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Can you make the mini 14 accurate..cont'd

sandwarriorsandwarrior Member Posts: 5,453 ✭✭✭
edited October 2009 in Ask the Experts

Some of the newer types of semi-auto battle rifles out there are the Sig 556 and the FN Scar as well as the FN AR. Of the three I've shot the Sig and the FN AR. I may have shot a version of the SCAR but not sure. It was a modular type rifle that the owner explained to me that none of the carbon made it back into the action. It was simple as pie to get the barrel out to change it or clean it. The SCAR costs a ton of money and either the 556 or the FN AR will cost over a grand.

Anyhow, of the two I shot both, with scopes shot sub-MOA @100 and the 556 was just over MOA @ 300 and the SN AR was just under MOA @ 300.

I agree with the posters on your original post in that it takes a lot of money to get the Mini-14 to shoot super accurate. I've shot a lot of them and the best ones I shot were around 2" @100. I generally consider them a good truck gun and will usually shoot minute of coyote out to 200 yds.

As far as the AR-15/M16 platform I will tell you it's an inherently accurate platform. Right now, it probably has as many post manufacturer products to increase it's accuracy, than any rifle out there right now. To include the Rem 700. I will say that the number one cause of reliability issues is still with the rifle though. I packed one for four years and did a lot of live fire training with it. It jammed often enough when you put enough rounds through it. The problem was decreased when better ammo was to be used with the A2. But, with the short barreled M4 the problem rears it's ugly head again. Not enough length in the barrel to burn the newer more efficient powder. This is an issue with high volume fire, though. The average citizen or even LE guy won't run through enough rounds to sufficiently foul up the action enough to cause it to jam. So, for the most part you and your buddies who go out shooting these aren't going to put enough rounds downrange to experience the phenomena. So, it's probably going to be your best bet.

BTW... I HATE[}:)][:(!][}:)] cleaning these things...even though I love shooting them.


  • gunnut505gunnut505 Member Posts: 10,290
    edited November -1
    I've got 2 minis that I wouldn't hesitate to put up against a stock AR (in .223) for accuracy, handling/ergonomics, or staying functional after several hundred rounds without cleaning. I haven't done anything extraordinary to these rifles other than changing out the stock screws, butt plates and adding bipods.
    I can get 4 holes touching at 100yds, usually 2 or 3 touching at 250, and in close is where they really shine. I got one new from Davidson's that has their logo; and the other I bought from Wally World a coupla years back.
    I haven't seen the horror stories of being unable to hit a car at 200yds, or the problems (apparently) most folks have aiming consistently, and frankly don't believe most of what gets passed as truth on this forum regarding the "inherent inaccuracy" of these guns.
  • gap1916gap1916 Member Posts: 4,977
    edited November -1
    There is or was a person who specialized in Ruger rifle performance. He did Mini 14's and 10/22's. You could tell by the signature he would leave on the barrel that the rifle was accurized. It was an engraved indian war bonnet. The gunsmith was or is Chief AJ. I had one of his modified mini 14's a few years back. It was a very accurate mini. My 2 cents [8D]
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