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Model 70 Winchester Receiver

samulationsamulation Member Posts: 32 ✭✭
edited October 2009 in Ask the Experts
This will be an easy answer for for you experts. I looked around first and didn't see a previous thread.Is the receiver and bolt universal on model 70s? I.E. can I take a junk barrel off of a 270 pre 64 and turn it into a 30:06, 300 HH, 308 or a 243? I know the barrel would have to be threaded to the correct depth so the bullet chambers.( Don't worry , I will take to a pro to have fitted), I just need to know if this is an option before I start.


  • JustCJustC Member Posts: 16,056 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    pre 64 is a controlled round feed where post 64's became push feed unless they are the "classic" models. You can't use a controlled round feed bolt with a push feed barrel unless the extractor recess is cut and the barrel is timed with the bolt.

    You can swap barrels that were manuf for the particular bolt type you have, and then the only issue is whether the boltface is the correct diameter.
  • nononsensenononsense Member Posts: 10,928 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    "Is the receiver and bolt universal on model 70s?"


    "can I take a junk barrel off of a 270 pre 64 and turn it into a 30:06, 300 HH, 308 or a 243?"


    A .270 Win. barrel has a .270 Win. chamber so you can't make a .30-06, .300 H&H, .308 Win. without reboring and re-rifling the barrel for .30 caliber. You can't do anything with a .270 Win. barrel to make a .243 Winchester out of it.

    Winchester, USRAC and FN never bother to time their barrel so that they can be interchanged since it is not in their best interest. Each and every barrel has to be timed and the chamber headspace adjusted before shooting. There is also the question of the boltface diameter as well.

  • samulationsamulation Member Posts: 32 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Mr nononsense
    I am asking if I can take a pre64 barrel off of an action that currently has a 270 barrel on it and then replace the barrel with an 06 or 308 ect as long as the barrels are all model 70 and pre 64. I think your going to say "no" but I just want to be clear.
    Thanks again
  • JustCJustC Member Posts: 16,056 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    that can be done,..but it must be "timed" to the action by a qualified gunsmith.

    The boltface is the same for all the rounds you mentioned 270/30-06/308 are all .473"
  • nononsensenononsense Member Posts: 10,928 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    The rewording from your initial question is better understood.

    Yes you can take the .270 Win. barrel off and replace it with a .30-06, .280 or most of the cartridges based on the '06 case. The 'new' barrel will need to be timed and headspaced. However, if you choose a short action cartridge such as the .308 Win. and the .243 Win., you will need to change the magazine box, follower and spring at least to allow the cartridges to feed properly.

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