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Trump has not built a single mile of new border fence

lt496lt496 Member Posts: 116
edited July 2019 in General Discussion
THE signature 'promise' of his campaign and likely the primary reason he was elected (broken).

This broken promise along with his promise to end DACA (broken), promise to deport masses of illegal aliens (broken), promise to secure the border (broken), promise to majorly slow or stop visas for importing foreign labor so as to instead hire Americans (broken and actually he increased these number of visas), promise to 'drain the swamp' (broken...he has actually retained many subversives from prior admins and added a plethora of globalist-collectivist subversives himself), promise to hold lawless gov apparatchiks accountable (broken), don't forget the promise to 'protect the Second Amendment' like no other POTUS ever did (broken)...yeah...pfft, except for the Trump-stock ban and the Trump Red Flag 'no due process' gun confiscation scheme and the 'being-considered' silencer/suppressor ban, the promise to abandon the phony cooked-book lies of BLS charting and figures on GDP and Jobs which he regularly called out the Kenyan Skid-Mark Obama on for using (broken...he has now embraced the govt managed and massaged BLS), promise to show some fiscal sanity (broken), and oh so many more examples....

One must remember that the Republican-wing of the single Globalist-Collectivist Party had a lock on all three branches of the fed-gov for two years so 'blaming' others rings hollow. However, such nekkid falsity and betrayal is to be excused and/or ignored when 'your guy' does least that is what our history proves via the 'Paradigm of The Lesser Turd'.

And here we are, the fall of the Republic ongoing, unabated...

Trump has not built a single mile of new border fence after 30 months in office

by Anna Giaritelli
July 20, 2019 12:00 AM

SAN DIEGO, California ? The Trump administration has not installed a single mile of new wall in a previously fenceless part of the U.S.-Mexico border in the 30 months since President Trump assumed office, despite his campaign promise to construct a ?big beautiful wall.?

In a statement last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the federal agency overseeing border barrier construction, confirmed that all the fencing completed since Trump took office is "in place of dilapidated designs" because the existing fence was in need of replacement...........
"Freedom is not for the timid" III% BFYTW


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    Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,897 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I believe we have passed the point of no return,...the 'fall' is unstoppable at this point. Life will go on, just not as we have known it previously. Look forward to a quasi socialist mess with absolutely no culture remaining from the best days of America. Just a mixture of babbling creatures from all over the planet living in their own little pockets.

    It's sad to see happen, but I don't see anything changing it. Almost makes one glad to be getting up there in age.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
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    select-fireselect-fire Member Posts: 69,453 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Politicians will say anything to get elected.
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    bullshotbullshot Member Posts: 14,474 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I say BULL S_IT to the "broken promise" crap, the democraps are solely responsible for the wall not being built, don't let any jack-wagon try to spin it any other way.

    Make no mistake, we are being attacked from within by domestic terrorist going by the name of the democratic (demoncratic that is) party.

    And we were worried about ISIS ........... stupid us.
    "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you"
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    kimikimi Member Posts: 44,723 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Marc1301 wrote:
    I believe we have passed the point of no return,...the 'fall' is unstoppable at this point. Life will go on, just not as we have known it previously. Look forward to a quasi socialist mess with absolutely no culture remaining from the best days of America. Just a mixture of babbling creatures from all over the planet living in their own little pockets.

    It's sad to see happen, but I don't see anything changing it. Almost makes one glad to be getting up there in age.

    What's next?
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    SW0320SW0320 Member Posts: 2,419 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Marc1301 wrote:
    I believe we have passed the point of no return,...the 'fall' is unstoppable at this point. Life will go on, just not as we have known it previously. Look forward to a quasi socialist mess with absolutely no culture remaining from the best days of America. Just a mixture of babbling creatures from all over the planet living in their own little pockets.

    It's sad to see happen, but I don't see anything changing it. Almost makes one glad to be getting up there in age.

    I agree with you completely especially the age part. I do not want to be around to see the final demise of this country.
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    kimikimi Member Posts: 44,723 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    lt496 wrote:
    THE signature 'promise' of his campaign and likely the primary reason he was elected (broken).

    This broken promise along with his promise to end DACA (broken), promise to deport masses of illegal aliens (broken), promise to secure the border (broken), promise to majorly slow or stop visas for importing foreign labor so as to instead hire Americans (broken and actually he increased these number of visas), promise to 'drain the swamp' (broken...he has actually retained many subversives from prior admins and added a plethora of globalist-collectivist subversives himself), promise to hold lawless gov apparatchiks accountable (broken), don't forget the promise to 'protect the Second Amendment' like no other POTUS ever did (broken)...yeah...pfft, except for the Trump-stock ban and the Trump Red Flag 'no due process' gun confiscation scheme and the 'being-considered' silencer/suppressor ban, the promise to abandon the phony cooked-book lies of BLS charting and figures on GDP and Jobs which he regularly called out the Kenyan Skid-Mark Obama on for using (broken...he has now embraced the govt managed and massaged BLS), promise to show some fiscal sanity (broken), and oh so many more examples....

    One must remember that the Republican-wing of the single Globalist-Collectivist Party had a lock on all three branches of the fed-gov for two years so 'blaming' others rings hollow. However, such nekkid falsity and betrayal is to be excused and/or ignored when 'your guy' does least that is what our history proves via the 'Paradigm of The Lesser Turd'.

    And here we are, the fall of the Republic ongoing, unabated...

    Trump has not built a single mile of new border fence after 30 months in office

    by Anna Giaritelli
    July 20, 2019 12:00 AM

    SAN DIEGO, California ? The Trump administration has not installed a single mile of new wall in a previously fenceless part of the U.S.-Mexico border in the 30 months since President Trump assumed office, despite his campaign promise to construct a ?big beautiful wall.?

    In a statement last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the federal agency overseeing border barrier construction, confirmed that all the fencing completed since Trump took office is "in place of dilapidated designs" because the existing fence was in need of replacement...........

    I really do hate to think of the future, LT. BTW, aside from this crap, how the hell are you?! :D
    What's next?
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    GrasshopperGrasshopper Member Posts: 16,815 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hmm, I believe the other party to blame as they have stopped funding and some wall has been built. In fact private donors have had parts of walls built. You people amaze me about Trump and has done nothing. Keep that mindset and yes, the ship will sink. Two Supreme Courts appointees was great. A third coming. The media has done everything they can do and keep feeding the sheep poison. I for one, will not graze. You naysayers can, and enjoy the ride to socialism for not doing anything but peck on a computer on a forum.

    Where's that Hillary,? She would have been great for the 2nd Amendment. I mean, there would not be one if she was elected.
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    allen griggsallen griggs Member Posts: 35,345 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    "I believe we have passed the point of no return,...the 'fall' is unstoppable at this point. Life will go on, just not as we have known it previously. Look forward to a quasi socialist mess with absolutely no culture remaining from the best days of America. Just a mixture of babbling creatures from all over the planet living in their own little pockets.

    It's sad to see happen, but I don't see anything changing it. Almost makes one glad to be getting up there in age."

    Marc I agree with you, sad to say. At the rate these wetbacks are pouring over the border, we will get more than a million of them this year. Illiterate third world people with few if any job skills. Many carrying nasty diseases like tuberculosis, measles etc. They breed like rats. That 14 year old girl you see in that shelter, in ten years she will have 5 ninos. All, American citizens. So that, a million crossing the border this year turns into 5 million, in ten years.

    As great and as rich as we are, we cannot take it. At least, Trump has tried to do something. But the Dems love the massive immigration. The Dems are actively seeking the destruction of our country. And they will accomplish it.

    I remember during the campaign, Ann Coulter was one of the first prominent conservatives to come out for Trump. And she said that he was the only one who would build the wall and stop the illegal immigration. And she said that if Trump did not do that, then our country was finished. I think Ann was right.

    Nice knowing you, America.

    Any liberal who read what I just wrote would tell you that I am a xenophobic, knuckle dragging 10th grade dropout and Trump voter.
    Not quite. I have a 4 year college degree. I speak Spanish and I have travelled south of the border 9 times on vacation. I spent 3 months living in La Libertad, El Salvador. I like the Latino people, they have a great sense of humor, very kind and friendly people.
    If I didn't like the Latino people, I wouldn't have gone down to Mexico the second time and would not have learned their language.
    I like the Latino people to stay in El Salvador and Mexico, and the Gringos stay in America.
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    Rocky RaabRocky Raab Member Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The truth (the real truth, not the crappola "truth" the left and their minions claim) is that Trump has been prevented from building that wall. At every turn, some lone federal judge has issued an injunction, or the Dems have defunded it, or both. Don't like what Trump is doing? Just find some federal judge you've bought off or converted to your cause.
    I may be a bit crazy - but I didn't drive myself.
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    kimikimi Member Posts: 44,723 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Hmm, I believe the other party to blame as they have stopped funding and some wall has been built. In fact private donors have had parts of walls built. You people amaze me about Trump and has done nothing. Keep that mindset and yes, the ship will sink. Two Supreme Courts appointees was great. A third coming. The media has done everything they can do and keep feeding the sheep poison. I for one, will not graze. You naysayers can, and enjoy the ride to socialism for not doing anything but peck on a computer on a forum.

    Where's that Hillary,? She would have been great for the 2nd Amendment. I mean, there would not be one if she was elected.

    I think that a lot of the fencing that has been replaced was more like a typical fence,in that it was by no means meant to make it difficult to cross but, perhaps, mark our border. Some of these sections were replaced with a wall much more difficult to negotiate, again, that is to my understanding. So, with this in mind, the report that no new fencing has been built presents a different view altogether, with both being true to some extent.

    I believe that we all probably have common ground in that we do not like seeing our republic in the fall it is in.
    What's next?
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    kimikimi Member Posts: 44,723 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Rocky Raab wrote:
    The truth (the real truth, not the crappola "truth" the left and their minions claim) is that Trump has been prevented from building that wall. At every turn, some lone federal judge has issued an injunction, or the Dems have defunded it, or both. Don't like what Trump is doing? Just find some federal judge you've bought off or converted to your cause.

    What's next?
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    mag00mag00 Member Posts: 4,719 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    Rocky Raab wrote:
    The truth (the real truth, not the crappola "truth" the left and their minions claim) is that Trump has been prevented from building that wall. At every turn, some lone federal judge has issued an injunction, or the Dems have defunded it, or both. Don't like what Trump is doing? Just find some federal judge you've bought off or converted to your cause.

    Seriously? All that amounts to is excuses. Hillary is not in jail, the wall is not built and spending has gone up.

    I'll be voting door #3 this time around, could care less what puppet they elites choose.
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    Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,897 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    But the Dems love the massive immigration. The Dems are actively seeking the destruction of our country. And they will accomplish it.

    The majority of 'Rs' love illegal immigration as well,....don't be fooled by the party line. They just like it for different reasons than the Dems.

    I recall all of the Dubya lovers on this board during the latter part of his second term. There was never a bigger lover of illegals than the Bush clan.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
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    GrasshopperGrasshopper Member Posts: 16,815 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    mag00 wrote:
    Rocky Raab wrote:
    The truth (the real truth, not the crappola "truth" the left and their minions claim) is that Trump has been prevented from building that wall. At every turn, some lone federal judge has issued an injunction, or the Dems have defunded it, or both. Don't like what Trump is doing? Just find some federal judge you've bought off or converted to your cause.

    Seriously? All that amounts to is excuses. Hillary is not in jail, the wall is not built and spending has gone up.

    I'll be voting door #3 this time around, could care less what puppet they elites choose.

    If Trump was a dictator that would have happened. Both parties and a lot of the government agencies have all worked AGAINST the president.He has stood more of it than I could. The continuous B.S. spread around about him is that. So go ahead and go 3rd party or better yet vote for Kamilla the * who has vowed to take firearms away from all people. Proceed to page 2 chapter 5. I STAND WITH THE POTUS and am not an idiot, stinky person.
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    KenK/84BravoKenK/84Bravo Member Posts: 12,054 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    mag00 wrote:
    Rocky Raab wrote:
    The truth (the real truth, not the crappola "truth" the left and their minions claim) is that Trump has been prevented from building that wall. At every turn, some lone federal judge has issued an injunction, or the Dems have defunded it, or both. Don't like what Trump is doing? Just find some federal judge you've bought off or converted to your cause.

    Seriously? All that amounts to is excuses. Hillary is not in jail, the wall is not built and spending has gone up.

    I'll be voting door #3 this time around, could care less what puppet they elites choose.

    If Trump was a dictator that would have happened. Both parties and a lot of the government agencies have all worked AGAINST the president.He has stood more of it than I could. The continuous B.S. spread around about him is that. So go ahead and go 3rd party or better yet vote for Kamilla the * who has vowed to take firearms away from all people. Proceed to page 2 chapter 5. I STAND WITH THE POTUS and am not an idiot, stinky person.

    Completely, totally agree.

    If POTUS Trump had not been obstructed at every turn, he would have helped our Country Immeasurably.

    (See the 9th Circuit Court, et al.)

    That a lone Judge, or group of Judges, (not SCOTUS) can inhibit our POTUS from enacting what obviously the People want, is Ludicrous. (And Outrageous.)

    Just my humble opinion.
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    SoreShoulderSoreShoulder Member Posts: 3,138 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If POTUS Trump had not been obstructed at every turn, he would have helped our Country Immeasurably.

    (See the 9th Circuit Court, et al.)

    That a lone Judge, or group of Judges, (not SCOTUS) can inhibit our POTUS from enacting what obviously the People want, is Ludicrous. (And Outrageous.)

    Just my humble opinion.
    [/quote]Can it be Trump CALCULATED to get obstructed at every turn? Just like a closet Democrat?

    Just like General Lee. His ancestors fought for the Colonial Congress, not the Tories, but he "turned coat" and "supported" the Confederacy....and put on a convincing show.

    Then, the first time the Union was in grave danger, he dropped his battle plans where the enemy would find them. They had been used to wrap cigars, a substance the enemy was addicted to but could not get. That's just like if Obama put his campaign plans for 2012 in a brick of .22 and left them on the floor of a gun range in a Republican county.

    Then, the second time a Southern invasion threatened the North, he appointed a general to lead the charge who took so long to get started the North couldn't help but win.
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    KenK/84BravoKenK/84Bravo Member Posts: 12,054 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If POTUS Trump had not been obstructed at every turn, he would have helped our Country Immeasurably.

    (See the 9th Circuit Court, et al.)

    That a lone Judge, or group of Judges, (not SCOTUS) can inhibit our POTUS from enacting what obviously the People want, is Ludicrous. (And Outrageous.)

    Just my humble opinion.
    Can it be Trump CALCULATED to get obstructed at every turn? Just like a closet Democrat?

    Just like General Lee. His ancestors fought for the Colonial Congress, not the Tories, but he "turned coat" and "supported" the Confederacy....and put on a convincing show.

    Then, the first time the Union was in grave danger, he dropped his battle plans where the enemy would find them. They had been used to wrap cigars, a substance the enemy was addicted to but could not get. That's just like if Obama put his campaign plans for 2012 in a brick of .22 and left them on the floor of a gun range in a Republican county.

    Then, the second time a Southern invasion threatened the North, he appointed a general to lead the charge who took so long to get started the North couldn't help but win.

    Yes, yes. That HAS to be it. :roll:
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    fatcat458fatcat458 Member Posts: 390 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Demokraps like illegals for their VOTES... :twisted:

    Republikans like em for CHEAP LABOR. :evil:

    The rest of ''US'' are screwed :(
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    GrasshopperGrasshopper Member Posts: 16,815 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    If POTUS Trump had not been obstructed at every turn, he would have helped our Country Immeasurably.

    (See the 9th Circuit Court, et al.)

    That a lone Judge, or group of Judges, (not SCOTUS) can inhibit our POTUS from enacting what obviously the People want, is Ludicrous. (And Outrageous.)

    Just my humble opinion.
    Can it be Trump CALCULATED to get obstructed at every turn? Just like a closet Democrat?

    Just like General Lee. His ancestors fought for the Colonial Congress, not the Tories, but he "turned coat" and "supported" the Confederacy....and put on a convincing show.

    Then, the first time the Union was in grave danger, he dropped his battle plans where the enemy would find them. They had been used to wrap cigars, a substance the enemy was addicted to but could not get. That's just like if Obama put his campaign plans for 2012 in a brick of .22 and left them on the floor of a gun range in a Republican county.

    Then, the second time a Southern invasion threatened the North, he appointed a general to lead the charge who took so long to get started the North couldn't help but win.

    WOW,,, all I can say. :( :? :? :arrow:
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    SoreShoulderSoreShoulder Member Posts: 3,138 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Trump doesn't know not to be as rude as he's been?

    Google "Antietam orders cigars" and "pickett's charge" if you need a slight review on how the South's two attempts to invade the North ended.
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    lt496lt496 Member Posts: 116
    edited November -1
    I really do hate to think of the future, LT. BTW, aside from this crap, how the hell are you?! :D

    Doing fine! Appreciate your asking. Hope you and yours are well.
    "Freedom is not for the timid" III% BFYTW
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    dfletcherdfletcher Member Posts: 8,164 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Notice the Washington Examiner article referenced "a single mile of new wall" along a "previously fenceless" border is the qualifier. Sort of like saying "I didn't throw a brick through your window on purpose yesterday" to dodge responsibility for an errant rock tossed today.

    Sections of sub-standard wall have been replaced along the border. Perhaps the legal challenges are easier to overcome?

    "The good news for those who wish to see a wall built along the U.S.?Mexican border is that U.S. Customs and Border Protection has built seven miles of 30-foot-high wall in the past few months, and roughly 30 more miles of high fencing are slated for construction."

    "New reports from Carlos Diaz, southwest branch chief of the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, indicate that one of the three current wall projects is nearly complete, another is about a quarter of the way done, and one just began earlier this month."

    "In April, CBP began the second section near Santa Theresa, N.M., which is near the Texas?New Mexico state line. A 20-mile section of existing vehicle barrier that begins just west of the Santa Teresa Port of Entry and extending westward will be replaced with an 18- to 30-foot-high bollard-style wall. About 5.3 miles, or 3,851 panels, have been completed."

    Folks are complaining about how the President is to blame rather than Democrats? Not prepping an excuse to vote for Democrats and run out of "other things are more important than guns" equivocations, I hope. :roll:
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    Quick&DeadQuick&Dead Member Posts: 1,466 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    kimi wrote:
    Marc1301 wrote:
    I believe we have passed the point of no return,...the 'fall' is unstoppable at this point. Life will go on, just not as we have known it previously. Look forward to a quasi socialist mess with absolutely no culture remaining from the best days of America. Just a mixture of babbling creatures from all over the planet living in their own little pockets.

    It's sad to see happen, but I don't see anything changing it. Almost makes one glad to be getting up there in age.


    We will be OK as long as Trump is in office and he has one more term to go after the next presidential election.

    After that, if a Democrat is elected as POTUS ... well, we all know they are socialist, communist liberal democrats who are doing there best via the 'puppet masters' like George Soros, etc. to destroy American and turn it into a crap hole third world country.
    The government has no rights. Only the people have rights which empowers the government.
    We have enough gun laws, what we need is IDIOT control.
    Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family.

    I thought getting old would take longer. :shock:
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    mag00mag00 Member Posts: 4,719 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    mag00 wrote:
    Rocky Raab wrote:
    The truth (the real truth, not the crappola "truth" the left and their minions claim) is that Trump has been prevented from building that wall. At every turn, some lone federal judge has issued an injunction, or the Dems have defunded it, or both. Don't like what Trump is doing? Just find some federal judge you've bought off or converted to your cause.

    Seriously? All that amounts to is excuses. Hillary is not in jail, the wall is not built and spending has gone up.

    I'll be voting door #3 this time around, could care less what puppet they elites choose.

    If Trump was a dictator that would have happened. Both parties and a lot of the government agencies have all worked AGAINST the president.He has stood more of it than I could. The continuous B.S. spread around about him is that. So go ahead and go 3rd party or better yet vote for Kamilla the * who has vowed to take firearms away from all people. Proceed to page 2 chapter 5. I STAND WITH THE POTUS and am not an idiot, stinky person.

    Well, starting with Kamilla, maybe I should vote for her and let her take away YOUR guns. Seems the time to exercise the 2nd is long overdue, so maybe a wake up call is in order eh?

    But back to Trump and the wall. The "GREAT NEGOTIATOR" has failed miserably. So, if he isn't able to negotiate his way to get the wall, then what? He had the absolute upper hand at the budget and dropped the ball. There was no excuse to cave at that time. HE alone is responsible for that. Have you forgotten already?

    So he has been passing pork bills left and right, has no appreciable wall built, Hillary still roaming free and a skyrocketing budget and deficit that eventually equals more taxes no matter how you look at it.

    And now we are getting a minimum wage fight tossed into the mix. How do you think that will work?

    And he sill hasn't straightened out the mess Obama created at the FCC. FDA seems to have no direction, education is still going uber liberal.

    And here is a juicy little fact that never seems to get attention. The border along the Tohono O'ohdem nation. That is the stretch where much of the drugs come through. The reservation say NO WAY will a wall be built.

    Here is a pic, the circle red part is the stretch of fence from Sasabe to the Nation.
    Above, to the west of the Nation is Organ Pipe National Monument, extreme danger of drug and getting shot. They finally got a little bit of control and just recently started letting tourists in.

    This is a pic of that circled area along the border. 90% heading east, except along the cities is just low barb wire. I don't have a picture handy of that.
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    Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,897 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Bet the 'natives' on the reservation would change their minds if they starting building a wall around them to the E,N, and W. That would be my solution to that problem.
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
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    nmyersnmyers Member Posts: 16,881 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    I'd be the last one to defend the Draft Dodger, but....there was no way that he could have started building any substantial length of new border fencing in one term. Leases have to be acquired, & the government will have to try to seize most of it by eminent domain. The Dems won't give him money for food & shelter for illegals; they sure aren't going to make it easy for him to allocate money for the wall.

    It's pointless to continue to try to extend the wall. Not when there are tunnels that run > 50' beneath the surface between the US & Mexico, & there's no way that we can detect them.

    Drugs? Why would the cartels bother? Last week our folks captured a smuggler sub with 8 1/2 tons of cocaine. However, DEA admits that 89% of cocaine on subs get through to the US without detection.

    The only way to win the battle for a border is to make the REAL-ID card mandatory for everyone in the US. That way, we don't have to worry about catching illegals at the border; we can grab them any time, & take them to the border with Mexico for release.

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    SoreShoulderSoreShoulder Member Posts: 3,138 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    nmyers wrote:
    The only way to win the battle for a border is to make the REAL-ID card mandatory for everyone in the US. That way, we don't have to worry about catching illegals at the border; we can grab them any time, & take them to the border with Mexico for release.
    That presumes anyone cares. Some entire cities are full of people including employers who will never ask. The only thing that would work is to identify what's wrong with illegals and try to educate the public.

    Not that there necessarily is some point that will sway people who are probably pretty proud of how little they care and how you can't tell them nothing, but that is what it would take.
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    mjrfd99mjrfd99 Member Posts: 4,556 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    The rats thank you "Never Trump" people profusely.
    Biden thanks you
    Kamala thanks you
    Booker thanks you
    Illegals thank you
    EBT swillers thank you
    Etc..... THANK YOU

    Me? I LMFAO at ones willing to turn the country over to the rats.
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    kimikimi Member Posts: 44,723 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    There's not any one thing that we can do to solve the illegal immigration and drug problems, however, building the wall will be a great success in many obvious ways. It's also obvious that it's the fight to defeat our domestic enemies, who fully intend to tear down our traditional way of life in favor of a one world order, all while laughing at the idea of pledging allegiance to America, is what counts the most. They push the idea that this country was meant to transform the world by forcing democracy on all people of the earth that do not conform to their tyrannical demands. Build the wall at all costs and continue to attack these tyrants, viciously, on all fronts.
    What's next?
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    wiplashwiplash Member Posts: 7,146 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    GreatGuns wrote:
    mjrfd99 wrote:
    The rats thank you "Never Trump" people profusely.
    Biden thanks you
    Kamala thanks you
    Booker thanks you
    Illegals thank you
    EBT swillers thank you
    Etc..... THANK YOU

    Me? I LMFAO at ones willing to turn the country over to the rats.


    You poor thing. At least I recognized my mistake and don?t try to continue backing ?bone spurs? right or wrong like a good party follower. I?m disgusted that more veterans haven?t realized the dupe he executed on selective services. The border wall has also been the biggest distraction ever created and sadly many fell for it. The US should and can easily do the same as Italy and guard the border with it?s military. Excuses are easy in the White House and even here on the forums, just blame the democrats for everything not being done by this ?administration? other than shutting the government down and Tweeting. :(

    I don't think it surprises anyone that this Bullfuncky came out of a Liberals mouth.
    There is no such thing as Liberal Men, only Liberal Women with Penises.'
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    Marc1301Marc1301 Member Posts: 31,897 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    kimi wrote:
    There's not any one thing that we can do to solve the illegal immigration and drug problems, however, building the wall will be a great success in many obvious ways. It's also obvious that it's the fight to defeat our domestic enemies, who fully intend to tear down our traditional way of life in favor of a one world order, all while laughing at the idea of pledging allegiance to America, is what counts the most. They push the idea that this country was meant to transform the world by forcing democracy on all people of the earth that do not conform to their tyrannical demands. Build the wall at all costs and continue to attack these tyrants, viciously, on all fronts.
    Sure there is!!!
    Start shooting the illegals coming over the border, and execute junkies like some other countries do. The demand for drugs would become very small, and I bet the illegals looking to cross the border would slow to a trickle.

    This answer is tongue in cheek of course, but just sayin',.....there IS a way to solve both problems. :idea:
    "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here." - William Shatner
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    hillbillehillbille Member Posts: 14,217 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    easiest way to get rid of illegalls is simple, NO WELFARE, NO BENEFITS, NO MEDICAL UNLESS YOUR CITIZEN. drugs are little harder, but I agree death for dealers/makers, stiffer sentence for those caught possesion, bring back road gangs/work camps. sad thing is neither will ever happen, the world is to politaclly correct for either...... sad, very sad
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    mjrfd99mjrfd99 Member Posts: 4,556 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    GreatGuns wrote:
    mjrfd99 wrote:
    The rats thank you "Never Trump" people profusely.
    Biden thanks you
    Kamala thanks you
    Booker thanks you
    Illegals thank you
    EBT swillers thank you
    Etc..... THANK YOU

    Me? I LMFAO at ones willing to turn the country over to the rats.


    You poor thing. At least I recognized my mistake and don?t try to continue backing ?bone spurs? right or wrong like a good party follower. I?m disgusted that more veterans haven?t realized the dupe he executed on selective services. The border wall has also been the biggest distraction ever created and sadly many fell for it. The US should and can easily do the same as Italy and guard the border with it?s military. Excuses are easy in the White House and even here on the forums, just blame the democrats for everything not being done by this ?administration? other than shutting the government down and Tweeting. :(

    You poor poor thing - missed the point. Again.
    Too many do. Anti rat here - understand?
    Us? We'll stay here and fight. ;)
    My home town, county and state is rat ruined. Most know that fact.
    Never demonrat here and if there's another repuke that gets the nomination - he gets my "never rat" vote.
    Sorry for triggering the TURD but don't assume.
    Still gonna vote here?
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    SoreShoulderSoreShoulder Member Posts: 3,138 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    hillbille wrote:
    easiest way to get rid of illegalls is simple, NO WELFARE, NO BENEFITS, NO MEDICAL UNLESS YOUR CITIZEN.
    No, since they are fleeing poverty most of them would be glad to come in and work without welfare or benefits and they probably don't get medical at home. Google "slums mexico" or "slums china" and check the images tab.
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    mjrfd99mjrfd99 Member Posts: 4,556 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Yeah - Let's be Italy because they're so great.
    My relatives will school you real quick.
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    GrasshopperGrasshopper Member Posts: 16,815 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    GreatGuns wrote:
    ?Baaaa, baaaa? whimpers the good little sheep. :lol:

    Nope, not a liberal. I too voted for Trump, just won?t a second time, princess. ;)

    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: You killing me GG ,, not a LIBERAL,, :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: --At least you are leaving and putting a smile on my face. Be careful sir and eat more possum, the other meat. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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    He DogHe Dog Member Posts: 51,086 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    It is not his fault! Mexico backed out on their promise to fund it.

    Oh, wait...
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    mjrfd99mjrfd99 Member Posts: 4,556 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Buona fortuna centi ani
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    droptopdroptop Member Posts: 8,367 ✭✭
    edited November -1
    World Wide the left and globalism is on the ropes. National Populist parties are on the rise. The Democrats haven't figured out they are no longer Relevant. The globalist ideas are on the out. Traditionalist ideas are emerging. Naturally you need to vote don't vote and the left wins.
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    shilowarshilowar Member Posts: 38,815 ✭✭✭
    edited November -1
    Rocky Raab wrote:
    The truth (the real truth, not the crappola "truth" the left and their minions claim) is that Trump has been prevented from building that wall. At every turn, some lone federal judge has issued an injunction, or the Dems have defunded it, or both. Don't like what Trump is doing? Just find some federal judge you've bought off or converted to your cause.

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