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Martins Berm ld no. 8716 -- ID

jpcjpc Member Posts: 341 ✭✭✭
Found in a gunsmith drawer

All help is appreciated



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    rufe-snowrufe-snow Member Posts: 18,650 ✭✭✭
    If it's can possibly be, Berns Martin? It might have been part of a "break front" revolver holster. Popular back in the day, circa 1930's - 1960's. The holster had a lnternal  steel spring, that clamped around the barrel of the revolver. The spring was covered in leather. So it wouldn't mar the barrel. 

    I had one way back. To me it was a pain in the butt. It retained the revolver OK. But the spring was so strong. To reholster the revolver, so that the spring was around the barrel. Took 2 hands. 

    I'm sure a lot of the badge boys, who carried the shoulder holster one made for snubbies. Left the revolver in the holster, and never ever bothered  taking it out. Until the day they retired. 
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    jpcjpc Member Posts: 341 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020

    Once again thanks for the help and great explanation
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