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High capacity magazines from Canada??

vega75vega75 Member Posts: 132 ✭✭
edited November 2001 in Ask the Experts
Is it legal for someone in Canada to these in the US?


  • boeboeboeboe Member Posts: 3,331
    edited November -1
    I heard the import law had recently changed which prohibits them, but can't confirm it. I did want to warn you that there are guys in Canada who are taking post ban "export only" magazines and buffing/polishing the "export only" designation off. They are then sending them into the US. There was a post here not too long ago regarding 10/22 magazines that had been so altered. Those are definately illegal to own. I wouldn't recommend ordering any mags from Canada because the chances are good the guy you are getting it from took a legitimate post ban hi-cap magazine (they are legal there) and doctored it to look like a pre-ban magazine.
  • duster68duster68 Member Posts: 228 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I unknowingly bought several of the clips to which you are referring. "Kevin" had several hi-cap 10/22 clips listed on his site for extremely cheap prices. He sent them promptly, wrapped in an innocuous looking tube with the export label marked "plastic parts." They did indeed have several markings skillfully sanded off. The do, however, function perfectly. I'm kind of stuck. Not knowing what to do when I found out that these are illegal (he wouldn't refund my money) and feeling that it is way too risky to take them to the range, they are locked in my safe where they will stay. Stay far away from these!!
  • boeboeboeboe Member Posts: 3,331
    edited November -1
    You can figure they are buying these for around $10.00 (or less) each in quantites, doing a bit of sanding to remove the post ban designation, and selling them to unsuspecting buyers for four to five times what they have in them. Even though the magazines are legal in Canada, they should have laws regarding fraud which would apply to this activity. I don't see it as any different than making or altering counterfeit rare coins or any other collectable. The price of 10/22 mags being what they are, and with the potential they will continue to rise in value, they are selling fraudulent comodities which ultimately will be discovered.
  • CZECHMATE2CZECHMATE2 Member Posts: 203 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hi-cap mags are also not legal in Canada.
  • boeboeboeboe Member Posts: 3,331
    edited November -1
    Within the past couple of years, Hi-Cap mags for the Ruger 10/22 were openly available for sale in gun shops in Canada. I have been in chats with Canadians who had hi-cap mags for their rifles, and indicated there were no restrictions on them in Canada. However, handguns are not available to the public, only rifles. Unless there have been recent laws enacted in Canada, there is nothing restricting the sale and manufacture, and importation of hi-cap mags for rifles. I know one cop from Yonkers who about 2 to 3 years ago was making runs to Canada to buy the left over, legitimate pre-ban 10/22 hi-cap mags dealers still had hanging on their shelves. He was bringing them back to sell here.
  • prebanfanprebanfan Member Posts: 75 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Are 50 round 10-22 clips still widely available in Canada????? I have two real good friends in Canada but they are women and do not shoot or own guns, so they would not be able to tell me. So are the 50 rounders still on the shelves in Canada??? If so I will have them send me a handful, IF it's legal. Rather it's legal or not I am still curious if they are easy to get and cheap in Canada.
  • boeboeboeboe Member Posts: 3,331
    edited November -1
    Unless there has been some Canadian law go into affect in the past few months, hi-cap 10/22 mags are still widely available in Canada, and at pre-ban US prices. This is true of other rifle mags as well. The problem is, most of the recent ones available in Canada have "export only" embossed on them, which is a requirement for hi-cap mags manufactured in the US for export to foreign countries. These post ban mags would be illegal here. As indicated above, some Canadians have taken to altering them by grinding off the "export only" designation and shipping them to the US. Those are also illegal here, of course.I think most of Canadians are now aware of the high premium legitimate pre-ban 10/22 magazines are bringing in the US. But I wouldn't doubt that in a few areas there are still unsold pre-ban mags hanging on dealer's display racks. It wasn't long ago (a year or so) that this New York cop I know of was making trips there to bring them back. The ones he was fetching were legitimate pre-ban mags, manufactured here before 9/94. Same mags, same packaging as was common here before the ban.There was some conversation on this board that there are now restrictions that prohibit the import of all high-cap mags, regardless of whether they are pre-ban or post-ban. I don't know if that's true. But I know it wasn't too many months ago it was still legal to import pre-ban high capacity mags, at least to some extent.
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