08/28/20 Was a good day.
Took my ride to the smog check place. Wasn't sure if she was gonna pass with the spark plug wires being what they are. A few hours later get the call stating she was good to go. Kind a surprised but I'll take it. Walked to the station and saw my local gun shop open. Paid the station dude $85 and drove to the LGS. Saved $150-$180 in new spark plug wires. I do have some spark plug coming in but they were cheap compared to the wires. And deal with the spark plug wires down the road.
Over heard a dude looking for a AR stripped lower. Since opportunity was a knocking I heard. Asked the owner if dude was looking for stripped AR and asked if the supply was low? Told me everything was "allocated" whatever that means. Told me to chase the dude down if I got one for sale. Found the dude and asked if he was looking for one? Told him what I had and he bought 2 off me. Since my bro's kids can't be bothered to take them off my hands Hell with them.
So what else to do while I'm hot? I bought lotto tickets. 5 Power, 5 Mega and 4 State Lotto. Maybe I'll be three times lucky?
Yup passing the smog check was a surprise I fully went in expecting she was gonna fail. Also with the fires all around me I thought that was gonna add and throw the numbers off.
Saved money and made money on a same day. That don't happen often. Can't blame "clean living" or "living right" so it must be end of days. Now if I won the lottery I won't have the time to spend it.
Now if I didn't have to smog my ride I'd like to think she would be sporting a blower and a scoop. I do wonder how Mad Max kept all that Australian dust and dirt out of the engine?