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peter60peter60 Member Posts: 188 ✭✭✭
edited October 2009 in Ask the Experts
BERT,I have two m 21 lyman sights both are stamped for Win. m 1894((DA))one measures 2 3/4 from the front hole center to the rear hole center and the other from center to center holes measure 3 1/4" can you explain this...Thanks Pete


  • Bert H.Bert H. Member Posts: 11,279 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hello Pete,

    No, I can not... can you post (or send me) pictures of both sights?

    It makes no sense what-so-ever that there is any difference if both are marked for a Model 1894.
  • Bert H.Bert H. Member Posts: 11,279 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Wait a minute... a thought just worked its way through my grey-matter.

    For the traditional tang mounted sights, a "DA" marked sight can be correctly used on a Model 1894/94, and on the Models 53 or 65.

    DA - Winchester Model 1894, .25/35, .30/30 & .32 Special calibers, Model 53, .25/20 & .32/20 calibers, Model 55, .30/30 caliber, and Models 64 & 65.

    The Model 53 and 65 were based on the Model 92 receiver, and therefore, they have a different receiver frame hole spacing. If Lyman marked the No. 21 in the same fashion as their tang sights, that may be the answer to your question.
  • ikedaikeda Member Posts: 450 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    According to "Old Gunsights" the application code for Lyman model 21 sights...
    DA for the Winchester Model 1894 in 25-35, 30-30, 32 Special, and the Models 55 and 64.
    DB is for the Model 1892, 53 and 65

    It is entirely possible that the sights were made years apart and the distance between the holes was changed. As long as the hole spacing will not interfere with operation of the rifle, either should work.

    I had three different 1886's with this sight. Two measured 3.5" CC and the other measured 3.25" CC for these screw holes. All worked just fine.
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