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Dam Republicans burned up the money machine

walliewallie Member Posts: 8,595 ✭✭✭
edited June 2009 in General Discussion


  • RtWngExtrmstRtWngExtrmst Member Posts: 7,456
    edited November -1
    Yeah that rotten damn Bush ran a 400 billion deficit. But not to worry, Obamunium is gonna fix every by running a 1900 billion deficit.
  • IdahoRedneckIdahoRedneck Member Posts: 2,699
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by RtWngExtrmst
    Yeah that rotten damn Bush ran a 400 billion deficit. But not to worry, Obamunium is gonna fix every by running a 1900 billion deficit.

    +1 You and your damn democrats did that and then some in the first 90 days[V]
  • penetraitorpenetraitor Member Posts: 3,870
    edited November -1
    Republicans spent, or shall I say BLEW a surplus, left by a Democrat. So why don't we all just blame a Democrat for having to tax us to death. The Democrats do it so we can pay our bills off like any good American would.

    I'm going to stay in the third unheard of party myself.

    Its common sense to me. I'm allowed to * louder that way.

    I want my wig!!! Lincoln sucks!!!

    Remember once again folks Lincoln was the first Republican voted into the White House. His war was for TAXES.

    Don't try to blow conservative smoke up my *. I know better in my life time. I've watched Regan spend, spend, spend, like no other. But I will give him credit. He spent it on the military. Nukes, Tanks, Ships, Subs, Aircraft, etc... Where it matters most. That sunk the U.S.S.R.'s ship to go on any more.

    Bush went to Iraq for oil and was soon voted out. While in office he inflated oil. That causes shipping to go up, which makes prices go up on everything. Milk, clothes, eggs, food, cost of living in general. Simply because it has to be delivered.

    That makes lesssssssss money to circulate for you and me.

    Then we had Clinton that taxed us to death. He taxed cigs, and alcohol and made many quit for their own good. This may of been wrong in my mind. I do no agree. To tax a luxury is quite like making sure my fixed expense of fuel sky rockets. But Clinton did not expect the next President such as Bush to be voted for TWICE.

    Many could of paid their house payments and kept it. If they didn't have to all of a sudden expect to have to QUADRUPLE their fuel and cost of living that goes along with that. Average is over $250.00 a month in unexpected fuel cost. That makes cost of living going to the roof of around needing an extra $600.00 a month minimum.

    The next one is Bush, or see above what a bush had in mind, and I have nothing to say about him. I explained it above from the first Bush. But at least we were smarter then. This one so called bush, screwed all of us into Obamanation.

    I want to back off all spending into other countries. Pay my bills as they should be paid. And go forward from there.

    Until you force yourself to buy American! And nothing but American you will find yourself at a financial loss! (you don't have a job or wallstreet can no longer afford to carry dead beat traitors that turned from the American product). Neither party to blame here. Just the consumer.

    The Bush spending into Obama whatever this dude is scares the ever living chit out of me.

    To many beers I guess I'm done for this out of date update now.[:D]
  • footlongfootlong Member Posts: 8,009
    edited November -1
    Demos And Repubs let the BLOODSUCKING SOB BANKERS put us in the mess we are in now. Dont know what I hate worse sodomites or bankers. Guess they are both the Same. Theyre both out to SCREW all the white boys they can[:0]
  • kimberkidkimberkid Member Posts: 8,858 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by penetraitor
    Republicans spent, or shall I say BLEW a surplus, left by a Democrat. A surplus achieved by gutting the military and ignoring threats to the security of the US.
    If you really desire something, you'll find a way ?
    ? otherwise, you'll find an excuse.
  • fideaufideau Member Posts: 11,895 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by kimberkid
    quote:Originally posted by penetraitor
    Republicans spent, or shall I say BLEW a surplus, left by a Democrat. A surplus achieved by gutting the military and ignoring threats to the security of the US.

    When in hell are these stupid azzes going to remember that we were bombed, the Dumassocrats had killed the CIA, the military and the country's ability to gather vital info which allowed the attacks, and you have to spend money to protect the country. When you have to start everything up again that's been run into the ground it takes MONEY.
  • penetraitorpenetraitor Member Posts: 3,870
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by fideau
    quote:Originally posted by kimberkid
    quote:Originally posted by penetraitor
    Republicans spent, or shall I say BLEW a surplus, left by a Democrat. A surplus achieved by gutting the military and ignoring threats to the security of the US.

    When in hell are these stupid azzes going to remember that we were bombed, the Dumassocrats had killed the CIA, the military and the country's ability to gather vital info which allowed the attacks, and you have to spend money to protect the country. When you have to start everything up again that's been run into the ground it takes MONEY.

    Lets look at the probable cause and make sure we consume what just has happened...

    In my county alone nearly 6,000 jobs have been lost or laid off at an average of $14.00 an hour.

    Thanks Bush we produce trailors and Cat engines. You started with me and drove fuel up to $5.00 a gallon plus because you wanted it that way.

    Back to my county of 6K job loss. X's that by 14.00 hour wage x's 40 hour work week.

    This started durring the republicans. Yes they bleened my county out of 3.4 million dollars of cash flow a WEEK.

    Piece of personal advice...Never give governor or President so much control that they can do what they want....

    You must vote to balance or vote for war.
  • penetraitorpenetraitor Member Posts: 3,870
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by penetraitor
    quote:Originally posted by fideau
    quote:Originally posted by kimberkid
    quote:Originally posted by penetraitor
    Republicans spent, or shall I say BLEW a surplus, left by a Democrat. A surplus achieved by gutting the military and ignoring threats to the security of the US.

    When in hell are these stupid azzes going to remember that we were bombed, the Dumassocrats had killed the CIA, the military and the country's ability to gather vital info which allowed the attacks, and you have to spend money to protect the country. When you have to start everything up again that's been run into the ground it takes MONEY.

    Lets look at the probable cause and make sure we consume what just has happened...

    In my county alone nearly 6,000 jobs have been lost or laid off at an average of $14.00 an hour.

    Thanks Bush we produce trailors and Cat engines. You started with me and drove fuel up to $5.00 a gallon plus because you wanted it that way.

    Back to my county of 6K job loss. X's that by 14.00 hour wage x's 40 hour work week.

    This started durring the republicans. Yes they blamed my county out of 3.4 million dollars of cash flow a WEEK.

    republicans did that to us.

    Piece of personal advice...Never give governor or President so much control that they can do what they want....

    You must vote to balance or vote for war.
  • penetraitorpenetraitor Member Posts: 3,870
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by kimberkid
    quote:Originally posted by penetraitor
    Republicans spent, or shall I say BLEW a surplus, left by a Democrat. A surplus achieved by gutting the military and ignoring threats to the security of the US.

    Dude it was an attack on us by our own government brain washing those that chose to be.

    Think about it...
    We can find a golf ball anywhere from space and see it plain as day on the ground, yet we went 7 more years brainwashed through Bush? Where is Bin Laidin if we can find a golf ball?

    I with ya...Just open fire dip poop.
  • oldwolf49oldwolf49 Member Posts: 73 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    9/11 - the who and the why will be always up for debate, the aftermath, the WMD's a total lie, they all know it and some even said it, the money is gone the jobs are gone, China owns most of it, the Saudis own more, oil is the last thing we need to be investing in, Bush lied, people died, the implosion is coming, no one to blame, Bush stole 2 elections just to say he was better than his daddy, blame gets things heated but nothing gets done. Lets just try and get through it with minimal issue.
  • odinsonodinson Member Posts: 126 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    ell, things started going down hill immediately after our country won independence.
    I think it is silly to think that since we can find a golf ball from outer space we can surely fin Bin Laden. He is hiding somewhere. If he were to stand out in the open with a sign over his head/turban we would spot him right away. He is not cooperating.
    Bush did not steal any elections. That is more Democrat crap. Elections are not decided by the people anymore. The media/Sorros got Obamessiah elected. We are screwed because the Republicans have gotten away from their conservative roots and have become moderates (liberals 20 years ago). Our only chance is a good third party = no chance.
    Wmd - they were there. Do you remember the ton of Uranium brought out of Iraq into Canada a while back? Big country, lots of space to hide stuff. Russia helping to hide stuff. Get over your Bush hatred and look at the real issues. Sure he sucks but don't they all. He tried to protect us and forgot the economy but never sucked up to our enemies.
    Well, that was a long winded rant going off in about ten different directions.
  • oldwolf49oldwolf49 Member Posts: 73 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    the uranium was a hoax, never happened, the fix was in.I'll find the info and post it.
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