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For RG/Rohm Lovers ONLY?

partsmanpartsman Member Posts: 236 ✭✭✭
edited June 2011 in Ask the Experts
[:)]Hi,RG lovers[:X](RIGHT).I have a[xx(]RG model [?] .22 short,BUT, [V]M-10 grips no fit,[V]M-10S no fit,[V]M-23 no fit,[V]M-24 no fit, Frame is LIKE M-23 but has high tip on top/back and wider bottom and a little bit longer??[:0]It's worth $50[:p]in free gas at police[}:)]trade-ins.[B)]


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    beantownshootahbeantownshootah Member Posts: 12,776 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1

    As you've noted, the guns aren't very good, and its not worth a lot of time or expense to try and fix them up.

    If you're looking to turn one of these POS pistols into a police trade-in, then I don't really think they'll care if it has grips or not.
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    Spider7115Spider7115 Member, Moderator Posts: 29,714 ******
    edited November -1
    Take the 50 bucks.
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    babunbabun Member Posts: 11,054 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Spider7115
    Take the 50 bucks.

    ...and run like a thief !!!
    I owned a RG .22 for about 3 couldn't hit a 36" square paper target {that I used for patterning shotguns} at a distance of 7 yards !!!
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    mark christianmark christian Forums Admins, Member, Moderator Posts: 24,456 ******
    edited November -1
    If there is an actual question mixed in with the battery of emoticons it appears to be whether the pistol worth fifty bucks as a police trade in? The answer to that is a resounding yes. Take the free gas and don't look back.
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    Bill DeShivsBill DeShivs Member Posts: 1,264 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Don't participate in "trade ins." It makes them appear successful.
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    tsr1965tsr1965 Member Posts: 8,682 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    The $50.00 in gas is worth twice as much as that gun is...even at $4.00/gallon.

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    William81William81 Member Posts: 24,700 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    [:p][:(]If you want another one...[8D][:D][:)]....I will sell you mine for $50.00[|)][xx(][:(!][:0][:X]
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    beantownshootahbeantownshootah Member Posts: 12,776 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    quote:Originally posted by Bill DeShivs
    Don't participate in "trade ins." It makes them appear successful.

    Gun "buybacks" are idiotic and irresponsible wastes of taxpayer money.

    In my opinion, individuals responsible for organizing them should lose their public jobs for want of economic literacy.

    Its simple, you can't beat the free market. Nobody who knows anything about guns is going to take $50 for a pistol worth $500, including and ESPECIALLY criminals.

    If the cops/feds/whomever are offering $50 for a gun, then one of two things is going to happen:

    a. They're going to end up paying $50 for guns worth less than that, or

    b. They're going to be paying $50 each for guns worth a lot more. . .but only from individuals who are truly clueless about the actual monetary value of their guns.

    "A" is just another blatant waste of taxpayer money.

    "B" is tantamount to criminal fraud perpetrated by local gov't on gullible citizens, and is probably even more reprehensible than "A".

    Now, all that said, the money allocated for "buybacks" is basically sunk. If your local municipality is stupid enough to pay $50 each for guns worth $20, I don't see a good reason why you shouldn't take advantage of it.

    If the municipality things taking a barely functional 60's era zinc-alloy Rohm .22 pistol off the "street" is helping reduce crime, they're stupid. . .that's not your problem.
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    gruntledgruntled Member Posts: 8,218 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    I turned in a couple of broken guns & a model cannon for hockey tickets once. They printed a picture of the cannon in the paper that made it look like a real cannon. They don't really care about what is turned in, it's all for propaganda purposes.

    Why are there people on this site that want to help the anti-gun people in Kalifornia? Are they really anti-gunners in disguise?
    Don't you think we have it bad enough here without you adding to our woes?
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