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Member Posts: 12,808 ✭✭✭
Interesting opinion piece. Lots of you all have probably already read this...
Interesting opinion piece. Lots of you all have probably already read this...
However her attitude should be adopted by the French government
for a fact, it should be adopted by every western government.
This is our land if you come here (or there) you should assimilate or leave. There will be no muslim enclaves. no laws enacted for groups of people that are separate from other laws.
We will be at war with muslims on our own soil. Just watch what happens in France, Germany, GB and Italy where they allowed multiculturalism to gain a foothold. They will be like Kosevo, serbia and albania were 20 years ago. There will be ethnic clensing/civil war. They will have a civil war just as soon as the muslim brotherhood has majority control in the middle east and northern Africa. They will use nuclear weapons (or other weapons of mass destruction) as soon as they get their hands on them.
That's one of the reasons I believe the US should support tyrants like Mubarak, Qaddafi,and even Saddam Hussein (god rest his soul)
He knew what it takes to keep jihadists from ruling the world.
The WMD must be kept out of the hands of islamic extreamists at any cost. Qudaffi has them stock piled in tripoli. Pakistan has them and most certainly Iran has them. I think one could consider a war ship to be a wmd? a scud missile? even a tank. Biological and chemical weapons are probably common in regional arsenals.