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Is it worth joining the NRA?

tippmannlovertippmannlover Member Posts: 41 ✭✭
edited October 2009 in Ask the Experts
Maybe you guys can answer this for me. I want to join the NRA to help out the the cause against the anti gun legislation, but someone told me at work that don't bother because the new administration will go after the NRA members 1st if ever the gun ban passes. It gives them an easier way to see who owns firearms. Is this true or a is he talking out of his *? Is the NRA a target?


  • He DogHe Dog Member Posts: 51,424 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Of course not. If the government goes after guns, they will go after guns, not NRA or GOA members. By far most gun owners are not members of either organization.

    As to whether it is worth joining, Nord is dead on.
  • perry shooterperry shooter Member Posts: 17,105 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The N.R.A. has it's faults However it IMHO is the best thing going for gun owners if you believe congress is aware of the NRA more then ANY OTHER PRO GUN GROUP. . They don't do every thing I think they should but Their voice if heard by congress and if Gun laws are passed it will affect each one of us not just NRA members . I am a Life member . Other members on this site may bad mouth them but ask yourself where would we be today if there had been no NRA the last 50 years.
  • badsbsnf81badsbsnf81 Member Posts: 768
    edited November -1
    Your friend is blowing smoke. When the "Assault Weapons Ban" of 1994 passed "the administration" didn't get the NRA membership list and start pulling people in to see if they owned one of the weapons on that list. If he/she thinks that a membership list to the NRA = they all own guns, he/she is living in dream world. Following that logic, any person who ever got a catalog from any company that sold any type of product related to fireamrs (cases, cleanling kits, etc.) would be on the "list".

    Join the NRA. If you don't like their platform, there are other groups, but, the NRA is the biggest and politicians listen to them.
  • tippmannlovertippmannlover Member Posts: 41 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Perry Shooter
    quote: The N.R.A. has it's faults However it IMHO is the best thing going for gun owners if you believe congress is aware of the NRA more then ANY OTHER PRO GUN GROUP. . They don't do every thing I think they should but Their voice if heard by congress and if Gun laws are passed it will affect each one of us not just NRA members . I am a Life member . Other members on this site may bad mouth them but ask yourself where would we be today if there had been no NRA the last 50 years

    True. I see them more in the media going against the anti gun legislator. They do make their voice heard. Thnx
  • 5mmgunguy5mmgunguy Member Posts: 3,092 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    The simple answer is Yes!
  • nordnord Member Posts: 6,106
    edited November -1
    While the simple answer is yes, the more complicated answer is that I'm not so sure.

    The problem isn't that the NRA is against gun owners nor that the NRA doesn't attempt to work for them. The problem is that the NRA seems to have trouble distinguishing between a right and a privilege. Privileges are open to debate and discussion. Rights are not!

    Have a look at the political track record of the NRA. Think it over and do what's best for you.
  • duckhunterduckhunter Member Posts: 7,687 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Your FRIEND is not a friend. What about all the hunting liscenses that are sold?? You can belong to the NRA without owning a gun but you would not buy a hunting licenses without a gun. Join NOW>
  • partisanpartisan Member Posts: 6,414
    edited November -1
    This is the simplest question I have ever answered. ABSOLUTELY YOU SHOULD JOIN THE NRA!!!! Every gun owner in this country should be paying their dues to the NRA! The nearly 4 million members have massive influence with the politicians. Bill Clinton publicly blamed the NRA for causing the defeat of anti gun politicians in 1994. There are other really great pro-gun groups, but they don't have the political muscle of the NRA. If you can only belong to one organization, make it the NRA!!!
  • Emmett DunhamEmmett Dunham Member Posts: 1,418 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
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