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OK experts: 'shall issue' towns, Massachusetts

BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 2009 in Ask the Experts
Maybe I'm using the wrong strategy for searching online, but I can't seem to find a good list of 'shall issue' communities. I'm turning up a lot of laws about...bicycles and warrants concerning bicycles? [B)] Very odd.

Specifically, I am looking for a list of 'shall issue communities in Massachusetts. To clarify, I live in Boston, and I have a valid Class A high capacity license to carry firearms- however, although this used to mean license to carry concealed, it no longer does, and my Class A has a limit placed on it by Boston, as it does for almost everyone in the this mecca of order and safety: no concealed carry.

So by 'shall issue', I specifically mean 'shall issue Class A high capacity license to carry including concealed carry". I may be moving soon, and this factor is definitely important to me. Thanks for any help


  • nmyersnmyers Member Posts: 16,879 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I use State Laws & Published Ordinances - Firearms (ATF P5300-5), downloadable from ATF Firearms Publications.

    It may be a couple of years out of date, but it's the best I have been able to find.

  • beantownshootahbeantownshootah Member Posts: 12,776 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Good question.

    You have the restricted LTC-A.

    As you noted, in MA the so-called "carry" license literally just lets you hold a gun in your hand! It doesn't actually let you carry a gun concealed on your person.

    My understanding is that within Boston, the "for all lawful purposes" LTC-A (which is the only variant that actually lets you carry concealed) is only given routinely to physicians, lawyers, and VIPs. (I'm not going to tell you how I got mine [;)]).

    I don't think there is any reference place to look up the rules in particular jurisdictions within MA, since the decision on whether or not to issue LTC-ALPs is apparently entirely arbitrary, and solely up up to the personal discretion of the Chief law enforcement officer in each particular jurisdiction.

    Some CLEOs will issue LTC-ALPs for what they deem is a good reason. Some won't issue them at all to anyone under any circumstances.

    For example, the Chief of Police in Brookline MA won't issue them period. He even refuses to let his own police officers carry concealed when off duty! (They're upstanding officers when on duty, but the second their shifts end, they become dangerous criminals, not to be trusted with guns).

    You'll probably have more luck with this line of enquiry on the website, which includes a lot of posters from MA who can give you more specific details about which jurisdictions issue LTC-ALPs or at least how to find out. You may have luck on the website. Also, you'll probably get excellent information on this if you contact the good members of GOAL, which is the big MA gun organization. (And while you're at it, join. . .they do good work and need your support).

    I have heard that there are some jurisdictions in Western MA that are liberal in issuing LTC-ALPs. You're unlikely to find any such jurisdiction in any of the Boston suburbs (Newton, Brookline, etc).

    Also, I'd suggest that if you are going to leave Boston, you at least think about leaving the State entirely. (New Hampshire, for example, is a quite nice place to be).

    Interestingly, you're more likely to qualify for an LTC-ALP if you are applying from *OUT* of State, because then your application gets reviewed by the State board, which has set procedures in issuing them, and doesn't just arbitrarily decide not to give out LTCs.

    One last tip, if you ever DO get the LTC-ALP, and actually carry, be *VERY* careful in making sure you gun is absolutely concealed at all times. Bostonites are phobically anti-gun and if they see one they'll panic, start screaming for cops, etc.

    I've heard of a case where someone was literally arrested then charged for having the butt of their legally carried gun flash for a second, with the arresting officer claiming that the gun wasn't concealed (even though there is literally no legal requirement that it be concealed!).

    Edit: One other thing, there is a school of thought that says that the restriction on the Class A LTC is itself extra-legal. In other words, despite the stamp the issuing agency puts on the license saying you can't carry concealed, the fact that you have the LTC-A means you still can do so legally. The whole point of the License to Carry is to let you carry. . .if you can't the license is moot.

    Without getting into the legal merits of this position (which are beyond me), most individuals who jump through the six-thousand flaming hoops MA puts in the way of getting the damn LTC to begin with don't want to end up as a test case in front of gun-hating members of the MA-judiciary.

    Hope that helped a little.
  • BlairweescotBlairweescot Member Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Understood, and thanks all for the help.

    I have a good grasp on the rigors of the 'concealed' part. I wouldn't even risk 'imprinting' here. I also agree with the concealed vs open- my LTC does not restrict carrying per se, and MA is open carry. But tell that to a judge. I also agree that the LTC is a license to carry regardless, and that the restriction Boston puts on it is quite beyond their authority regards to MA or US law, just as it is also beyond their constitutional authority to decide if I can exercise my rights or not- but again, tell that to a judge or your local PD.

    Out of State is not in the foreseeable future. I may move to help somebody with a mortgage by being their tenant; I am godfather to this person's niece. It will actually save me money! And to boot, its in the town where my gun club is located- Braintree. I'll have about zero reason to be coming back to Boston once I move. Except maybe to visit my friends in Ford Hill, Roxbury. And then you can bet a friend is riding with me! As it is, I do it with the grace of God
  • prusspruss Member Posts: 74 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    (New Hampshire, for example, is a quite nice place to be).

    Yes it is!! I moved to NH 25 years ago from the Lawrence area and never looked back.

    Nice to see neighbors here on the board.
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