Back to The Fish Market with a shrimp peddler while using the toilet?
A shrimp peddler at
the Chinese market
where the coronavirus pandemic likely began has been identified as one
of the first victims of the disease — and possibly “patient zero.”
Looking back, Ms. Wei thinks she might have been infected via the toilet
she shared with the wild meat sellers and others on the market’s west
side. She said the vendors next to her on both sides got sick, and the
man kitty corner from her almost died. One of her daughters, a niece and
the niece’s husband caught the virus, too.
While WHO and Chinese officials have repeatedly trumpeted the swift
sharing of the genome data as evidence of transparency in Beijing’s
response, some epidemiologists believe it should have happened at least a
week earlier.
They, and many local doctors, also fault the government’s
repeated denials of human-to-human transmission in the first half of
“We knew then that the government was lying,” said one local
doctor. “But we don’t know why they needed to lie. Maybe they thought it
could be controlled.”
Only after a WHO official told a press conference on Jan. 14
that there could be “limited human-to-human transmission, potentially
among families,” did the Wuhan branch of the National Health Commission
adjust its language to echo that position.
Ps. Selling test wild animals from the bio-lab from the wild meat section within the Fish market could have done this, after emitting excrement in the restrooms after a vendor took one home to eat( see in the comments ,see below.
Also there is no such thing as "bio-engineering" a pathogenic
virus. You would need many human testing subjects to test "successful"
"bio-engineered" pathogens. Furthermore, Coronaviruses are extremely
difficult to propagate in tissue culture cells; CoviD 19
I doubt we will ever know the truth. China ain't talking.
You'd think more exotic virus/bugs should show up in Africa. Being that they serve up bushmeat. Maybe bushmeat don't travel well or far out enough to make the news? So what's in the Chinese dirt that pops up like every 20 years?
As for the Chinese selling lab animals "waste not want not" comes to mind. Read the labels before buying ham from China. I suppose pigs used in insulin ain't bad? Double the profit margin. Maybe it's a muslim genocide against the pork munchers.