Member Posts: 168,427
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by mydadsson1
    I agree 100% w/ the camp on registration. Nobody needs know nothin.. BUT the idea is , do a feelgood thing while slipping Americans back their fullfledged rights. Obviously there has to be something to track lawbreakers but hey. unless you were born with the wolves, you have a social security number and since 1968 you have that dasterdly form to fill out. Understand full scrutiny would be given with those records. A watchdog group would pursue full retribution againest govt shenanigans related to improper citizen litigation. The caveat is gov't acknowledgement of citizens rights to change gov't from the vote to the muzzle is all. All in fun- enjoy your weekend

    Keep your gun control away from me and mine! We need to be working on repealing existing legislation...not creating any more.[xx(][V][:(!]
  • wsfiredudewsfiredude Member Posts: 7,769 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by matwor
    quote:Originally posted by tomahawk
    why would folks want a vote or a debate on a right they already have. to me , it ain't up for the second amendment..what part don't you understand...nuff said[:(!]

    This is the problem I have with CCW laws, the way I see it there is already language in place that gives ya the right. I'll be damned if I'm submittin to more background checks, fingerprints, and such. If I need to protect myself I'm gonna. Not gonna worry about whether a LEO thinks I have the right.[}:)]

  • Colonel PlinkColonel Plink Member Posts: 16,460
    edited November -1
    A couple of years ago, a Corrections Officer was driving to work at the prison on the outskirts of my town. As he went under the I-76 overpass, a gal who was headed towards Nebraska in an SUV, drove off the highway above him and landed in his lap, SUV and all. Crippled him up real bad and killed her outright.
    At that moment, life became a very simple proposition to me:

    Unless the legislature can amend the freakin' laws of gravity, there is nothing in this whole world they can do to keep me or mine safe. A car could fall right out of the sky and screw up the rest of my life.

    And it's then that I understood that all laws passed in the name of my safety were bull, plain and simple.

    They were laws passed simply to control my actions.

    If none of the tens of thousands of gun laws already in effect can't keep me safe,then what in the hell are new ones going to do?
  • jeffb1911jeffb1911 Member Posts: 2,113 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    More registration bovine excrement....does anyone remember the very first case regarding a FELON who was charged with owning an UNREGISTERED firearm that made it to the supreme court? I believe the year was 68, and if memory serves correct his name was Hayes. the supremes rules, and rightly so IMO regarding the constitution, that you could not FORCE ANYONE TO INCRIMINATE THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!! Meaning that you cannot force bad guys to register their guns. Same way with other things, but i won't go there. If you cannot have bad guys register their guns, they WHY THE HECK DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE GOOD GUYS HAVE?!?!?!?!!?

    I always like to ask people who are pushing gun and people control- Why are you afraid of LAW ABIDING CITIZENS owning something? They cannot awnser, and instead talk about gang bangers/drug dealers/terrorists/etc-so i ask the question again emphasizing the law abiding citizen part, and ask if they understand the difference between law abiding and criminals. Most of them do not. Hence, i believe there is the problem.
  • BergtrefferBergtreffer Member Posts: 629 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Regarding the limitations that are already in place on our 2nd Amendment right. I believe that before any more limitations can be imposed on the 2nd Amendment, each and every one of the other guaranteed rights (religion, assembly, speech) need to be equalized with similar restrictions that are already on the 2nd Amendment. This would positively bring home to the American people exactly what is at stake. It is one thing for the 2nd Amendment to be the "whipping boy" for the liberals, left-wingers, socialists, and elected miscreants. But it would be an entirely different thing if the other Constitutional freedoms would be pony up and be similarly controlled and restricted. Such as:

    1) Religious Freedom. Every citizen who goes to church, and belongs to an organized religion would have to be registered, fingerprinted, and run through an FBI background check every time they bought a bible, prayer book, and attended church services.

    2) Freedom of Assembly. You want to assemble -- for a graduation ceremoney, a funeral, a political event -- whatever. You would need to submit forms, submit to FBI checks, fingerprinting, and surveillance.

    3) Freedom of Speech. You want to write a letter, email, magazine article, letter to the editior, a book, a class paper in high school or college. Yep, that would have to have approval from the FBI too.

    When the other rights in the Constitution become threathened and/or controlled, the people will then truly understand what is wrong, and surely a rebellion against the tyranny from the left and the freakin' ACLU will ensue. More people have been murdered in the name of God, than by law abiding gun owners. When was the last time that a "rascal" and a scallywag was tarred, feathered, and carried out of town on a split rail? A long time ago, when men had real kahonies and took the maggots of society to task.
  • 11b6r11b6r Member Posts: 16,584 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sir- you have proposed the equivalent of stamping out drunk driving by requiring that CARS have a license plate.

    One simple means of determining the fairness/validity of a proposition is to reverse it to a mirror image. So let's try this-

    You will have freedom of the press- so long as all books you own are registered with the govt. Like that?

    You will have freedom of religion- so long as your religous preferences are on file with the Federal govt.

    You will have freedom of speech- as long as you provide the Federal Govt a copy of what you plan to say.

    Hmmmmm- does not sound right to me. How about you?

    PS- as far as "compromise" with the anti-gunners- since 1968, "compromise" has consisted of our rights being restricted or reduced. Not a very 2 sided thing.
  • matwormatwor Member Posts: 20,594
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by wsfiredude
    quote:Originally posted by matwor
    quote:Originally posted by tomahawk
    why would folks want a vote or a debate on a right they already have. to me , it ain't up for the second amendment..what part don't you understand...nuff said[:(!]

    This is the problem I have with CCW laws, the way I see it there is already language in place that gives ya the right. I'll be damned if I'm submittin to more background checks, fingerprints, and such. If I need to protect myself I'm gonna. Not gonna worry about whether a LEO thinks I have the right.[}:)]


    Why thank you!![:D]
  • dan kellydan kelly Member Posts: 9,799
    edited November -1
    registration is the enemy of every gun owner in the world. there has never been an instance of registration being introduced where that countries politicians have not then at some latter stage introduced gun bans of one type or another.

    the only reason politicians want every gun registered is so they know who has what so when they introduce bans they can get full compliance or the owner who refuses gets careted to the cells...or gets a bullet to the head...there is no other reason why politicians want full registration...none!!!
  • givettegivette Member Posts: 10,886
    edited November -1
    Prior post:


    No thanks. I don't swing that way. I don't even now what the inside of a gay bar looks like!!

    .....sorry. Joe

  • mydadsson1mydadsson1 Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I need help on this issue because non proactive legislation on the progunners end results in action on the anti's. " Who read this part on the original question qoute.. " Whatever a free American could imagine in pursuing life, liberty and happiness. Concealed carry would be a no brainer. Go ahead and have that full auto Gatling gun. Get in a road rage incident however and swift justice will apply to troublemakers whether by a citizen or law enforcement. Use it the way a polite man would, in living a free good life with all powers over government. The caveat is registration"
    < -- I kinda think we are screwed already my friends because the last pinnacle in destruction of our constitution is an assault on the 2A. Tell me someone ....what is not already infringed upon already in the Bill of Rights? We better draw the line on the 2A and declare no more. I will not register private belongings ever myself.
    1A Free press- ABC,NBC,CNN? Yea right.. 2A ,will not comment. 3A probably coming, 4a Wanna ask these folks over here who did'nt have the burglar screw up their home but the police? 5A The more it goes on makes the point clear. Hell I don't have the answers but why does it seem we all are chickens waiting in the coop,albeit with sharpened claws? I'm not a chicken, I demand freedom in the face of government and we damn well all better wake up and seize our heritage through lawful channels before a fight comes.
  • mr_floppymr_floppy Member Posts: 1,090 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Jack van der Geest, a member of the Dutch resistance during WWII and published in his book "Was God on Vacation?"

    In a few hours the Germans were in full control. The soldiers confiscated all our guns. It wasn't hard to do. By a Dutch law passed in 1938, gun owners had to register their weapons at City Hall. The Queen had left the list behind in her rush to safety.....People who were unable or unwilling to turn over their weapons were immediately dragged to the street and shot....In 1938, when the gun registration law had been enacted, Jaap's father had lectured, "This law will reduce crime and make Holland a safer place to live." Most of the population had agreed, and being law abiding citizens dutifully registered their guns. I doubt if many people had anticipated two years earlier how easy that law would make it for Germans to leave us defenseless.

    ISBN-10: 0964961520
    ISBN-13: 978-0964961524


    In Haynes v. U.S., the Supreme Court ruled a felon cannot be forced to register or license a firearm because in doing so, it's basically forcing that felon to admit his crime - which, therefore, makes it a violation of the Fifth Amendment.

    1. Congress, subject to constitutional limitations, has authority to regulate the manufacture, transfer, and possession of firearms, and may tax unlawful activities. Pp. 390 U. S. 90, 390 U. S. 98.

    2. Petitioner's conviction under ? 5851 for possession of an unregistered firearm is not properly distinguishable from a conviction under ? 5841 for failure to register possession of a firearm, and both offenses must be deemed subject to any constitutional deficiencies arising under the Fifth Amendment from the obligation to register. Pp. 390 U. S. 90-95.

    3. A proper claim of the privilege against self-incrimination provides a full defense to prosecutions either for failure to register under ? 5841 or for possession of an unregistered firearm under ? 5851. Pp. 390 U. S. 95-100.

    4. Restrictions upon the use by federal and state authorities of information obtained as a consequence of the registration requirement,

    suggested by the Government, is not appropriate. Marchetti v. United States, ante, p. 390 U. S. 39, and Grosso v. United States, ante, p. 390 U. S. 62. Pp. 390 U. S. 99-100.

    5. Since any proceeding in the District Court upon a remand must inevitably result in the reversal of petitioner's conviction, it would be neither just nor appropriate to require such needless action, and accordingly the judgment is reversed. Pp. 390 U. S. 100-101. 372 F.2d 651, reversed.

    Heres a nice argument to oppose registration :

    California & "Roberti-Roos

    Dinkins and New York City rifle and shotgun registration
  • WarbirdsWarbirds Member Posts: 16,904 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    This isn't even worthy of debate.
  • MercuryMercury Member Posts: 7,822 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    SCREW "feelgood"!!!!!!! Thats the kind of CRAP that got us where we are today? If you don't like my guns, then TOUGH is what we need to say!


    quote:Originally posted by mydadsson1
    I agree 100% w/ the camp on registration. Nobody needs know nothin.. BUT the idea is , do a feelgood thing while slipping Americans back their fullfledged rights. Obviously there has to be something to track lawbreakers but hey. unless you were born with the wolves, you have a social security number and since 1968 you have that dasterdly form to fill out. Understand full scrutiny would be given with those records. A watchdog group would pursue full retribution againest govt shenanigans related to improper citizen litigation. The caveat is gov't acknowledgement of citizens rights to change gov't from the vote to the muzzle is all. All in fun- enjoy your weekend
  • mydadsson1mydadsson1 Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Credit to this qoute goes to fellow member Remington oaks.. "All guns that are purchased through a ffl are registered, Not directly with the government, but indirectly...The government makes all ffl's keep a log book on all gun sells and to whom they sold to and all their info. That said, this info is not sent into the government, but has to be kept on record with the ffl's for all time. If someday the government want to have that info. All they have to do is demand it from the ffl's, and the ffl's are required by law to give it to them...So all guns that are transferred through a ffl are registered. And the registration is stored at the ffl's place of business, indirectly for the government.. This way they can say that we do not have a registration for guns, but actually do" What now? We
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