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Got Shrooms?

Fly DoctorFly Doctor Member Posts: 5,053
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
Today, two dozen Guatamalan and southern Mexican illegals were scooped up by local, state and federal law enforcement a mere three miles up the mountain from my place. They were camped in burn areas where wildfire scorched the forest down to the ground above us last year, with campfires and trash spread about. They claimed they were hunting morel mushrooms and, indeed, had legal permits. (Granted, morels do go for ~$50/pound at high-end restaurants.) I'd seen a dozen of 'em at the local Mom & Pop store along the state highway a couple of evenings back, looking like little Central American munchkins. (I'm only 5'5" and the whole lot was noticeably shorter.) The Redding local TV news interviewed a store worker about the illegals' presence in our little, riverside berg of 120 people. She commented on how they stuck out like a sore thumb. I hear tell that as they were all loaded into a bus to be deported south, one looked back at a Forest Service employee and said with a smile, "We'll be back." Arrogant little farts.

So, here's my questions:

1. If they were camping and "mushroom hunting," why had they dammed Connor Creek and were in the process of constructing diversions stretching downhill?

2. How did these illegals legally obtain mushroom hunting permits?

3. Stemming from question #2, who is sponsoring this little cadre of Hispanic Hobbits? A heffe (boss) south of the border? Or is it some as yet undiscovered gringo heffe here?

Yeeaaaahhhh, right. [}:)]
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