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Taurus Model 590 5MM Mag Revolver

hslaterprycehslaterpryce Member Posts: 927 ✭✭✭✭
edited October 2009 in Ask the Experts
I just saw a distributors catalog with a Taurus Model 590 5MM Mag revolver in it. Has anyone seen any of these yet?


  • beantownshootahbeantownshootah Member Posts: 12,776 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Haven't seen one, and I'm disinclined to buy one.

    Don't get me wrong. I think the revolver would make a good platform for the round, but its just one of those "chicken and egg" things.

    Is there really that much of an advantage in this gun, that people are going to pick it over a .22 magnum? The .22 magnum may be a little slower, but its cheaper, easier to find, available in MANY more guns, and also potentially convertible to take .22LR.

    So does this round really offer THAT much of an advantage over the .22 mag to justify its existence? This round didn't work out so well in the 1970s the last time it was tried for most of the reasons above.

    If there isn't a lot of demand for the round, the ammo manufacturer(s) will stop making it.

    If the ammo were discontinued, you're screwed because you can't reload your own rimfire ammo (well, not in a practical way). If you can't get factory ammo, the gun is useless.

    So unless you purchase a lifetime supply, you may not be able to actually fire the gun in a few years!

    I do give credit to Taurus for trying to bring the caliber back, but you have to realize, Taurus has a long history of putting out limited runs of guns in odd calibers, hoping that they'll catch on. If/when they don't, Taurus just drops them from the product lineup.
  • hslaterprycehslaterpryce Member Posts: 927 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Thanks for the link. I am just an old (operative word is OLD) die hard 5MM fan and the Taurus would just be another platform for me to "collect". The CZ 452 (?) bolt action in 5MM also intrigues me. I will certainly try to pick up one of those when they come out too. I do hope that the 5MM ammo continues to be available and I, for one, prefer it over the .17HMR, .22 Mag or .17Mach2 - and I have various examples (Multiple actually) of all of thsoe calibers. I just keep coming back to the 5MM. Thanks again for the link....
  • 5mmgunguy5mmgunguy Member Posts: 3,092 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Is CZ coming with a 5MM CZ 452?
  • beantownshootahbeantownshootah Member Posts: 12,776 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by 5mmgunguy
    Is CZ coming with a 5MM CZ 452?

    Per the article quoted above
    quote:CZ's offering is in its positively classic-looking Model 452 American. Shooters familiar with CZ's "American"-style rifles recognize them as the ones where CZ chucked those European features such as hog's back stock combs for American-style features, and my fellow Americans--we responded.

    CZ has announced that it was going to make these at last year's SHOT show. I don't know if it has actually made any yet, or ever will, but supposedly these are in the works, to be released soon.

    You can call CZ for an update, or ask your local dealer to reserve one for you.
  • rsnyder55rsnyder55 Member Posts: 2,526 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
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