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my cousin the Senator

buschmasterbuschmaster Member Posts: 14,229 ✭✭✭
edited April 2019 in General Discussion
John Synowiecki is my cousin.

his grandparents (my great grandparents) were Polish immigrants who did not know each other until they met in Omaha. at the time, it was quite a bold move for a woman to travel overseas by herself.

neither spoke English. when they had children they would come home from gradeschool and tell their parents what they had learned, in English, so they could learn to speak English.

from what I heard, the father was a truck driver and the mother scrubbed floors for a living. being a woman in the 1910's and 1920's who doesn't speak English must have been a tough deal trying to get a job. most women didn't work in the first place. my mother knew her; she wrote in her diary that she was a woman of steel. she also said that in addition to raising 9 children, she always made time to feed the birds no matter what.

they were Polish Catholic, which is different from Roman Catholic.

there is some degree of association with the Synowiecki family to the police. one of their boys was a police dispatcher, and in recent times one of their grandchildren was a "Manager of the Office of Professional Standards" for a police department. they were no strangers to the military either: during WWII all the boys fought in the war as paratroopers, artillery and infantry.

I think it was one of their daughters that had John. none of the family ever were, or are, rich, nevertheless John was sent to a private school, Paul IV Catholic High School in Virgina. afterwards he graduated from the University of Nebraska with a degree in Criminal Justice and became a probation officer, at one point winning the State Probation Officer of the Year.

in 2002 he was appointed as the replacement for John Hilgert who had resigned his position as a Senator on the Nebraska Legislature. I don't know how that was supposed to work, but they must have known each other well because Hilgert was the Director of Development for the Catholic Charities organization, and John Synowiecki was its Program Director for Governmental Relations.

later that year when it came time for Nebraskans to officially vote for their legislature, John ran and won. after his two year term was up, he ran again and won again. he was now a two-term Senator.

he wasn't doing it for the money. Senators on the Nebraska Legislature only make $12,000 a year.

he is a Democrat. although he is only 5 years older than me, I would call him an old-school Democrat of the 60's. I know them well enough; my father was one such Democrat and so was his friend who ran for Congress. I always did see something wrong with that type of people but had a fair amount of respect. nothing like the later generations of Democrats who I can only describe as sleazeballs, leftists, pinkos, and pathological liars.

John Synowiecki, however, seems to make the most of it and is the most respectable old-school Democrat I have seen. he is firmly pro-gun rights, supportive of the police, less disposed to welfare and favors charity and organizational community involvement instead, such as Catholic Charities, Veteran's Affairs, and understands the value of a good educational system and how it enriches the community.

you don't see values like this anymore. I would venture to guess these are the values of his Polish Catholic grandparents, which in turn would harken back to what we would now call ancient times, and probably reinforced by his education at the Catholic high school.

I don't know what he was doing after his second term was over, but in 2016 he decided to run a third time. from what I read about the situation, he ran on the Democratic ticket but he was too straight and kept complaining about how much of a sleazeball his fellow Democrat co-incumbent was (Tony Vargas) so the Democrats distanced themselves from him and dropped him from their ballot. he ran indepenently and lost.

I have never met him. all I know about him is from what I discovered on the internet and my limited knowledge of his grandparents (my great grandparents). so here he is in a video. I think he's a stand-up guy. what do you think.

2016 run for Senator

here he is in a debate with Tony Vargas, who seems more like a sleazeball to me. put on by the League of Women Voters. 2016


  • JunkballerJunkballer Member Posts: 9,235 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    You ask what we think....I think he's a politician, old school or not just like lawyers are lawyers ;)

    "Never do wrong to make a friend----or to keep one".....Robert E. Lee

  • buschmasterbuschmaster Member Posts: 14,229 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
  • mag00mag00 Member Posts: 4,719 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Sounded somewhat liberal with a hint of gratitude. Second part disqualified him as a Demonrat.
  • WarbirdsWarbirds Member Posts: 16,900 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    My opinion since you asked:

    If he is such a good guy why does he associate himself with the likes of the democrat party? At some point his core values must align with the party he feels best represents him.
  • buschmasterbuschmaster Member Posts: 14,229 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    that's a good question. like I was saying above as far as I can tell they're all sleazeball pathological liars. I don't know how I could ask him without offending him. not only his colleagues he has to work with (contemporary Democrats) but being a Democrat, how could he support Obama? or Hillary?! or a dozen other loathsome creatures like Pelosi, Feinstein, Chuck Schumer and so on?

    if I were to guess, I would guess that he would say he shares a common approach to the issues so whatever. but, he doesn't on gun control, welfare, and the school voucher system which is used to dictate school cirriculum. I'm about positive he wouldn't support their loose approach to drugs either. and I don't see how he could ignore the lies, corruption, and manipulation of the public.

    so I don't know. maybe he considers himself an old-school Catholic Democrat who is doing his own thing in modern times.
    or maybe it's just that he drinks the kool-aid like all the others and he's a fool. but he doesn't seem very foolish.
    I don't know.
  • diver-rigdiver-rig Member Posts: 6,338 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    He was appointed on January 7, 2002 to replace John Hilgert who had resigned. Synowiecki later was elected in 2002 to represent the 7th Nebraska legislative district and reelected in 2004.

    He sat on the Appropriations committee and was the vice chairman of the Nebraska Retirement Systems.

    In 2016, Synowiecki ran to regain his seat, losing to Tony Vargas.[3]
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