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Which Replica MP40 and Thompson Submachine Guns?

Fairlane66Fairlane66 Member Posts: 336 ✭✭
edited May 2015 in Ask the Experts
I want to put together a display containing various American and German military artifacts to honor my father-in-law's service during the WWII. He landed in Normandy on D+1 and fought all the way through to VE Day, ending up in Czechoslovakia when the Germans surrendered. During the Battle of the Bulge, he employed a ring-mounted Browning 50 Cal to shoot down a BF-109 that was strafing nearby American troops. In doing so, he inadvertently put some .50 rounds into the roof of a nearby house so, fearing punishment, he denied shooting down the plane when a Captain began asking who fired the weapon. Another nearby soldier spoke up and received a medal for the action! He always laughed when telling that story. Anyhow, he was quite a soldier (and a great guy) who passed away several years ago, so we want to honor his service and keep his memory alive. The display we are contemplating will include wartime pictures of him during lulls in the action, his GI helmet and other personal items, and assorted German gear--a helmet and dagger taken from an officer he captured, and other items. I want to purchase accurate replicas of a Thompson submachine gun, the weapon he carried during the war, and an MP40, the weapon the German officer was carrying when captured, to include in the display. From my research, it appears Denix set the standard for these replica firearms. Does anyone have any thoughts on Denix replicas or recommendations for replicas from another manufacturer? Also, is there a company you'd recommend buying the replicas from? The Internet is awash in information, so I'm looking for inputs from you experts who may have already gone down this path. Thanks in advance.


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