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weapons accuracy ...continued.

sandwarriorsandwarrior Member Posts: 5,453 ✭✭✭
edited October 2009 in Ask the Experts

Sorry to whip the dead horse here. But, accuracy of a rifle is it's ability to repeat itself. I use the term accuracy of ...what? The rifle, ...the shooter? The term is generally tossed around but it behooves all of us to get on one page and be specific at least, if not nomenclature perfect, about what we mean by accuracy.

When I say a rifle is accurate, I mean that a good shooter can take it time after time and produce small groups. No matter where they land. As noted in the last thread you can adjust the sights to hit the mark/bullseye of your choice. But, you first have to know that the rifle is going to hit in one place to do that. And, if it won't hit in one place you then have to differentiate if it's the rifle or the shooter.

Now, when I say " accurate shooter..." I mean that to be a shooter who can take an accurate rifle and put the required number of bullets in the specified target enough times, again and again. Shooting one good group doesn't really prove how super accurate the rifle is nor the shooter. If you take a rifle whose known accuracy is 6" @ 100 yds., The shooter tasked with proving great accuracy might produce a 1/2" group, But, not trying it with ten groups is he going to get anywhere near 1/2" consitently.

My whole point here is, yes the shooter and rifle are differentiated. But, both have to be proven themselves with shot after shot, group after group and match after match to show that not only their rifle but they can be accurate as well.
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